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About flybyil

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I have an unsolved topic in another OPF community: http://nightjay0044.proboards57.com/index.c....3261773 (Maybe you should read "Reply #8" first) Can anyone here help me with this one? Looks like I've understood correctly where to save my mission's briefing.html, but in my GOTY version it just doesn't work.
  2. flybyil

    End campaign or trouble?

    OK. I'll cheat. BUT if this crashing issue becomes more frequent, how can I get rid of it? NB: Heatseeker, you scored two kittens.
  3. flybyil

    End campaign or trouble?

    I just finished Cold War's 'Search and Destroy' mission. After the next cutscene OPF crashes to desktop. When replaying the cutscene OPF doesn't crash but opens the main page. From the main page I can start playing Red Hammer and Resistance campaigns (I play OPF GOTY version). My question is: is the 'Search and destroy' the last mission in Cold War or do I have the famous 'Not enough memory' -problem in my hands? 'Search and Destroy' is the mission where you have to find, pinpoint and destroy one heavily defended Scud and return safely to base. Scud has nuclear warhead. Three M1A1's and two choppers can be radioed to come in & help but after any shooting the scud missile will be launched '...after five or six minutes' as the radio message warns, so you'll have to hurry. Remember?
  4. flybyil

    Can I see my total Campaign scores?

    I found it. In GOTY version when an earlier campaign name is clicked once a list of cumulated achievements open, together with the statistics of that campaign mission. Includes total kills, armoured vehicle kills, air kills etc.
  5. flybyil

    Cant see my missions

    I'm not sure if I understood your question right but here is how to open player-made missions: 1) Open Mission Editing 2) Choose "Load" 3) From the pop-up window click beside island name and choose from the list the island in which your mission takes place (you should see all island names there by now). 4) From (the same) pop-up window click beside mission name (usually "Mission 1" is on top). A mission list opens including all player created missions for that island. Markers become visible: a) in editing mode after pressing F6 ("Markers") and b) in-game: start your mission, select Map ("M" by default). NB: works in at least in GOTY version. NB2: if this answer was off your topic, could you explain your problem in a different way?
  6. flybyil

    Help for Singel Missions needed

    Your reply has been here for a week before I read it. During this week I have used smilies... Oh, I just didn't knew, honest I didn't Besides, I have a dog
  7. flybyil

    When (what date) did you all first play ofp?

    So many of you have been playing OFP since 2001! Well, I didn't even had a computer then... Now I have a PC... ...now I have OFP... ... I have the GOTY version... ...I've gotten rid of the PC's crashing problem... ... I've solved OFP graphics mysteries... ...and I've received lots of help in OFP community
  8. flybyil

    Radeon 9800 Pro specialists here?

    Things are improving. I've adjusted some BIOS settings more, tried different ATI settings and reduced the drawing distance to around 1000. Now OFP runs smoothly even in High Terrain level with max Pic Quality. I can even have all the shadows on now. I was the incompetent one, not Radeon 9800. Thank you all for your support. Delighted to see how well this community works.
  9. flybyil


    What comes to your PC's specs you'll find quite a lot running the Dx Diagnose: Start / Run / (write in the "Open" field) dxdiag / OK In the opening page you'll see (among other things) specs for processer, OS system, memory etc. Choose the third leaflet "Display" and you'll get the graphic card specs and so on...
  10. flybyil

    Radeon 9800 Pro specialists here?

    Placebo: I'm not at my own PC right now to check out the exact settings but here's something: 1) can't tell the version number of the driver, only the release date (Oct 25th 2005). 2.1) Flashpoint settings: a) I've used 800x600 32b (recommended in the manual) and 1024x768 32b. Maybe the latter looks a bit better than the former. b) Screen 75Hz or 85 Hz (my monitor supports these). c) Highest frame rate, Low terrain, about 4/5 of the max quality, about 2/3 of the max drawing distance. 2.2) Radeon settings: tried to switch between Best Berformance and Best Quality and few wild quessies in between those two. Tried Game Default settings and User Defined settings. NB: R9800 seems to be consuming vast amounts of memory. OFP starts stuttering after 10 minutes of playing (not always, seems to be depending on in what kind of environment the mission takes place...). If I don't let my Memory Freeing program (called RamBooster) to run I can see that after 10 minutes of playing there may be as little as 11% free memory left out of 512 Mb. Better keep that RamBooster running.
  11. I've recently updated my PC's graphics card to Radeon 9800 128 Pro and the improvement I gained with the new GCard is a little disappointment to me. The visual quality is only slightly better than my old card's (Radeon 9000 Pro) quality. Usually fog looks better / more natural but the overall performance and visual quality are almost the same as before. Either a) Radeon 9800 128 Pro is over-advertized or b) there are some adjustments still to be made and I just don't know what they are. Some specs: Win2000 KT4V (VIA chipset) 512 Mb AMD Athlon 1800+ R9800Pro Creative Labs soundcard. The driver for the GCard is dated 25th October 2005 so it is "the latest driver". I had this new card already before I bought OFP GOTY edition but it took me some time to find out that in order the get it work I should 1) update motherboard (VIA "4-in-1"), 2) install Microsoft's .Netframe . Before these two (and the latest driver) updates the GCard didn't work at all and I thought that I had bought a broken card. As sometimes things just fall together, I happened to find the solution for that problem in OFP community. In other words OFP made it possible for me to install properly the new GCard which I had bought before I knew I was going to buy OFP... Back to the point: while I was there (installing) I readjusted BIOS by choosing "Set high performance settings" and got rid of the crashing problem and it looks like got rid of it for good (Knock on wood. Knock, knock) But why this not-so-good performance ? Can it be so that OPF just cannot be set to perform high quality and to run smoothly at the same time? NB: I saw in Troubleshooting FAQ suggestions referring to how to adjust IRQ settings, IDE settings and mentions about PC latency settings. Should I adjust these settings? If I should I could use a piece of a good advice here how to adjust and from where.
  12. flybyil

    Different characters in Campaign mission?

    Question answered, thank you all. I haven't yet tried it and don't even know will I do it but it's good to know that this community is alive and I can get answers to my questions and solutions for my gaming problems.
  13. flybyil

    Can I see my total Campaign scores?

    If it really doesn't matter, I think I'll just enjoy the game.
  14. flybyil

    Help for Singel Missions needed

    Heatseeker. With 2088 posts I was wondering could you help me with this one: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=49129 After starting that topic it has occured to me that being able do that would be some kind of cheating. Would it? While writing this the situation is: one opposes and one favours it.