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About geijuutsuka

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. geijuutsuka

    Has fade started?

    ok...I re-read your post...it was worded a little odd...didn't catch the full meaning at first. So you're saying that by giving any kind of information about the "fade" effect, BIS would be compromising their sales? I guess I can see that...since, if people found out what happens when it's on...they can counter-program the symptoms...I can see that. So what about being able to tell if it's started? Because if It has started on my machine, I need to go out and buy another copy, or call codemasters. Thanks
  2. geijuutsuka

    Has fade started?

    I understand that, but you see, I DID buy my copy, I merely lost my manual. Ok, so I didn't think to call codemasters to get a replacement key, so I have a warez history, but I in no way want to dampen OFP sales. I'm a 6 year airsoft veteran, 21 years old, and play flashpoint constantly. I merely want to find out if fade has started, and what it does exactly. I see a lot of posts on here saying "try searching a little more" and "maybe you should go HERE to find THIS"....this is supposed to be a forum about the game, and for the players, all I seem to be seeing is a lot of people that get cocky REALLY fast and start throwing their weight around. The way I see it, if you see a post and you think "oh god, not THAT question again, don't go in there and kick the guy's/girl's *ss, just ignore it, the moderator can take care of the posts he/she sees to be needless. Now, can someone please answer my question instead of trying to gain some kind of...forum rank? Thanks.
  3. geijuutsuka

    Has fade started?

    Ok, here's my situation, I bought a copy of v1.20 flashpoint about a year ago....installed it, uninstalled it a month or so later, played it at a friends house (his copy) and remembered how good the game is....so I went home, and went to install my copy....but low and behold, I had misplaced the manual (I'm so used to cd key's being on the actual case). So, I did the only thing I could do...besides buying a new copy of the game...I went online to try to find a cd key....I found one...and it let me install flashpoint.....now....here's my question...how can I tell if fade is on? what are the specific effects? I've been reading a lot about it on here, and frankly, it's scaring the crap out of me, because I'm REALLY INTO EDITING...I mean, I can't stop, and I really don't want fade to start messing with my multiplayer games....especially since it was a total accident on my part for losing the manual. (I have since purchased resistance, and upgraded to v 1.9). The only problems with multiplayer so far (it's been about a week since the resistance and 1.90 upgrade) is that my computer (the server) will crash every two hours or so.....sometimes even when I'm editing a map by myself in the multiplayer "edit" menu. Bottom line, can somone just tell me what the heck "fade" is? Everyone on here seems to sort of know...and sort of guess as to it's effects, some say it effects your aiming...some say it makes people disappear....some say it just doesn't let two people that have the same cd key play (that hasn't happened with us...my friend lost his manual also, so I lent him the cd key that I got, and we've since played many times) I'm sorry BIS if it seems l made a mistake in getting a key off of the internet...but I mean...what was I supposed to do? I don't have to tell you that I'm holding onto my resistance manual for dear life. Heh. So yes, if anyone could tell me how I can tell if fade is on or not, and what it actually does, please post back...and please, PLEASE no guesses/rumors......it'll only make me worry more. Thanks a lot for any help, Kirk Dyreson Geijuutsuka@aol.com Northern Illinois Airsoft Association
  4. geijuutsuka

    Placing empty ammo crates

    yeah, I tried both of those........ removeallweapons this the editor accepts that one...but it still has ammo in it......err!!
  5. geijuutsuka

    Respawn with weapons

    I have searched....I'm a veteran of the airsoftzone forums, I'm pretty well versed in bulk posting...and how annoying it can be.....everyone else seemed to be getting detailed, non sensical replies....I guess my real question is....can't I just post some kind of command in my ext file...after the respawn bits?
  6. I think the default respawn (primary arm+one magazine) is a good setup...but for the multiplayer map I'm messing with, I need to be able to change what you respawn with....the most important part is...how do I respawn with nothing?...just legs and arms.........and.....how do I set up specific loadouts for when you respawn?...ie...when you die...you respawn, but only with a beretta.....etc....any help is appriciated, thanks. Kirk Dyreson Geijuutsuka@aol.com Northern Illinois Airsoft Association
  7. I think it's weird...that if you take the time to use the editor to place an "empty" ammo crate....it still has (I'll use west as an example) m16 mags, and grenades.......is there any way to place a completely empty ammo crate? Thanks for any help Kirk Dyreson Geijuutsuka@aol.com Northern Illinois Airsoft Association
  8. geijuutsuka

