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About firefox313

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. firefox313

    Ofp 2 slogan

    ofp 2: late is better than never ... 2006
  2. firefox313


    what about the refueling version?
  3. firefox313

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    did the 440 work for your ? Â no, it does't work.
  4. firefox313

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    ... it's possible to use the dx effects with other water texture (I like this water texture)
  5. firefox313

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Can anyone tell me the best configuration (I've 2 computer, one with a radeon 9200 and the other one with a ge force 440 mx)? Do you like the "dream world" (glare)?
  6. firefox313

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    "lower goggles" option disappeared. Anyone know why?
  7. firefox313

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    ok, I want change my ATI RADEON 9200 SE (128mb) with a better graphics card. Which is the best graphics card? what postprocessing's parameter has been modified between this picture and this?
  8. firefox313

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    what postprocessing's parameter has been modified between this picture and this ?
  9. firefox313

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    not via config. no "Gummi" done it. He had randomized the song in a mission (look below). that is a script that is NOT a config a config and a script are two ENTIRELY different things even if it was possible. . .im not doing it. . . military personal arent sent out on misions with "random guns" thier superiors dont go "close your eyes and pick your gun" they are assigned a weapon load out and until they retire or die. . that is thier weapon load out til the end please people. . can we get some comments on the bullet whiz thing? do you want it or no? that error is only on the G36, hunting rifel, and possibly a few other random rare weapons liek the styer butnot 100% sure of what weapons give that error, but 98% of the weapons do not give any error Yes, I kwon, but for example it would be great to select the same vehicle and get many different skin, or have a unit with the sam (but costumized) rifle (for example the various version of the m4 or m16).
  10. firefox313

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    not via config. no "Gummi" done it. He had randomized the song in a mission (look below). ========================= ;Script by Gummi for ECP ;========================= _camera = "camera" camCreate [getpos vrak3 select 0, getpos vrak3 select 1, (getpos vrak3 select 2)+2] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] _rnd1 = random 12 ? _rnd1 > 10 : skiptime 10.5 ? _rnd1 > 5 : skiptime 22.2 _rnd = random 12.5 ? _rnd > 10 : goto "t5" ? _rnd > 7.5 : goto "t4" ? _rnd > 5 : goto "t3" ? _rnd > 2.5 : goto "t2" playMusic "Track16" goto "znova" #t2 playMusic "Track6" goto "znova" #t3 playMusic "RTrack1b" goto "znova" #t4 playMusic "Track12" goto "znova" #t5 playMusic "Frost" goto "znova"
  11. firefox313

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    I repeat, it's possible to equip the same unit with different weapons?
  12. firefox313

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    ;========================= ;Script by Gummi for ECP ;========================= _camera = "camera" camCreate [getpos vrak3 select 0, getpos vrak3 select 1, (getpos vrak3 select 2)+2] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] _rnd1 = random 12 ? _rnd1 > 10 : skiptime 10.5 ? _rnd1 > 5 : skiptime 22.2 _rnd = random 12.5 ? _rnd > 10 : goto "t5" ? _rnd > 7.5 : goto "t4" ? _rnd > 5 : goto "t3" ? _rnd > 2.5 : goto "t2" playMusic "Track16" goto "znova" #t2 playMusic "Track6" goto "znova" #t3 playMusic "RTrack1b" goto "znova" #t4 playMusic "Track12" goto "znova" #t5 playMusic "Frost" goto "znova" I don't know cpp programming, but I think that someone could do something like that to equip the same unit with different weapons
  13. firefox313

    random weapons

    ;========================= ;Script by Gummi for ECP ;========================= _camera = "camera" camCreate [getpos vrak3 select 0, getpos vrak3 select 1, (getpos vrak3 select 2)+2] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] _rnd1 = random 12 ? _rnd1 > 10 : skiptime 10.5 ? _rnd1 > 5 : skiptime 22.2 _rnd = random 12.5 ? _rnd > 10 : goto "t5" ? _rnd > 7.5 : goto "t4" ? _rnd > 5 : goto "t3" ? _rnd > 2.5 : goto "t2" playMusic "Track16" goto "znova" #t2 playMusic "Track6" goto "znova" #t3 playMusic "RTrack1b" goto "znova" #t4 playMusic "Track12" goto "znova" #t5 playMusic "Frost" goto "znova" I don't know cpp programming, but I think that someone could do something like that to equip the same unit with different weapons
  14. firefox313

    Silent pro's west gfx upgrade

    is it possible to load casually some different weapons in the same unit? for example: _rnd1 = random 12 ? _rnd1 > 10 : skiptime 10.5 ? _rnd1 > 5 : skiptime 22.2 _rnd = random 12.5 ? _rnd > 10 : goto "t5" ? _rnd > 7.5 : goto "t4" ? _rnd > 5 : goto "t3" ? _rnd > 2.5 : goto "t2" playMusic "Track16" goto "znova" #t2 class SoldierWB : Soldier { model="\HYK_USsol\wl\HYK_USsol_wl85.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]={"medic"}; moves="CfgMovesMC"; vehicleClass="Men"; scope=2; side=1; accuracy=0.700000; displayName="$STR_DN_SOLDIER"; weapons[]={"INQ_M4Reflex","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]={"INQ_M4Mag","INQ_M4Mag","INQ_M4Mag","INQ_M4Mag,HandGre nade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; cost=40000; #t3 class SoldierWB : Soldier { model="\HYK_USsol\wl\HYK_USsol_wl85.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]={"medic"}; moves="CfgMovesMC"; vehicleClass="Men"; scope=2; side=1; accuracy=0.700000; displayName="$STR_DN_SOLDIER"; weapons[]={"INQ_M16","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]={"INQ_M16","INQ_M16","INQ_M16","HandGrenade",&quot ; ;HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; cost=40000; #t4 class SoldierWB : Soldier { model="\HYK_USsol\wl\HYK_USsol_wl85.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]={"medic"}; moves="CfgMovesMC"; vehicleClass="Men"; scope=2; side=1; accuracy=0.700000; displayName="$STR_DN_SOLDIER"; weapons[]={"INQ_M4","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]= {"INQ_M4Mag","INQ_M4Mag","INQ_M4Mag","INQ_M4Mag",& amp; quot;HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade&a mp;q uot;}; cost=40000; Is it possible? ...I'm working on a new and ECP compatible config.