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Everything posted by goliath86

  1. goliath86

    MP: addaction

    Hi Nephris1! Let's try this ;) init.sqf //variable initialization _actionID = 0; detach = true; detached = true; if !(IsDedicated) then{ _actionID = Koffer addAction ["take case", "take.sqf"]; // Koffer = case }; take.sqf _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; ID = _caller addAction ["detach case", "detach.sqf"]; if !(player == _caller)exitwith{}; if ( (!isServer) && (detach) ) then { Koffer setpos getpos place; // place = dummy position detached = false; while {alive _caller && !(detached)} do { "mkr" setmarkerpos getpos _caller; sleep 1; if (!(alive _caller)) then { Koffer setpos getpos _caller; "mkr" setmarkerpos getpos Koffer; }; }; }; detach.sqf _caller2 = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; detach = true; publicVariable "detach"; _caller2 removeaction _id; Koffer setpos getpos _caller2; "mkr" setmarkerpos getpos Koffer; detached = true; if (true) exitwith{}; There was a problem in the while loop. The code works very well in MP! I've tested it ;)
  2. goliath86

    Ambient Combat Module

    Here you can find, under "Group Types", the two functions that you need to add/remove group classes from the ACM Manager: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager_-_Functions#Patrol_types Functions are: to add groups to the ACM: and to remove groups from it: A list of the groups is here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager_-_Group_types hope it helps ;)
  3. Try this: put the following code in the init field of the vehicle this addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this select 0 lock true; num = _this select 0 addAction ["Get Out","getout.sqf"]}]; this addEventHandler ["GetOut", {_this select 0 lock false; _this select 0 removeAction num}]; then write a 'getout.sqf' file with the following code and put it (the file) on the mission folder: //getout.sqf player action ["eject", vehicle player]; This code lock the vehicle when the human player GetIn the vehicle and add the Get Out action (otherwise the player can't disembark from the vehicle!); when the player disembark the vehicle became unlocked ;) It works for me :)
  4. the 'p1 globalChat "StartingRos"' starts only if the player p1 is the server; if you (p1) join a dedi it doesn't work because you aren't the server.. don't worry about the waituntil command..for now it's only a method to test the possibility to launch a script on a server from a client
  5. Try this: //init.sqf start_var = 0; waitUntil{start_var==1}; if (isServer && start_var == 1) then { null0 = []execVM "scripts.sqf"; }; Now to start the script make a client to start this code (i.e. with a trigger): start_var = 1; publicVariable "start_var";
  6. in the init.sqf you have declared that only NON SERVER (not isServer) machines fire the code attached to the command addPublicVariableEventhandler and the Server do nothing at the change of the public variable
  7. It seems there's an error in the second script on the globalChat.. if you write this: // ros1.sqf waitUntil {time>2}; //p1 globalChat format["%1,%2,%3", _this select 0, _this select 1, _this select 2]; if (isServer) then //corrected ;) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // очищаем Ñерверную команду // "mcti_RoS" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; // mcti_RoS = FALSE; // publicVariable "mcti_RoS"; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// p1 globalChat "Starting RoS..."; }; it work for me.. I am referred at the code of your first post ;)
  8. There's an error in the second "if"..it's write "is"..now I test your code ;)
  9. goliath86

    Dead in Trigger

    Yes, it cover new units who arrive after the trigger initialization. The trigger activate itself when it reaches the number of killed unit (inside in the trigger's area) that you have set. If a unit is not present in the trigger's area and die, its 'killed' eventhandler don't start. Only killed enemy unit in the trigger's area increment the number of victim you have set for the trigger to activate. :)
  10. goliath86

