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About gijeff

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  1. gijeff

    Cant connect

  2. gijeff

    Cant connect

    Salute Gents, Well I have the same issue, and am also running Win XP pro, but dxdiag shows me golden. Â I cannot connect to any OFP servers. Â OFPR servers, on the other hand, I can connect to at will. Â I can only suspect that there is something within OFP itself that screws the pooch. Â I have made no changes to my OFP installation besides installing the digital grenade addon pack, add to that this little epidemic of members of my squad being unable to connect to any OFP servers comes on the heels of the suggestion that we all install this addon pack, and I can tentatively conclude that this is the problem. Either there is an incompatibility with one of the many other addons I have installed for OFP, or the addon pack was installed incorrectly, or it is corrupted, or the addon pack itself is porked. Â Keep in mind folks, this is a tentative guess based on incomplete information at present. Â I am not looking to point fingers or dis digital grenade, but as I say this is the ONLY change I have made to my OFP install is this addon pack in recent months. Â I am currently testing to see what exactly the problem is, but my time for this is limited. Â Anyone else having any input or suggestions feel free to check me. Â The fact that OFPR and all my other games work suggests that my windows install is not the issue. Anyone having this issue please confirm or deny the use of digital grenade's addon pack, or any other addon pack just prior to the problem so we can narrow this issue down. Â The only people I know of successfully having dealt with this issue have reinstalled windows, but considering that the other games and OFPR still work I have to think that this is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Jeff Waite aka GIJeff