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Everything posted by flash46196

  1. flash46196

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    ya I am running 1.96
  2. flash46196

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Ok guys I really need your help. re-Installed OFP updated colmpletely. Downloaded WGP4 and installed it, and KEg updater and all that.. But it does not work. The Icons appear bland on my dest top. Why is this happening to me? Thanks a lot guys and a small SIMPLE list of what you need would be nice. I am a loly g12 guy cant expect me to sort through the mombo jumbo.. Thanks again, oh and if you want to help e-mail stpauls40@hotmail.com thanks
  3. flash46196

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    I installed it and the map,, but the Icons are blank and it does not work... What exaly do I need to make this work? do I need to download it again?