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Everything posted by glynn0

  1. OK, here is what I 'like' to do, is this possible. When I fly helos with my Saitek X45, I prefer the throttle to be more 'realistic' , iow, when the throttle (collective) is all the way forward it is like have the collective down in a real helo, when I PULL on the throttle , it acts as though I am pulling up on the collective....this works great and is easy to do. Here is the problem, when I fly jets, it SHOULD be reversed, is it possible to setup a script or other fairly easy way to switch them if I jump into a JET or HELO.
  2. Did BIS release an example of the config changes needed for addons in Arma 2 vice Arma
  3. glynn0

    config example

    Thanks Rocket, that helps quite a bit.
  4. If you are running in window mode, Vsync is always on it seems. Try Full Screen Mode
  5. So then based on what I have shown and what Rocket has said. Is his work fair use, he cut and pasted certain portions of the textures in question and some he took directly and converted (Prop dds file as example). Is this really fair use. The problem is this. This isn't just Rockets issue, this issue is also for BIS (as its their forums) and of course any site that hosts it later. ---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ---------- It isn't that simple. If people convert or cut/paste work from copyrighted works and then post said works to "OUR" (the community) sites, those sites MAY be liable for infringment. Rocket has stated what he did in terms of the textures, he cut and pasted some and of course some he converted directly from FSX. I think LOKI post said that those things go beyond fair use. ---------- Post added at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ---------- I wonder something If someone on another forum or game takes portions of ARMA or ARMA II and creates a game. I wonder how many people who are condemning me would say the same thing to that person.
  6. @Rocket: I am sorry but FAIR USE does not allow someone to take textures from one game and put them into another , even if you credit the original author, without their permission.
  7. @Rocket: You do realize that you used FSX for MORE than inspiration. You cut and pasted numerous parts of textures from FSX into the paa file for Arma. This would definately be a violation of copyright law. Good examples that you know about are internal textures for cockpit and of course the PROP. ---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ---------- I read exactly what he said and i have both the FSX version and his Arma 1 version on my screen right now. His textures are cut and pasted from various textures from FSX, not used a inspiration but cut and pasted. A good example of course is the PROP texture (and associated alpha channel) , they are identical. This would definately be a violation of copyright law. BTW, you can easily see this yourself. Download his ARMA 1 addon, extract using UNPBO, download BIS tools, use PAA viewer and open up the textures from FSX. You can easily see where he cut and pasted them from the source DDS files in FSX. Yes, he 're-arranged' some parts but that sure doesn't change the fact he TOOK them from FSX.
  8. Actually you are completely wrong, models captured from 3dripperdx are very usefull in Arma. You have to use some (though not much) poly reduction and to make sure that verts are too close together (again built in to max). But a conversion for working in game takes about an hour. ---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 PM ---------- I don't know ROCKET at all. He took the model and textures from a copyrighted game (FSX) and put them into Arma , if you are fine with that then so be it. ---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ---------- Why because I pointed out how he took model and textures from a copyrighted game and used them in Arma , wow...
  9. It doesn't work with DirectX 10/Vista but FSX also runs in XP/DX9 so it works great for that.
  10. You are absolutely wrong about the ripper program being useless and you know it. 3dsmax has great ways of getting the polys down to manageble sizes for Arma , I converted the Bell Griffon by Tim "Piglet" Conrad with his permission to Arma 1 and in the process of getting it into Arma 2.
  11. So then you are telling me you spent all that time getting all rivets on skin to look exactly like FSX model, including size and position, all areas where spars meet skin and all colours exactly same as FSX model. And of course you have never heard of 3dripperdx.
  12. Just have a close look at the FSX model (in game) and his video from Arma 1 ALL rivets on the skin are in exactly the same spots , not close, exactly. All colours in cockpit, landing gear etc are exactly the same. Model is exactly the same shape including skin deformations where spars meet. He claims he used FSX as inspiration, BUT, he claims to have used various 3d models YET his 3d model is exactly the same as FSX Model ---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ---------- It was converted from the MAULE that comes with FSX itself
  13. What do you mean by sources.
  14. Taken, i.e. converted from FSX to Arma(2)
  15. Not sure if Rocket posted this or not. You folks do realize that this 3d Model and most textures are actually taken from FSX right.
  16. glynn0

    Project RACS

    I did, it isn't in there.
  17. glynn0

    Project RACS

    Not sure if you guys just missed it or not and if so I apologize. But don't forget to credit the original author of this addon, that being Tim "PIGLET" Conrad who made this model for FS2004.
  18. Sensible soccer 2006, I need say no more. You should say more, because you obviously totally missed the point. Some people aren't afraid that CM will make a bad game, they are actually afraid CM will make a good game and ruin BIS, iow, as one person said these people idolize BIS.
  19. Thats OK, they said the same thing before the release of OFP too. I still have the FTP username and password for the release of the OFP tools to certain mod teams the week of the US release of OFP. Of course the first tool came a full year after that.
  20. glynn0

    Modding Tools information...

    It is so funny how we forget our history. This is almost exactly what was said when OFP was released, they even made a post for an exact date of release, that date came and went and just over a year later the first tool (not including built in mission editor) was released.
  21. glynn0

    So, any EYA on the tools

    I realize now that at least one addon has been announced, it is probably a mute point to ask since we won't see them till all the addons have been released, just like last time, but, BIS, any eta on the modding tools.
  22. They said they were finalizing it on the 2nd, which normally means getting it ready for distro. Any word
  23. glynn0

    Will we see the patch this week.

    I guess their definition of finalizing is quite different than most
  24. glynn0

    My personal take on ArmA

    That is too funny. Yah, BIS figured out a way to detect an illegal copy when someone makes a perfect copy of the original disk that doesn't get detected by on disk based protection, MAN< this is what I feared most about fade that people would start claiming legitimate bugs were FADE in action.
  25. glynn0

    PC Gamer ArmA Preview

    Kinda surprised the mods haven't deleted this thread, especially with the copyrighted content and all in it.