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Everything posted by gornovoy

  1. I'm running Windows Me on 1.7Ghz Pentium 4, 256MB RAM computer. Prior to v 1.45 I noticed that some unofficial add-ons seem to cause slow connection with OFP servers. However, now, with v 1.45, I can not get rid of the slow connection problem even if i do a fresh install. (uninstall, clean addons folder, install 1.20 > 1.30 > 1.45) Slow connection happens while "Receiving Data" usually.  This is associated with spikes in ping roundtrips of 1000-2000ms (PingPlotter) and even partial packet loss. Ironically, when the game downloads the mission file from the server, pings remain normal (60-250ms).  But there is also a problem - downloads are very slow and I'm usually kicked before finishing. I have tested my DSL upload/download speed with the help of dslreports.com  -  everything checks out fine ~80Kb up/ ~400Kb down. I have reinstalled DirectX 8.1 per recommendation of one of the posters - did not help.  I also tried to disable Norton Antivirus autoprotect feature - same result. Codemasters, anyone, do you have an answer/suggestion? ***********UPDATE************* Version 1.46 fixed all of my (client-related) troubles! Thanks to everyone for your suggestions! 10-4