    Dead in Trigger

    Good idea Reimann! :ok: I've tested this method: 1.create a trigger in editor and name it trg; 2.put the trigger trg in "NOBODY", "REPEATEDLY", "PRESENT" 3. in the 'Activation' field delete the 'this' condition and write: start == 1 //the trigger initialize it when the variable 'start' is equals to 1 4.in the 'On activation' field put this code: //remove a "killed" eventhandler to prevent duplication and add an eventhandler for each unit present in the trigger at the trigger's initialization { _x removeEventHandler ["killed",0]; _x addEventHandler ["killed", {(_this select 0) execVM "check.sqf"}] } forEach thislist; //reset the 'start' variable to permit the trigger's reinitialization after a while start = 0; 5.write a .sqf file, name it 'check.sqf' and put in it this code: //check to see if the unit is still present in the trigger's area if(_this in ((getPos trg) nearObjects ["SoldierEB",50])) then { death = death + 1; }; P.S. the second parameter of the function 'nearObjects' MUST be equals to the radius of the trigger; in mine case it's 50 6.write a 'Init.sqf' file and put in it this code: //initialize the 'start' variable start = 0; //permit the permanent trigger's reinitialization after one second (to refresh the thislist of the trigger itself) while {true} do { sleep 1; start = 1; } 7. create a trigger in editor, delete in the 'Activation' field the 'this' condition and write 'death == numberOfDeath' (where numberOfDeath must be the number of death of East units PRESENT IN THE TRIGGER you want to achieve) I know it's complicated to explain but I assure it is simple to do and it works for sure because I've tested it ;)
  11. oh, sorry mate. I haven't seen the mistake.. :rolleyes: Edit now! :D
  12. Yeah, good idea Andy! It can save some performance in case of many hostages ;)
  13. hi, if I understand you want to touch off a bomb if one hostage is killed. put this in the initline of the hostage: null0 = this execVM "die.sqf" save in your mission folder a .sqf file and name it "die.sqf" and write in it: waitUntil{!alive _this}; followed by the rest of the effect you want to create after his/her death. :)
  14. Hi RonnieJ, try this: Radar = createVehicle ["RU_WarfareBAntiAirRadar", getPos player, [], 0, "NONE"]; Radar addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{(_this select 4) == "PipeBomb"}]; Radar setVehicleVarName "maintarget"; hint format["Unit's name: %1",Radar]; _trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player]; _trg setTriggerArea[0,0,0,false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["!alive Radar","", ""]; _trg setTriggerType "END1"; If you use the local variable _Radar the trigger don't see it and so it don't activate itself. So, change the local variable _Radar to global variable Radar let do it work. Another change it's the type of the trigger in the command "createTrigger": use "EmptyDetector" instead "end1" because end1 is not correct. Hope this can help you P.S. It work for me, I've tested this little piece of code myself ;)
  15. goliath86

    Ambient Combat Module

    Hi guys! This is a little script that can re-initialize the ACM module in MP after respawn. //************************************************************** // This script allow the ACM Module to be re-initialized // after the unit which it is synchronized respawn. // //!!IMPORTANT!! To have this script to work you MUST // copy this line in the init field of the unit which // has to be synchronized with the ACM module after his // respawn: // // this addEventHandler ["killed", {null0 = [] execVM "acm_mod.sqf"}]; // // THE ONLY UNIT THAT CAN ACTIVATE THE ACM MODULE IS A PLAYER GROUP // LEADER AND ONLY ONE ACM MODULE CAN BE PRESENT IN A MISSION //************************************************************** //create a logic group - it is needed to create the ACM object _LogicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _LogicGroup = createGroup _LogicCenter; //wait for player respawn waitUntil {alive player}; //Create the ACM object, add it at the "_LogicGroup" group and name it "ACM1" "AmbientCombatManager" createUnit [[0,0,0], _LogicGroup, "ACM1 = this;"]; //synchronize the ACM object with the player !! ONLY ONE UNIT NEED TO BE SYNCHRONIZED WITH THE ACM MODULE !! ACM1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; //wait to initialize the ACM Module waitUntil {!isNil {ACM1 getVariable "initDone"}}; _fsm = ACM1 execFSM "ca\modules\ambient_combat\data\fsms\ambientcombat.fsm"; waitUntil {ACM1 getVariable "initDone"}; //ACM module parameters [1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; [ACM1, 280, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; [["USMC", "RU", "INS"], ACM2] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [0.1, 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; [0.1, 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; ["ground_patrol", 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; It will work! You must write in the initline of the unit that activate the ACM module: this addEventHandler ["killed", {null0 = [] execVM "acm_mod.sqf"}]; and remember: the ONLY unit that can activate the ACM module is a PLAYER GROUP LEADER !! this script allow only the re-initialization of the ACM module after respawn and if you want the ACM module at the start of the mission you have to put manually the ACM module in the editor and synchronize it with the player group leader !! Hope this can be helpful :)
  16. goliath86

    XAM 1.5

    HI guys! Anyone knows if this mod is dead?? I really like it..I have XAM 1.6 beta 2 and i've readed that beta 3 was nearly to be released few months ago (there's a video too of beta 3)..the website of this mod is down and I haven't find any information about this mod..
  17. goliath86

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    I'm very sorry nes4day..sorry
  18. goliath86

