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Everything posted by gameconnectors

  1. gameconnectors

    Number of slots showing +1

    Hi All, I have specified the number of slots as 16 in the config file for the server I am testing, but it is displaying as 17 slots in game?? Anyone know why this might be happening? Paul
  2. gameconnectors

    Arma_Server.exe for 1.05

    I bought and downloaded the 1.5 euro version from sprocket...Installed it, but there is no dedicated server.exe included and I cant reapply the update in order to get it put down. Can anyone who has please send me a copy of the 1.05 Arma_Server.exe...Its only 1 small file Thanks
  3. gameconnectors

    Arma_Server.exe for 1.05

    Thank Messiah2, Very helpful..I now have my servers up and running....Just gotta get some more info on the misssions configuration
  4. I'm just setting up ArmA as a new game which we support (I run a GSP), and loking through the wiki, there is no mention of running multiple servers on one machine, or should I say specifying the IP address which each server is using. As is normal with most games, there is either a command line varible to specify the IP or a variable in the config file, yet I can find no reference to either. I have 1 NIC with 5 IPs attached to it which I use to run game servers on...This then allows each server to use the default port. Anyone have any ideas?