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About frogg

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  1. frogg

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Wow. After a 6 month break from Arma2 I decided to install it again today, and the first thing I went looking for was the successor to DMsmoke effects. This looks incredible, your mod alone made Arma1 20x more enjoyable for me. The total lack of huge, long lasting plumes of smoke killed the atmosphere. The addition of forest fires looks incredible. Thanks DM, for all the effort you have put in to making the game so much more enjoyable for people like me, it really is appreciated.
  2. You just made my day :) Thanks for the awesome work.
  3. MrN! Very glad to see an Arma2 mission from you, I really enjoyed Dynamic war (kept me going back to ArmA) I'll download this tonight and update this post with any feedback. Cheers mate! :)
  4. frogg

    18 FPS when grass enabled?

    I find that AntiAliasing gave me the biggest FPS hit with grass/foliage turned up to very high. Try turning AA to low/off? You can compensate somewhat by increasing fillrate (3d resolution).
  5. I have the Steam version. You can load mods fine. You can create as many shortcuts as you want. (I have 3 atm). When loading from my current shortcuts, I do not get any steam popups or questions, just starts the game straight away. As for o2 not working, I don;t use it so couldn't comment. Steam is fine, it cost me $30 less than the retail price I would have paid in the shops (due to good exchange rate), and its functionality is EXACTLY the same. I'm not sure what drugs the OP is using, I do not have his issues.
  6. If you have view distance set to 10km, try setting it down to ~4km and turning your texture detail back up.
  7. Hehe, I just used 8gb of my 25gb Bigpond monthly allowance on the Steam version the other night. While it won't effect me, the effort is really appreciated Placebo :) *edit* Also for those who want to know, the thing that makes our AUS/NZ download caps unbearable is that most major ISP's count Download AND Upload as part of your allowance. It used to be only Bigpond that did it, but most ISP's are slowly following suite. :(
  8. frogg


    Thanks for the mission mate, as soon as Steam finishes downloading I shall be giving it a shot. And some of the most intelligent people I work with are Dyslexic, don't let these guys get to you :)
  9. Yep, I have lost all faith in 505, therefore ordered off Steam. As you don''t have that as an option, I feel very sorry for you. I'm really not sure what the best option would be.
  10. http://www.cdwow.co.nz/games/Windows/ARMA-II-Armed-Assault/product/view/9017405 http://www.cdwow.co.nz/games/PC-Game/ARMA-2/product/view/9161149 Same game, 2 different prices and release dates. I've checked all the CDWOW sites, and this is the same on them all. I realise that CDWOW are just selling copies from 2 different regions, but do 505 not have any control over the absurd price differences or release dates? Are 505 not capable of supplying the Oceanic region with local copies at or before the global Steam release (not TWO MONTHS after)?
  11. CDWOW have pushed their release date back to July 9, 2009. http://www.cdwow.com.au/games/PC-Game/ARMA-2/product/view/9161149 As much as I dont want to (I want to be able to run beta patches), I cancelled my CDWOW order and will be buying off steam tonight. What are 505 thinking? they will lose a large percentage of their sales in the Oceanic region, due to it being available on steam 2 months before a shop release. Anyone and everyone in this region that has been waiting for this game will be importing from the UK or buying from steam. *EDIT* Also, WTF is going on here. http://www.cdwow.com.au/games/Windows/ARMA-II-Armed-Assault/product/view/9017405 http://www.cdwow.com.au/games/PC-Game/ARMA-2/product/view/9161149 Both are 505 versions, but one is NEARLY DOUBLE the price of the other. And release dates nearly a month apart. May I suggest you do not use 505 in the future for publishing/distributing, at least outside of Europe? They seem to have royally cocked this one up.
  12. I'm in Australia, and I inquired at a local Gametraders today hoping they might be getting it soon. They told me they had a release date for ArmA 2 (505games) of August 20? Is this for real? Is the steam release in Aus still going ahead on the 30th? I'm certainly not waiting an extra couple of months for a box copy, I'll be using steam for sure.
  13. frogg

    Warfare V1 ADV AI 32 Players

    Why....people why can we not stick to using a standard naming system for Warfare Missions. It makes things ALOT easier being able to see which version of Warfare your custom version is based off. Please guys, it is not hard to do. From the wiki:
  14. frogg

    Warfare 1.1.4 [South MattR]

    Supply trucks (in Rommels) were removed and replaced with a much more reliable means of getting supply. Simply getting those resources over a specified period time imo is the best way of getting them. There are two reasons I prefer not having supply trucks: First for foremost, AI suck. The AI supply trucks already have been scripted to really follow the roads but they still manage to drive into trees and get themselves stuck. Second: People who piggy back supply trucks and "get rich quick" are a problem. I haven't played Arma in a few days so I can't be sure how Matt's is structured. Actually Romm's version still has the supply system of income, just no longer do the AI try and do it for you. If you want to have any sort of decent income you must do some supply runs yourself. (which is very quick with fast travel.) Overall it makes for much better online games, as your team can either rapidly expand and take as many towns as possible, or you can bunker down with 3-4 towns, and get half the team doing supply runs for a little while to boost the income.
  15. frogg

    Warfare 1.1[@]x_[Victor N+S]

    Yes, you are missing the point. I think you need to ask permission if the MOD/Addon is not a public release, and it was never intended to be one. AFAIK there is no IC ArmA MOD version released to the public currently (witch also means Victor will need to release such a pack in order for his mission to work). This is not about a 3rd party addon...as there is no such thing in this case Besides with a such a mod, using only a few vehicles from it might be messy, as they all are linked one to the other in the configs Ahh fair enough, I missed the part about it being a private mod. Sorry for questioning you, just threw me off a bit when I had a quick read. Looking forward to the map Victor, looks like it will be a great release.