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About frOsT1k

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  1. frOsT1k

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    i may sound noob. but. what is AA? [ in graphic settings not in game ] ? and what is TrackIR ?
  2. frOsT1k

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Ye.. my PC is old. so i want to know wich things do i have to buy to make ArmA run ***very well***
  3. frOsT1k

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    May i ask why so many people using Radeon and not GeForce? Just to know what company is better and in wich perfomence's and back to topic: i'm Runing ArmA [ German ] Version. patched 1.01 Eng Patched- PC CFG [ Don't Laugh Please ]: GeForce FX 5700 256. 512 DDR RAM 3Ghz Not Dual Core. AsusP4P800s-x Some regular Sound Card.. SoundMax. Runing it on the Lowest Graphic Settings. i can run alone in Editor Map and have fun.. but as soon as i put few soldiers with me it start laging me. So.. duno wich new details i need for my PC. Thinking to build a new one ._. Like this topic