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Posts posted by gossamersolid

  1. Sorry buddy, but you are kind of barking in the wrong tree, this is more within Bohemia itself and the vanilla game range of action


    Not to mention that if you try to script the prevention of a vehicle from being "killed", then event handlers that deal with units dying will no longer work. This would cause a lot of extra work for mission makers.

  2. Is that Canadian Dollars you're thinking in? That's Toadie's figure, I don't know anything about his life circumstances in order to comment any further then that, I'm just taking his at his word. Here's the quote in case I'm misunderstanding something:



    Yeah Canadian dollars, but Toadie is in australia right? Their currency is close to ours in the international market and actually, their minimum wage is higher than ours.


    Maybe he meant he could work on it full time within his free time?

    Maybe everything is super cheap in Australia (but I doubt it). Even a 1 bedroom apartment costs over $800/mo here and I'm not even in a major city.

  3. is no fun at all...especially for multiple vehicles...

    That's why you write the code once into a function and then you have a 1 liner per vehicle as a scripting command would do. Sure it's not as efficient, but how frequently do you need to check these conditions?

    I'm still waiting on more drawing options for polygons. Why can we still not fill the polygon with a solid colour or have the various brushes from the other 2 shapes.

  4. Does anybody know if it's possible to include custom fonts and use them in controls? I'd be awesome to use something like font awesome to do UI "images" which scale correctly rather than bitmaps.

    Also I'm going to keep bringing this up - We need commands to set fill colours and brushes for the new polygons we can draw. We finally got the ability to draw polygons and detect objects within the polygon, but we didn't get a full set of drawing abilities to match the other shapes we have...

  5. This is never going to happen in arma 3. Let's look at the work that needs to be done:

    - new models

    - new animations

    - multiple new voice protocols for each existing language

    - reworking of animation system so that every uniform and vest and such doesn't need to be redone as a female variant.

    We can't even adjust our heights or weights in arma. Until that's permitted by the engine (to scale things properly), we're not going to see this.

  6. I know, but that's not the point. The distance parameter for addAction was introduced to prevent constant onEachFrame distance checks, so why go back to that now?

    The workaround I use is having a global boolean variable as the condition, then I update that condition's value elsewhere in a client side loop, say every 500ms. Takes away the performance issues of evaluating your conditions on each frame.

    • Like 1


    Currently there is no way to manipulate what is returned as "_killer" by the "killed" event handler.

    Many communities and public servers want to use the score board, others want to use the "killed" event handler to report friendly fire.

    Unfortunately when dealing with scripted damage, the event handler will always report <null> as the killer. For example when "setDamage 1" was used.

    My suggestion is to implement a new command to kill a unit (or any other object) that reports a custom other object as "_killer" in the event handler.


    Proposed syntax:

    player setDead civilian1;

    The killed event handler would report:

    params ["_unit", "_killer"];
    systemChat name _unit; // Giorgos Zenon
    systemChat name _killer // Gefr. commy2


    Been looking for a command like this to be implemented since the early ArmA 2 days. I'm hoping they can add it, doesn't seem like an overly complicated task.

  8. I made a thread once asking if Chernarus Plus could ever become Arma 3 DLC (thread has mysteriously dissapeared) and someone in there said they couldn't port it to Arma because of legal reasons.


    If that's the excuse they made, it's a terrible one. DayZ is owned by BIS and the map is just a modified version of what was in ArmA 2, why would there be legal reasons that would prevent it from going to ArmA 3.

    • Like 3

  9. I believe the new revive system is only in the current Dev Branch as of 1.63.137060 not the Apex RC branch.  While both branches have many similar updates from yesterday, the RC branch is missing the "Tweaked: The Revive feature was overhauled" text.  Also the feedback thread only mentions dev branch.




    It's weird because I can see the whole respawn options in the Attributes -> Multiplayer dialog in Eden, maybe that was already there before the respawn "overhaul".

  10. any possibility of getting some drawing commands or extra arguments to compliment drawPolygon in the areas of filling in the polygon with brushes and colours? It's amazing that we can now define custom shapes to be drawn, now we just need to finishing touches to bring it in line with the old marker shapes.

    • Like 1

  11. Arma 3 is way more popular, don't kid yourselves people.

    The reason that there's less addons out there is that it takes way more time to make a quality arma 3 asset compared to Arma 2 (and Ofp). People are forgetting how simple configs and models/textures used to be. It has nothing to do with the popularity of the game.

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