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About funkymojo44

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  1. funkymojo44

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    V1.04. What im saying is that the release of the game was not acceptable as a finished product. As a gaming community have we suddenly resigned to the fact that games are released with major bugs? Why not release the game later? In v1.04 the campaign was virtually unplayable - the AI and scripts were deeply flawed... To me that greatly affected the enjoyability of the game. Hey when these problems are (hopefully) fixed then im sure we'll have a great game, but if we are happy to accept a finished boxed copy of a game in the state ArmA was in then we may as well all download BETA versions and test for the developers.
  2. funkymojo44

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    Again, we have another user who simply ignores the simple fact the game was released unfinished and incomplete...... I think the patch is good, but fact is the game is still buggy and the intial release was really bad in terms of bugs. I like the game, but i think alot of people are fed up buying games that do NOT WORK properly out of the box, instead there is a mass beta stage using the general public and numerous patches. Thats just not right.
  3. funkymojo44

    official complaint to BIS

    How do you know there was even a large test of the 1.04 version ? From my understanding the production of the product went on since the initial release and there was no indepth test-phase as time simply wouldn´t have allowed it. Then after a few weeks we get 1.05 patch, a major one with a lot of changes, additiones and bugs aswell. Has this to be expected ? I´d say yes. As I already posted a proper patch with testing on a large scale would have meant that it would have been released in June maybe. What do you think ? Are the people more happy to have version upgrades from 1.02 to 1.05 with a lot of gameplay fixes and changes now, or do you think they would have been willing to wait for June ? Your attitude really baffles me. I guess you would have been the first to scream "I want the patch now ! I have paid for it ! I will sue the whole planet if I don´t get the patch !" But now, as there is a major patch, you keep moaning about the things that came with the patch. Do you actually have an idea how big Arma is, how complex it is, how much sources for errors there are ? But still, understanding is not on your list, as you simply EXPECT it to be the way you want it. Period. No matter how much reviews there were telling you that there are a load of bugs, no matter that you had to be blind to NOT read any reviews pointing out the flaws of Arma, you have your expectations and you want them fulfilled. Not tomorrow, but today, No matter what. This is why you´ll be never happy with Arma as it will never be like you want it to be. Even in 2 years from now on you will still demand excuses. If that suits you, ok. I´m more looking forward, not backward. There was a time to be upset or whatever, but as BIS is already pushing hard to satisfy their customers I see no point, apart from moaning, to constantly bring back the same issues over and over again. Arma has changed, it´s not Arma 1.01 anymore. It´s Arma 1.05. Of course there is a need for fixes, of course there are wishes, but BIS has already shown us that they listen alot to their com and do implement things we want and even more. Anyway, enough of that. I´m fed of it. I'm afraid its your attitude i can;t understand. Of course it is incorrect to start mass moaning and attacking members of BIS, however the main point which many have noted continues to be sidetracked by comments such as; "go and play BF2" FACT - ArmA is the most heavily bugged release of a game i have ever played, and its all very well saying there has been patches released since - these patches have only cured certain aspects - there is alot to do. My arguement is that the game should not have been released in this state. I would have been willing to wait to June if it meant getting it right. What we have here is a massive BETA test involving the general public without them knowing it! Of course most games have patches after release, but not on the scale of ArmA. Your point that people will continue complaining about the game 2 years from now is just stupid. Look - the fact is the game should not have been released in this condition and it says alot that my out of box copy (v1.04) is almost unplayable. ArmA may be complex - OFP was as well but i don;t remember it having this many bugs. It really sounds as though you are desperatly trying to defend the indefensable, which bemuses me. Are you happy with the copy of the game you bought? Have you not experianced the awful scripting and AI? Or maybe the GFX flaws mentioned?
  4. funkymojo44

    official complaint to BIS

    First off I would like to point out that I have played OFP and have Red Hammer/Resistance addons, played them to death and love the first game. However I have a major issue with BIS releasing what can only be described as an ‘incomplete game’ that is v1.04 of Armed Assault. Some of you may have said already that if you have bought the game then tough. This is nonsense. The mission where you have to blow up a bridge after tanks etc. have passed through. 1 tank gets over bridge ok goes up road, gets stuck behind a house and continually rams it for 15 minutes. Another tank drives past bridge straight into the river and blows up. The other 2 bmps and ural stagger along a few inches every 20 seconds and finally after 15 minutes make their way across the bridge were they get stuck again on the edge of a house.... Every mission i have done so far has major scripting flaws, i just dont know how they got away with releasing this unfinished. Maybe this is typical of the gaming industry at this time – release a bugged game and then take another 6-12months release staged patches. As far as I am concerned this is not good enough. You cannot tell me that the testers for Armed Assault went through the campaign and were happy with the scripted events and AI. And I’m talking about v1.04, god knows how people coped with 1.02 released in other countries. I have installed v1.05, and there is a slight improvement regarding AI and I like the new aiming system. However I would like someone representing BI to put a sticky on this board and explain why a huge amount of people are experiencing major script flaws and AI problems and graphics engine flaws. As far as I am concerned the modding community are going to make this game into what it should be, just like they did with OFP.