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Everything posted by goldmember

  1. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Realistic explosion MOD v1.48 Modified explosion effect (shell,rocket and other) in config.bin and more! changes to version 1.47 ----------------------- - ECP bullet/shell whiz effects added - all sound files converted to wss format - helidust and tankgundust error message fixed - GMR prefix added to valuenames - some changes in secondary ammoexplosion, and flying smoke effect These new (and old) effects can be turn on/off in exp_init.sqs file. link to: GMR_exploMODv1.48.zip http://au.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/ ID: ftielemans PW: dey8p7 GMRexplomod directory
  2. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    We do not belive you! Unless you give us working config.bin and full documentation how to use it. Folder version1.48 empty because verson 1.48 not released yet. I converted ogg sounds to wss format therefore every config.bin (appr. 20-25) must be reedited ----------------------------- supah I sent you a PM
  3. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I mean need two wreck model. One is the turret, second is the hull (or body). If those 2 models look well destroyed can be use almost for every mainbattletank. ----------------------------------------------------- "hey goldmember i think you should enable your fly smoke effect again every time i try to do it i get a cant find gmo\XXXX\etc.... error measage in game" Victorious what is the latest version working flying smoke properly for you?
  4. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I want that flying turret immediately! This is the best explosion effect idea recently. Is there an addonmaker who can cut any tank model into two parts, turret and rest?
  5. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    LOL! It was a nice bug, but I fixed it. Thanks your report!
  6. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I am sure It is fixed finally! Try GMR_betatest_to_v1.48.zip You can also test ECP bullet/shell whiz sound effect working in GMR mod. http://au.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/ ID: ftielemans PW: dey8p7 GMR_mod folder
  7. goldmember

    Ecp released!

    It is impossible to work because GMR config.bin do not contains any commands that call ECP effects and vica versa
  8. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Then goto exp_init.sqs and find these lines: ;change Probflysmoke value (0-100) to modify the probability of newstyle flying smoke ;effect during explosion. For fast PC only, need atleast 30-40 fps! Probflysmoke=0
  9. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    There is a couple smoke effect - debris on ground smoking, smokeflying (tentacle like) during explosion, and smoking debris flying during secondary ammoexplosion - what is that you think of?
  10. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    No! Unfortunately is came from OFP addon handling problem or something like that, when you store too many addons this arises. Remove some of them
  11. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I uploaded GMR_fix_to_v1.47.zip to briefcase this new GMR.pbo temporarily handles helidust, tankdust error message. http://au.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/ ID: ftielemans PW: dey8p7 GMR_mod folder ------------------------------------------ Breaking news! ECP's great bullet/shell whiz effect succesfully implemented to GMR mod.
  12. goldmember

    Ecp released!

    The pleasure will be mine. I am ready to talk about it. ---------------------------------------------------- I am not a military expert so I am asking speed of shell or heat is really supersonic? Because I heard firstly whiz sound of shell besides me and secondly tankgun firing sound which was 500-600 meter away from me.
  13. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    There is one already (see briefcase), but thanks to EPC we finally get fully working DR version soon and much more intersting thing. ------------------------------------------------------------- I fixed that helidust error message, tomorrow I upload new GMR.pbo.
  14. goldmember

    Ecp released!

    HI! I am a little disappointing about quality of some effects, but I know how many tries and how many time need to achive a really goodlooking effect, and also know this is a beta. You guys have 10 times better scripting knowledge ( I understood every 5th word only in your script ) but I have 10 times more time to test one effect. But I am glad too because my old wish come true: tank shell sounds are amazing, I do not know (yet) how you done it, but this will my first task to buid into my mod.:D And AT backblast and blood will follow. BTW I found a bug: dead parachute burning and when it reach the ground my pc is frozen (i used ofpbeta1.92) Keep up good work!
  15. goldmember

    Ecp released!

    I am a little jealous about that. At least 41 minutes until downloading.
  16. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    so the effect is embedded in the weapon (Footmunch´s selfmade AA-8 Aphid) itself. i no longer believe that it is possible to modify the rockets smoketrails in a config.bin This was to be expected. But I made some tries modifying missile velocity and direction a bit. The solution is not satisfactory yet.
  17. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I also saw unstabilized missile flying on video - that linked for me earlier - , but this last really short time. These effect in Mig27beta I think sometimes happened in exaggerated measure. I mean this to amplitude and time. Besides It worth to make some try. I checked those code sample that Mr. Burns copied here, but I did not find any command that make to spin missile
  18. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I put "exp_init.sqs" activating eventhandler to "class Man". I thought there is no OFP mission without one man on the map. If you feel this error disturbing I will fix it.
  19. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    You was faster then me These are ready, more to come DR_Blood_INQ_to_v1.47 DR_Blood_to_v1.47 DR_to_v1.47 INQ_Blood_to_v1.47
  20. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I just tested I worked fine for me. Did you rewrite something in exp_init.sqs, especially helidust value? Or check you copied really the new GMR.pbo file Sorry I forgot those global thingy but I will make up for it not later than v1.48 ------------------------------------------------ I have to go bed now but tomorrow you will get support versions
  21. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Realistic explosion MOD v1.47 Modified explosion effect (shell,rocket and other) in config.bin and more! changes to version 1.46 ----------------------- - smokes on falling aircraft and randomized tailrotor failure for helicopters - improved helicopter downwash and tankgun dust effect: different color and size to different island types (see exp_init.sqs) - rewrote flysmoke effect - reduced rocket/missile speed, new flying sound added - initial version of missilelaunch smokes for BMP/APC's - problem - that values in exp_init.sqs only activated when a vehicle destroyed - fixed - messy battlefield version included link to: GMR_exploMODv1.47.zip http://au.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/ ID: ftielemans PW: dey8p7 GMRexplomod/Version1.47 directory
  22. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    It seems CTD only happened in MP games so main reason could be EVENTHANDLERs. As we know some eventhandler not works properly in MP. To find out what cause error need correct description of CTD events. Which version used, what was the battle situation when CTD occured, what effect was enabled/disabled in exp_init.sqs, etc. New eventhadler came to this MOD in version 1.44 when tank maingun dust effect implemented. So it would be usefull to replay CTD situation in version 1.43 or earlier. So if somebody got CTD in MP please report it this way thanks
  23. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    I checked MIG27 but did not find any script modifying missile smoke I saw missle hitting tank but nothing special found. Are you sure this is that plane?
  24. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    That is no problem for me. I am already using slowed down rockets and missiles. They have cool airtearing sound too. "Spiraling the rocket smoke" won't be easy, hard to put effects on fastmoving objects to look nice. ------------------------------------------------------------ BAS littlebirds not contains private eventhadlers, I tested every GMR effects worked. The problem came from somewhere else. TONAL pack could cause crash there in some eventhandlers. As I said before if somebody use addons and effects don't works mail me its config.bin(cpp) files. ------------------------------------------------------------ "no tank gun dust effect in the 1.47 gmo?" Do not worry about that I fixed it, until use 1.46
  25. goldmember

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    On some UNOFFICIAL addons effect not working due to eventhandler problem. I already made a fix for BAS black hawks and VITAPC and will follow others. You will find here http://au.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/ ID: ftielemans PW: dey8p7 GMR_mod