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Everything posted by galbaldy

  1. galbaldy

    Latest screenshots available

    Well I understand that the community will fix the problem, (which is one reason why I have so much respect for it) but is it really too much to ask for default Arma to have accurate equipment? Isn't in BIS's interest to do so? I know I'm not the only one who thinks this.
  2. galbaldy

    Latest screenshots available

    The northern forces are using 100% ex-soviet equipment, but we'll make an exception just for this right? BIS made a mistake on this one. Did they? Or are they excercising their 'fictional conflict' muscles? Say, will the Iranian BTR's and BMP's not support their M60's or Chieftans? Will their Rapiers not be deployed in a network (or in another network along) with their Gainfuls? Will they equip their troops with only Stingers and not their Grails? What I mean to say is, if there are some real world mismatched militaries, why not in a game? You don't seem to get my point. EVERYTHING else they have is russian; how come nothing more than their gear is western?
  3. galbaldy

    Latest screenshots available

    The northern forces are using 100% ex-soviet equipment, but we'll make an exception just for this right? BIS made a mistake on this one.
  4. galbaldy

    Latest screenshots available

    I'm not sure if anyone else realized this, but the northern forces are wearing western MOLLE gear!!!!
  5. galbaldy

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    operation frenchpoint invented that system first actually.
  6. galbaldy

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    And that's a bad thing?
  7. galbaldy

    Adjustable iron sights?

    In the pursuit of realism and simulation, it is necessary to be able to zero in your sights for different ranges. This could also apply to sniper rifles, with their range and windage knobs. What do you guys think?
  8. galbaldy

    Adjustable iron sights?

    The M-16A2 sight can be set from 200-800 meters, and it's not in increments of 100. It's in clicks, for instance... 300 yards is the BZO (battlesight zero) setting, you drop down two clicks to get a 200 yard setting. Also, the M-16A2 is quoted by the USMC to be effective for "point targets" out to 550 meters, "area targets" at 800 meters. Realistically, though, you get the most performance from the 5.56mm rounds when the target is close enough that the bullet is travelling above 2700 feet per second upon impact, as that's the velocity at which the round begins to exhibit the kind of dramatic fragmentation that has a massive impact on the wounding/killing capacity of the round. Depending on the length of the barrel and the bullet being used (M196 vs M855, for instance), this can be from 100 to 150 yards (or so, give or take). Speaking strictly about the M-16A2/A4/M4 sights, people don't adjust their zeros in combat. You do your BZO, and that's that. Anything up to 300 yards can be engaged with a good BZO, the point of impact/point of aim corresponds very closely from 50 to 300 yards (meaning, it'd be a waste of time and effort to drop to a 200 yard sight setting if you already have a 300 yard zero, it'd move the point of impact inches at best, and unless you're doing extremely precise shooting, you don't need that kind of precision). Sights like ACOG's and such have bullet drop compensators (BDC's) integrated into their reticule patterns, so it's just a matter of holding high on the designated line that corresponds to the distance of the target you're engaging. If elevation/windage adjustments are implemented, they should be intended for the use of snipers, not the "average" grunt. The average grunt should have an initial BZO that he sticks with for 99.999% of the fighting. On that note, all reticule patterns should be calibrated such that the mil-dots can actually be used the way they're meant to be used. Or the sight pattern, for that matter. I can't stand looking through a BAS ACOG in OFP and seeing the BDC completely out of scale. True, but as you have seen from the latest video, the large expanse of terrain means that firefights will begin at distances greater than the normal 250, 350 meter engagement range. Also, GPmachinegunners have to adjust their sights much more frequently since they operate at longer ranges than rifles or LMGs.
  9. galbaldy


    Except that it's just the BIS SA-7 with a different color.
  10. galbaldy

    LSR Addons

    M-79 in service with USMC in Iraq: http://www.deviantart.com/view/8495936/
  11. galbaldy

    Adjustable iron sights?

    with minimum zoom, it's zeroed at 80m, with maximum at 400m I'm not talking about zoom now am I?
  12. galbaldy


  13. galbaldy

    ECP with new units

    Take your pick between naval and army units. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=48439
  14. galbaldy

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hey thunderbird, congrats on the FFUR '06 release! Must a big load off of your mind huh? Also, I'm kind of curious; in this photo you have johns smoke implemented; yet, how would I do it on my machine? Alright, ROCK ON!
  15. galbaldy

    Providing Flashpoint Support post 'AA'

    AA is going to run better than ofp does now. Why? Because ofp was optimized for 2001 era hardware and now actually works slower on modern computers. AA will fix this problem(or should anyway).
  16. I'm surprised that we haven't had anything on this front yet...
  17. galbaldy

    New Civilians

    It's going to need new hand models and llaumas head, but yeah good job.
  18. galbaldy

    Any combat motorcycles in the works?

    Not only that, it's full of bugs and has zero scripts. Plus being an old addon, it's ugly as hell.
  19. galbaldy

    3 way sounds for weapons

    Dont forget the long distance "popcorn effect"
  20. galbaldy

    Any combat motorcycles in the works?

    The IMZ can trace its history back to the BMW R-71, so it may be possible to modify the ones from libmod. As for MCAR, there should be no problem getting it to work; why would there be?
  21. galbaldy

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    This may be more of an MCAR issue, but I'll ask here for good measure. Why does the tow missile magically fly to a target without locking on or tracking? You only need to fire it in the general direction of an enemy, and from that point on, no input is needed; that is not how TOWs work.
  22. galbaldy

    detailed CQB sized maps - a discussion

    This could be useful for reducing lag for CQB, but that's about it.
  23. galbaldy

    South Korean Military?

    Umm that's taiwan.
  24. galbaldy

    Who Likes Balance In Games Then?

    Except that FDF mod recoils are not realistic at all. They jump into the air with only 3 shots. However, FDF WW2 is much better becuse SMGs and LMGs now have much more realistic recoils.
  25. galbaldy

    New moves and animation.

    That recoiless rifle wasn't intended for infantry use; that's why it flew out of his hands.