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Everything posted by goliath86

  1. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thank you guys for bugs reporting! Please, if you can, can you specify if MP on Dedi or in self-hosted server? Thank you Guys!! @Bandit: screenshoots are welcome :D
  2. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    ok bandit! I'll check and solve the problem! Thank you again!! :D ---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ---------- Yes, this should help with OA compatibility...just change the settings in the unit_array.hpp file :D
  3. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thanks bandit!! Can you try the MM without the norrin's revive script and report me if the error persist? For me the MM works well.. BTW Thank you very much Bandit!! :D
  4. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Hi Gamerboy37! thanks! After you have called the Medevac you have to throw the red smoke grenade where you want the chopper landing; then the chopper will land and a medic and two machinegunners will dismount :D
  5. Hi guys! This is a little little script made for me and mine friends for play coop mission. It will add the player to 'touch' other players in MP by passing them very near. It represent the real touch at your buddies in real life when you or an other squad members are watching the enemy and/or suppress them and have no possibility to watch if you (or other) pass behind him. It works in this way: 1. Put playable units in a mission 2. Add the following files (script.sqf and touched.sqf) in your mission folder script.sqf //************************************************************************* // script.sqf by goliath86 // touch your mates when near them //************************************************************************* //variable declaration and initialization private ["_unit", "_vectorup", "_array"]; TOUCHEDVAR = 0; SPONGE = nil; _nul0 = [] execVM "touched.sqf"; //reveal the unit _unit = _this; while{true} do{ waitUntil{ _array = ((position _unit) nearObjects ["SoldierWB", 1.3]); _array = _array - [_unit]; count _array >= 1; }; { if(cursorTarget == _x) then{ SPONGE = _x; publicVariable "SPONGE"; TOUCHEDVAR = 1; publicVariable "TOUCHEDVAR"; }; } forEach _array; sleep 1; }; touched.sqf //************************************************************************* // touched.sqf by goliath86 // stamp a hint message - works with script.sqf //************************************************************************* private ["_spong", "_a1", "_b1", "_c1", "_a", "_b", "_c", "_a2", "_b2", "_c2", "_i"]; while{true} do{ waitUntil{TOUCHEDVAR == 1}; _spong = SPONGE; if(_spong == player) then{ hintSilent "A soldier touched you"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do { _vectorup = vectorup player; _a1 = _vectorup select 0; _b1 = _vectorup select 1; _c1 = _vectorup select 2; //tweak the following three valors to make more or less shacking (all zeroes = no shacking) _a = 0; _b = 0.02; _c = 0; player setvectorup [_a1 + _a, _b1 + _b, _c1 + _c]; sleep 0.08; //returning to primary position _vectorup = vectorup player; _a2 = _vectorup select 0; _b2 = _vectorup select 1; _c2 = _vectorup select 2; player setvectorup [_a2 - _a, _b2 - _b, _c2 - _c]; }; sleep 1; hint ""; }; TOUCHEDVAR = 0; }; 3. Write in each activation field of all the playable units this line: null0 = this execVM "script.sqf"; that's it. Now if you pass nearby a your teammates (very near!) then it will experience a little shake of the camera (representing the touching) and a hint message inform it that you have passed behind him. It's a simple (very simple script) but for us it is very useful. You're free to add it in your mission and/or modify it. Here's the download link for the Module version: Touch Module You can find the module in the editor (F7), name: "Touch module". Simply put the module in your mission (don't synchronize it!) and it will start! goliath86
  6. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    OK! Thanks BANDIT! I will check for these bugs in this week..:D ---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 PM ---------- Thanks CyOp!! Thank you very much for your testing! :D
  7. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    The pbo version is too different to this version so, I think, "pboing" it it's not a solution to your problem..try it without your script please :D (I will make a pbo version but now I'm not at home)
  8. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Hi guys! I'm here with the new beta.. I've hopefully corrected all the known MP bugs and solved the problem with the "Call in Medevac" action always appear..can you try this please and report any problems? Thank you for your support!! :D DOWNLOAD: MM_Module.zip
  9. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Do not worry bandit! I'm here to support the MM ;)
  10. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Sorry guys for the long delay but I'm very busy in RL :( BTW I've corrected the annoiyng "Call in medevac" action pop-up when you go near/dismount a vehicle..I'm finishing to resolving the MP bugs ;)
  11. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Hi guys! I'm trying to figure out all the MP issues and eliminate the 'Call in Medevac' from the action menu and add it on 'Radio calling'. If anyone knows about at how to add an action in the command menu (SpaceBar -> Communication) please, send me how to ;) Thanks for the continuous support!! :D
  12. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    The Medevac Module (MM) actually is not MP compatible..at the moment I'm trying to make it fully MP compatible ;)
  13. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thank you very much Thirdup!! The radio chatter is off because is turned off in the unit_array file so it's normal I'm near to accomplish the work! :D
  14. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    OK..can you try this on a dedi server please?? :) MM_Module_Beta.7z Thank you very very much!!
  15. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    mmm thanks again Thirdup!! I think I will erase the hover feature ;) I've solved the RTB Radio bug.. Have you test the Abort action?
  16. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thanks thirdup!! Very helpful!!! :D Have you seen the Radio text or the Radio chatter when you call the Medevac?
  17. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thank you all guys! Here it is the test version to test in a dedi server environment: MM_Module_Beta.7z Thank you again guys!!! :D
  18. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    @Thirdup (or anyone that want to help me ;)): can you help me on testing the newer version on a dedi server?? Thank you all! :D
  19. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait but finally I'm now fully operative to finish this module..Thanks Thirdup for the responses! Thank you all guys for the support! I will try to sort out all the MP issues :D
  20. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thanks for your explanation Thirdup! The elevation on LZ is scripted because I want the helo to hover instead landing so I 'force' it to stay at about 2-3m above the ground :)
  21. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thank you so much Thirdup for your work! :D I'm still working on the MM to eliminate all the MP bugs! Thank you again!!! For test purposes I've disabled the radio chatter in the unit_array.sqf file. But if you want to re-enable it just write "true" at the end of the file on the global variable MM_SOUNDS The RTB command is under Radio Bravo. No menù action Can you better explain this, please? :)
  22. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Did you have test it in a dedi-server environment? If yes, thanks! :D Now I can work on all other things on the MM :D
  23. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    I'm waiting the dedi-server test to know if now it's ok :)
  24. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Yes, it manage automatically the synchronization after respawn ;)
  25. goliath86

    Medevac Module

    Thank you Thirdup! Do not worry! ;)