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Hi all..here the bugs list and suggestion from the previous pages (after the release of the 1.05 patch): I would say 5% wrong as it is only a matter of 'Missile Launcher', unfortunately I haven't got the necessary time to achieve the BMP's Model replacement, but if you have the patience and skills to carry this out yourself, then feel free to do it and release a little patch that corrects the little issue ;]. - No worries, I added this to a brand new list of bugs to fix for the incoming little patch intended to replace the US vehicles by Vektorbosen incoming models - Bug Report: - Whenever I try and place someone in a BTR-80 I get a CTD - V-80 with no gear and cannon is pointing to left side - Soviet Squad Leader have both - helmet and blue cap - on their head. - in Editor an wrong (mixed up) entry: USSR - US Army Infantry - Pilot Camel (this unit could been switched to Soviet Regular Troops) - Sound of the F4's wings folding isn't incorporated into the patch. (States its missing) - Problem with explosion, burning vehicles/men - The SU22 has US radio chatter; - The GlockS always has the slide pulled back, suggesting an empty magazine; - Soviet ammo is shown as "5.54", should of course be "5.45". It also gives a stronger recoil than 7.62X39 ammo; - The RPK74 only fires in single, doesn't have other firing modes; - The VAL has firing modes of "AS VAL" and "9.39mm Auto", out of the standard used in the other weapons. - A-10 can not see the missiles and bombs - BMP's crew's arms went through the turret when turned out. - PT-76's cargo interior & crew's view when turned out. - Mig-21, no gear retraction and can not locate the get in position. (I tried 4 times). - F.I.A T-55 have German marking. - M2A2 Bradley's missile launching tube are always closed but still working. Suggestion: - retractable gear for V-80 and Mi-24 - V-80 need proper canon this one is pointing to left side through the helicopter - MiG 21 increase engine sound in cockpit - Mi-24, UH-60 slightly increase engine sound in cockpit too - RPG's zigzag too much - T-80BV change standard main gun ammo from He-Frag to APFSDS - M2 Bradley add "activate TOW" and TOW launcher goes up and automatically down - M2 Bradley the ironsight of 7.62mm Co-ax looks bad maybe take one from another vehicle - some ironsights are too blurry is there easy way to get only "sharp" ironsights? - add radio to M577A2 (HQ) for artillery and air strike, support troops (via mapclick) - AIM-54 Phoeix "n" missing - Replace FAL with one from FFSX2007 - Add T-80 to the resistance side. - Replace the BIS ch-47 with the FFUR 2006 one. - Add retractable gear for Mi-24 & V-80 I hope there are all bugs reported..sorry otherwise
  19. goliath86

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    HI TB, good to see you!! I've a little question: do you implement FFUR'85 features in FFSX2007 (like the awesome crack sound, the new grass islands and the artillery script)? otherwise no problem!! Thanks for your work in OFP community!!
  20. goliath86

    Wind Deflection

    Hi all, i've a question..is it possible to intorduce in OFP the ability to know the wind direction and speed? because, by the introduction of the SLX mod (and FFSX07, MCM-SLX, etc.), RPG, and missiles are affected by wind deflection..so, if i want to fire an RPG, in most of cases, I have to fire one round to know the wind direction and another one to 'kill' the enemy..this is not good especially in an ambush mission..is it possible to put, for example, in the right corner, the wind direction and speed? (like 'NE 5' to indicate that the wind is from NorthEast at 5 nodes)..because, in the reality, you feel the wind and you know its direction and speed.. Thank you guys
  21. goliath86

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    TB i have one question: do you implement all the improvements (or a part) of this FFUR85 version (the ability of the MG, the artillery, the improved SLX features, the sounds...) to FFSX2007? So we have two great MOD: one modern MOD and one '85 era MOD for OFP!! Good work guys!!
  22. goliath86

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Hi, impressive works Thunderbird!! I've noticed only one problem: the AI has too much accuracy at long range. In FFUR2008 there isn't this problem.
  23. goliath86

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    [is there any mirror to this mod at all? Filefront seems to have deleted the file, it stopped at 67% (took some time, 26 kb/s) and now I'm redirected to the filefront main page...] Can we have a new mirror, please? I can't download from FileFront.....HELP!!
  24. goliath86

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    I have a question: is it possible to add at ffsx2007 the Dynamic Range like ECP (with Radio Chatter on vehicles)?
  25. goliath86

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Hi, I've experienced that artillery/air support crashes happens if you don't have the editorupgrade102.pbo file in your Res AddOns folder. I have a clear copy of ofp and ffslx 2007 and without the editorupgrade102.pbo file the artillery script don't work and cause crash. Thanks TB for your great work!!! P.S. release the patch..