I finally finished Battle of Modrava.. What a sweet demo! I think this is the game for me? I don't own any OP Flashpoint games yet, but am thinking of buying them. Are all of the missions in the Cold War Crisis, Redhammer, and resistance this difficult? Whew, it took me quite some time to finally get the city under my control. And lots of failed plans too that didn't go as planned.
Anyways if the whole game is like this, I really want to buy it. But I worry about bugs. I've had several bugs just in the demo version, so how bad are bugs in the games themselves? Like, bugs that cause the level to fail to complete... Is the game bad with them (latest patch?). I am thinking to get Game of the Year edition, but it's not in any stores yet. So I will wait for it.. I hear even the GoTY was bugged out and had to be called back for fixing???
Spoiler: How I finished the Battle of Madrava. Don't read if you want to play it for yourself! Anyways this was a hard mission to learn and I will share my tactic.
The opening camp you have to take. My objective was to take the camp without using any of the tanks, to save the tanks for later on.
* Setup all guys in the forest/trees just outside the enemy camp. Had them target the visible enemy soldiers.
* Crawled in by the tents, then chucked a nade at the guys sitting by the fire. Took them all out.
* Ran over, shot the 2 guys by the tanks. Had my soldiers open fire, and took the RPG from the dead guy next to the tank.
* Waited for a bit by the tanks & helped my guys in the trees kill all enemies who were dumb enough to cross the road.
*Ran across the street, manned the machine gun that was empty, & plowed down all remaining enemies by the tents/other side of the road.
* Visited the ammo dump behind the tents and stocked up on RPG ammo, had all my guys re-ammo there.
* Had 2 tanks, a jeep and all my guys full and healthy.
Then with the 1st base captured I had my guys bring the 2 tanks (that had not been used by anyone yet) along with the jeep to the next outpost.
* Manned the 2 tanks with a full crew. Went to the big mountain that is right next to the enemy city (One side is ocean/forest, other side is large mountain). You can drive the tanks up the mountain at a low point that's off the main road. Get the tanks to the very top, and then to the ledge overlooking the enemy city. The enemy will not notice this lol.
* From top of mountain had tank crews target 1 of the enemy tanks not moving and the 2nd tank that is active (but not fire yet), just target & get ready.
* Back at re-enforcement camp, took the rest of the guys into the forest leading to enemy machine-gun outpost. Set them up stealth and to target (but not fire) on each of the 4 machine gun posts. They crawled to bushes and got ready to fire on the machine gunners.
* Took the jeep back to the main city, then along the beach out of site to the enemy city. Enemy does not see jeep driving along the coast.
* Unloaded from jeep, crawled to gas station.
Now from here, I called the re-enforcements (sends like 10 guys running down the main road towards the city). Then ordered all players to open fire & engage. Guys in forest began to take out MG posts, while tanks on hill began to take out the moving tank and 1 of the non-moving tanks.
From my position I then used the RPG to take out the other 2 tanks that were non-active. You can blow them up if you RPG from the gas station. After that, jumped back into the jeep (enemy was running towards me) and drove back up the coast, then into the forest.
Was pretty sweet. I lost most of my forest guys pretty fast, but they got the machine gunners down, which let the re-enforcements run in without being torn to shreds. My tanks dominated the enemy once I had all the enemy tanks down, but I lost 1 of my tanks to an enemy RPG soldier who rocketed it. But eventually I had 2 guys crawling thru the city taking everyone down, and a tank driving around running over & shooting down the enemy. Eventually I just got in it myself and ran the rest of the enemies over.