Lo infamous, thx for the reply, exact framerate i'm not sure.
I read that some peeps uses fraps to record fps but i aint got it.
I read on earlier forum messages about the benchmark test so i ran itif its any help:
my ofp mark was 928.282 broken down as follows
1. 6.87019
2. 9.65477
3. 11.9531
4. 8.27586
5. 9.66023
Hope this helps. I have changed all sorts of settings on and off.
So, many post say opposite things it seems, from antiastropic filtering high, to disabled, the same for anti alliasing(if thats how ya spell it).
I tried turning vsync off in nvidia control panel ,struggled finding it (story of my life)
Ive got a 250gig sata hardrive.
Due to avin a really crap pc for so long, I automatically turn off all background programs off before doin anything on pc in Task Manager,although Iave Mcafee runnin with virusware,spyware,firewall,email virus on at all times.
Cheers matt