    Capturing towns by flags

    hmm...wow...looks really detailed....but it's kind of frustrating...knowing that I can't get into his file to see how he did the flag thing....I like his idea...I just want control over how it's played on my lan..I want to build things myself....does anyone know the commands to get a west soldier to "raise" a west flag by walking up to an empty flagpole? Thanks
  9. geijuutsuka

    Capturing towns by flags

    Hmm..could somone elaborate? Thanks.
  10. I've been reading around, trying to find the answer for myself, because we all know that it's silly to clutter the forums with a lot of repeat questions, when all you have to do is a little looking.....but...I didn't really find anything. So here goes. I'm trying to set up a long term campaign for my home Lan, 8 friends of mine come over and play (v1.90). We've recently worked up a list of all weapons, and all vehicles, and the cost for said things, and the reward for destorying said thing....we have bouts of one our gameplay...completely non-linier...that is...we just play..whatever happens, happens...it's more realistic that way, .....you get "credits" for destorying tanks, killing soldiers, officers...etc...and you can, in turn, use these credits to buy weapons, vehicles..etc...in the break period in the next round. My question lies here......up until now....to deem a town, or airbase/infantry base captured, you light a fire...usually in the middle of town, right in the street....it's a good signal that you own the town....visible...by light, and by smoke.......but......I've been thinking....about using flags. Now...from what i've read in the forums here, I can only place a flag, with a flag texture flapping about on it.......this is my question: Is there any way to make a flagpole...in effect "useable" as in....you walk up to it, a command appears in your action menu "raise flag" and if you push your confirm button, you soldier goes through a "raising flag" animation where the flag is hoisted into the air on the flag?...ie...deeming the town in your possesion. (there would be three flagpoles, obvioiusly, west, east, and resistance)....so your job running into a town would be...first...remove all hostiles....second...lower their flag....third...raise your own. Is this even possible? And I've also had trouble finding a list of the flags included in version 1.9........people talk about the flagpack, but I'd rather not download another thing I need to distribute to my friends to play. Does anyone have a list of the 1.9 flag names? Thanks for any help, I really hope this is possible. Kirk Dyreson Team NIAA Northern Illinois Airsoft Association
  11. geijuutsuka

    Resistance respawn name

    finally! thank you very much...that opens up so many possibilities.......let that be a note to everyone looking for the resistance respawn code............the marker name should be EXACTLY as follows: respawn_guerrila I know, it's a weird word, and I know I don't write it down a lot.....I'm not even sure if it's supposed to have two r's...after all.......what about the "small shAd" in v 1.75's objects bin? Hahahha, either way, thanks a lot for the help guys, means a lot. Kirk
  12. geijuutsuka

    Resistance respawn name

    ahhhhh!!!! it didn't fix it O.o.....and now I've got version 1.75.........does anyone else have this problem??.....and....what I'm doing...which works for the east and west markers is.....placing a marker...making it's "name" Respawn_Guerilla and making it a "marker".........when I blow myself up with a grenade, it respawns, but not to where I placed the marker, it puts me next to my dead body...TOTALLY FRUSTRATING! especially since nobody else seems to have this problem!
  13. geijuutsuka

    Resistance respawn name

    hmm...well, I'm installing resistance now...not sure what version of flashpoint it'll give me...but hopefully it'll fix it....
  14. geijuutsuka

    Resistance respawn name

    hmm...could it be that I'm running version 1.2?
  15. I know west respawn is respawn_west, and respawn east is respawn_east. Some other post said that to get the resistance to respawn at a marker point you have to type respawn_guerila but that didn't work....I also tried it with like respawn_guerilla two L's.....but that didn't work either.....anyone know how to get them to respawn at a base? I'm trying to get a three way war going on my lan, and I can't do it with the resistance constantly respawning where they die. I wanted to say that the respawn coverage on here is good, but a little foggy, I just wanted to clear up some things incase there's someone else on here trying to learn for the first time, the art of respawn commands. The only thing you need to do is go to your operation flashpoint folder, and into your "templates" folder, then just choose one of the mission folders in there, right click and "copy" any one of the description.ext files and "paste" it to your user/mpmissions/(mission name) folder. Open up the .ext file (it may ask you which program to use to open it, just use wordpad), delete everything, and type: respawn=3; respawndelay=15; save the file and you'll be able to respawn using the markers that all the other posts talk about. The only trick part, and the only reason I went over that stuff again was, I was noticing a lot of posts with people having difficulty finding the .ext files, some people (as did I) thought that you actually had to CREATE a file from scrach, when all that's involved is more of a ....file "hijacking" of sorts. Thanks for all help. Kirk