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Everything posted by gnosis

  1. gnosis

    Nuclear bomb script?

    Search and ye shall find http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....hl=nuke
  2. gnosis

    FSM-Users here?

    I found four FSM files in characters.pbo in the scripts folder. formation.fsm formationC.fsm formationCDanger.fsm formationEntity.fsm I used cpbo to extract the pbo.
  3. Easy Sector Control by g_n_o_s_i_s Description: ESC is a script that creates Sector Control missions. The script takes care of creating triggers, flipping flags, changing colors of markers and keeping score. All the mission designer have to think about is design and gameplay, not programming triggers and score systems. Features: * Easily creates sector control missions for up to three sides (west, east, and guer) * Arbitrary numbers of sectors. * Easily integrated timelimit/scorelimit with description.ext. * Automatic scoring system with built in scoreboard. * Different scores given to capture a sector and hold a sector. * Fully customizable to set initial score, hold score, capture time, trigger size, scoreboard show interval, scorelimit, timelimit, and team names. Usage: The mission designer have to create one or more markers that defines the sectors, name them and add a line in the 'init.sqf' file. After that has been done the script will create the appropriate triggers on defined markers and initialize a scoring system. Download at: www.armaholic.com
  4. I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on something that is driving me to excessive drinking. I'm trying to create triggers through scripts but I can't for my life get them to act the way that I'm expecting them to do. I use createTrigger to set a trigger for scoring on a SC type map. When it is activated a script starts a loop that gives a score at predetermined intervals and titleText some info. If I create the trigger on server local, it triggers but it does not propagate through the network, ie. the titleText is not showing to clients. If I create the trigger on clients only, it works fine when I'm testing the script alone. But as soon as a second client connects the triggers multiply and the scoring script starts running twice. First I created the triggers as private vars and thought that might be an issue so I did global vars on each trigger. Same issue. if (!local server) then { trig = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "Flag1"]; <snip> trig setTriggerStatement["this && gameover != 1", "execVM 'scoring.sqf'; titleText['Sector 1 captured', 'PLAIN'];", ""]; }; Taking away the !local server condition will result in "Sector 1 captured" not being shown to clients. Any help appreciated, g_n_o_s_i_s
  5. DUH!! To answer my own post. Use setTriggerType "END1" How in the world did I miss that one gnosis
  6. I've been trying to programatically create an "END" trigger. The biki has the cryptic infomation; The example lists "EmptyDetector" as a type and that one works just fine, but is there another type for creating an "END" trigger programatically? I also tried the "forceEnd" command in an "EmptyDetector" but that doesn't work. Using type "END1" etc, does not create anything other than a null-object. Any help from you coding gurus out there is greatly appreciated. gnosis
  7. gnosis

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    I Can't activate the patch. Running Morphicon German download version. I'm selecting 'Re-Install Existing License'. It asks me for License Holder and Purchase Ref??? WTF is that, the email has serial number and CD key. I've used every combination I can think of entering into those boxes, I've tried 'Activate New License' and used serial number and CD key in that... still no luck, shows 'Activation Failed - Activation Code not recognized' Any help appreciated.
  8. gnosis

    Is Voice Over Net working in the demo?

    By default the Armed Assault server is reporting to Gamespy and it also uses the Gamespy server to negotiate a NAT traversal. If this does not work reliably for you (e.g. when running behind very strict firewall), you may need to open and/or forward following incoming ports: port UDP (used for game) port+1 UDP (used for server reporting) port+3 UDP (used for VoN transmissions) Following outgoing ports need to be open as well: port UDP (used for game) port+3 UDP (used for VoN transmissions) Default value of port is 2302, but you may change it by -port command line argument. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Dedicated_Server
  9. gnosis

    Need tutorial for 3-team C&H

    Thanks KaRRiLLioN... that has been driving me nuts for awhile. Cheers, g
  10. gnosis

    Need tutorial for 3-team C&H

    I can't get West to take a Resistance flag. West can only take a flag set to East. East on the other hand can take a West flag and a Resistance flag.
  11. I'm trying to make a mobile spawn point and have gotten that to work quite nice. When player dies they spawn back where the spawn vehicle is. My question is how to make a person spawn as a seagull when the spawn truck and spawn marker is destroyed? Right now you spawn at the enemy spawn point, which can provide great entertainment value, but is not quite what I had in mind Thanks, g
  12. gnosis

    Populating Sahrani

    I'm using the ArmA beta. I guess my question is more general. Where do I put a sqs file so it is available systemwide?
  13. gnosis

    Populating Sahrani

    I've tried to use Kronzkys ups.sqs but I can't seem to get ArmA to find it. I get a ups.sqs not found error. The included instructions says to put it in your "Central Scripts" directory or in your mission folder. I don't see any scripts directory in ArmA and I've tried to put it in the AddOns folder without success (even tried to pbo it and add it in AddOns). How do I get this to be recognized by ArmA systemwide?
  14. Also have a look at "setFriend" http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFriend civilian setFriend[west, 1] will make him friendly to west civilian setFriend[west, 0] will make him hostile to west Anything below 0.6 makes them hostile. I tried this in the init of the civilian and it worked correctly.
  15. Double click on the "Intel" in the upper right corner. At the bottom of the dialog you can specify who civilians are friendly towards "RACS is friendly to" Nobody, West, East, Everybody.