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About gameworx

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    Private First Class
  1. gameworx

    fire geometry problem

    Thanks a lot for your answer, Gnat. I will try later in the evening.
  2. gameworx

    fire geometry problem

    Hi there. I've made a new sandbag model with geometry, view geometry, fire geometry and also a roadway lod. The model looks fine in arma but doesn't protect me from bullets. It seems that the fire geometry and the view geometry doesn't work right. Going prone behind the sandbag model doesn't prevent the AI from shooting at me. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
  3. /signed I totally agree! Moving in ofp/ arma feels like pushing a shop-window dummy over a frozen sea. I hate that! This is the main reason for me to think about buying arma2 or not. The perfect Arma2 would be Arma1 that feels like CoD4. I don't mean the gameplay or the Action but the feeling when moving in a firefight. The animation in Arma looks great but the engine (play animation, wait for next action, play animation ...) kills the gameflow and the players fun.
  4. gameworx

    Burning Sands: Africa '42

    is there a website existing for this very promising project?
  5. Well, I tried the suggestion made by stoppelhopser but it doesn't work (BTW: @Stoppelhopser: are u from germany?). I think that its not possible to give a man-class a "codriver" or "cargo" position in the current OFP engine. But I have to mention that I'm really not a config.cpp god! Maybe the real experts will make it work. I also thought about making the wounded soldier a weapon to be carried. But then it will only look like a comrade... not the best way... Maybe someone else got another idea?
  6. gameworx

    Carry the wounded!

    I just played around with "OFPanim" and I can confirm that this tool is pretty good! But I can't realize carrying a wounded comrade in the present OFP engine because it seems not to be possible to define a "codriver" or "cargo" position to the soldier/ man-class. I'm sorry... :'(
  7. is it possible to make a soldier carry a wounded comrade? I thought about giving him a "CoDriver" Proxy to make him act like a vehicle - but it doesn't seem to be supported by the man-class. Is there another way to make it work?
  8. gameworx

    Carry the wounded!

    Yeah, something like that would be nice:
  9. gameworx

    Coop campaign like h&d 1

    I started a poll about that topic... please vote... http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=29767
  10. gameworx


    All OFP animations were a little "rough". The salute animation looks a little handicapped and when using the binoculars it looks like drinking from a bottle. I'd like to see a skeletal system compatible to milkshape that we can make our own custom animations.
  11. gameworx

    Carry the wounded!

    Right boys! Thats what I want to see in OFP2! Carrying a wounded comrade to a medivac! Leave no man behind! Also a new system for medics! That would be great!
  12. gameworx


    I want more animations like the following (to make the game more lively): - smoking a cigarette - drinking from a canteen - sleeping - carrying a wounded - playing a card game - carrying an ammobox (or something else) - using a radio - taking off helmet and wipe off sweat - chewing a bubblegum (and kick ass ) - eating - relieving himself (like in Hitman) - ...
  13. gameworx

    More goodies!

    Yeah, things like mobile Radios (e.g. PRC25 from 'Nam) should be seen on the back of a soldier like in some addons. I like these big radios. Maybe with some kind of real function in OFP2... ...think about that: Every player can use his headset for voicecom. But what would be if only players near can hear you? Its like talking or shouting in real life. ...but a player with a radio could talk over the whole battlefield to other "radio operators". ...that would be amazing and more realistic
  14. gameworx

    Ragdoll effect

    Wow, the ragdoll demo is amazing! True, I like the animation from Ravenshield. Thats great! Would be nice to see in OPERATION FLASHPOINT ][
  15. Comeon guys, more than 90 views and only 20 votes? What's wrong?