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About griff330

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. hey if you wanna see what tracers from 50 cals, 25mm cannon (Bradley), and from the abrams looks like check out this vid: Liveleak Warning Bad Language and yes, it does say stryker at the top of the vid, but its actually a bradley
  2. yes, thank you for apologizing, now, I do agree with you, they do need to thicker in front, then trail off, your analogy of the sparkler was well put, thats How i think they should look.
  3. I agree with winters, you could of told us instead of correcting us in such a way that you come off rude, this is the first time I've ever seen a post by you, and as my first impression of you, i don't see a very nice guy. Also, not all of us have access to the resources to fire a real gun loaded with tracer rounds to see this in real life.
  4. I think chammy was working with someone on a script to do that, but idk if he ever got that to work.
  5. well it dosent look like hes going to make the weekend release , oh well, i've waited this long, i can wait a few more days
  6. griff330

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    no sry, i made a mistake, extract the modwarsound folder into your arma root directory, and you'll be all set, thats all you have to do, plus the extension for the shortcut, but you already did that.
  7. griff330

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    nope, your correct, that is his problem. You need to extract it to your arma/addons folder not your arma/beat folder.
  8. so whats your ETA on the release?
  9. griff330

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    pred have you even checked my pm, It contains a link to my m203 which is very clear and realistic.
  10. griff330

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    ok cool, I think the Mk12 is the worst of my three sounds.
  11. griff330

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    hey pred, Idk if you saw, but I sent you a PM.
  12. Hello, I love the sound mods that the users in this forum have put out, but I always feel that they still lack the realism that I'm looking for. My question is, what tools do I need to sound mod. I already have recording tools to get the sound files from the videos that I want, but once I have the .wav files what do i have to do to make them into the correct file extensions and pack them into a .pbo?
  13. griff330


    nvm lol, What you should do is use the regular tracers, just make them larger, or brighter depending on the round, and then when they ricochet have some of them turn into the ball tracer, that would be sweet.
  14. griff330


    Nice man, the only thing is it's just a ball, could you elongate it more, you know stretch the glow more, cause I dont really like the look of a huge glowing ball, the only time I've ever seen glowing ball tracers were through some night vision goggles. *edit* Watch this, you'll see that only once the tracers bounce they turn into glowing balls. Tracers