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About fission

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I get "Addon VTN_AMUN_6SH104_CF requires addon vtn_amun_v_6sh104_md" when trying to start up the game, i downloaded via google drive, maybe its missing some files?
  2. fission

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Woohoo thanks Raid..
  3. fission

    United States Air Force

    I love the mod fullerj, and appreciate what you and your team are doing, keep up the awesome work.
  4. fission

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I'm guessing the classified is the driver can turn out?? :confused: Wild guess, but none the less still excited for this update.
  5. fission

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Looks great Fuller and Peral, F-22 looks amazing.
  6. fission

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    I hope everything is okay fullerpj.
  7. N0ob question. I get "Addon 'fata_fix' requires addon 'praa_sound'" message comes up before Arma 3 launches, any idea how to fix this? Thanks again
  8. fission

    World War II CZ MOD

    wow those look nice
  9. fission

    CiA co-op night

    ill be there for the next one hopefully.
  10. fission

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    looks great, downloading now.
  11. fission


    Very nice, looks very appealing.
  12. fission

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    excellent work, downloading now.