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About flasher44

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. flasher44

    Multiplayer - stuck at "waiting for server"

    so is there a solution to this direct x issue ?
  2. flasher44


    Thans you !!! You really helped me !!
  3. flasher44


    That what I need a little script that reads out the triggers content and modifies the corresponding unit to the desired state. I need help to do this script all the rest is easy. Because so far my trigger modifies the all units, I don't know how to make it modify only one. Thanks...
  4. flasher44


    The problem is that I don't want the guard to shoot all of them I want him to shoot the only one that enter the restricted area and leave the others alone. How to make it shoot only the one that trigger the guard ?
  5. flasher44


    How to do a script that allow with a triger, when a civilian unit enter an area a garde to fire at all the civilian entering the area ? Like this </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">guard doTarget civilian1<span id='postcolor'> but this line works only for "civilian1" and I want the guard to react to any civilian disregarding of their name. Thanks for your patience but I never learned programming.
  6. I looking for a script to respawn objetcs like a house or tree or something else but not vehicules or people. Who can help me please ??
  7. flasher44

    Respawn script

    I can't find such command in the script I use. Could you help me to solve my prob with this script. ;Made By DeaDMeaT ;All instructions are in the TxT file with this script ;Sorry for the lack of comments ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _unit = _this select 0 _padid = _this select 1 _type = _this select 2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _padpos = getpos _padid _padx = _padpos select 0 _pady = _padpos select 1 _padz = _padpos select 2 _padpoint = GetDir _padid ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;WEST_AIR ?(_type == "A10"):goto "A10" ?(_type == "A10FLY"):goto "A10" ?(_type == "AH1"):goto "AH1" ?(_type == "AH64"):goto "AH64" ?(_type == "CH47D"):goto "CH47D" ?(_type == "UH60"):goto "UH60" ?(_type == "UH60/mg"):goto "UH60/mg" ;;EAST_AIR ?(_type == "SU25"):goto "SU25" ?(_type == "SU25FLY"):goto "SU25" ?(_type == "MI24"):goto "MI24" ?(_type == "MI17"):goto "MI17" ;;WEST_GROUND ?(_type == "M2"):goto "M2" ?(_type == "M1A1"):goto "M1A1" ?(_type == "M60"):goto "M60" ?(_type == "M113"):goto "M113" ?(_type == "MIIPBR"):goto "MIIPBR" ?(_type == "VULCAN"):goto "VULCAN" ?(_type == "JEEP"):goto "JEEP" ;;EAST_GROUND ?(_type == "T80"):goto "T80" ?(_type == "T72"):goto "T72" ?(_type == "BMP"):goto "BMP" ?(_type == "BOAT"):goto "BOAT" ?(_type == "SHILKA"):goto "SHILKA" ;;RESISTANCE_GROUND ?(_type == "T55"):goto "T55" ;;BASIC RESPAWN ?(_type == "R"):goto "Respawn" _unit sidechat "incorrect type" goto "exit" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;AIR ;;;;WEST #A10 _unit removemagazines "MaverickLauncher" _unit removemagazines "MachineGun30A10" _unit addmagazine "MaverickLauncher" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun30A10" ?(_type == "A10FLY"):goto "RespawnFLY" goto "Respawn" #AH1 _unit removemagazines "HellfireLauncherCobra" _unit removemagazines "ZuniLauncher38" _unit removemagazines "MachineGun30" _unit addmagazine "HellfireLauncherCobra" _unit addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun30" goto "Respawn" #AH64 _unit removemagazines "HellfireLauncherApach" _unit removemagazines "ZuniLauncher38" _unit removemagazines "MachineGun30" _unit addmagazine "HellfireLauncherApach" _unit addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun30" goto "Respawn" #CH47D _unit removemagazine "Browning" _unit addmagazine "Browning" goto "Respawn" #UH60 _unit removemagazine "ZuniLauncher38" _unit addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38" goto "Respawn" #UH60/mg _unit removemagazine "Browning" _unit addmagazine "Browning" goto "Respawn" ;;;;EAST #SU25 _unit removemagazines "Ch29TLauncher" _unit removemagazines "Rocket57x64" _unit removemagazines "MachineGun30A10" _unit addmagazine "Ch29TLauncher" _unit addmagazine "Rocket57x64" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun30A10" ?(_type == "SU25FLY"):goto "RespawnFLY" goto "Respawn" #Mi24 _unit removemagazines "HellfireLauncherHind" _unit removemagazines "Rocket57x64" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit removemagazines "MachineGun30" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit addmagazine "HellfireLauncherHind" _unit addmagazine "Rocket57x64" Â Â _unit addmagazine "MachineGun30" goto "Respawn" #Mi17 _unit removemagazines "Rocket57x192" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit addmagazine "Rocket57x192" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â goto "Respawn" ;;;;GROUND ;;;;WEST #M2 _unit removemagazine "Browning" _unit addmagazine "Browning" goto "Respawn" #M1A1 _unit removemagazine "HEAT120" _unit removemagazine "SHELL120" _unit removemagazine "MachineGun12_7" _unit addmagazine "HEAT120" _unit addmagazine "SHELL120" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun12_7" goto "Respawn" #M60 _unit removemagazine "HEAT105" _unit removemagazine "SHELL105" _unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6" _unit addmagazine "HEAT105" _unit addmagazine "SHELL105" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6" goto "Respawn" #M113 _unit removemagazine "browning" _unit addmagazine "browning" goto "Respawn" #MIIPBR _unit removemagazine "browning" _unit addmagazine "browning" goto "Respawn" #VULCAN _unit removemagazine "VulcanCannon" _unit addmagazine "VulcanCannon" goto "Respawn" #JEEP _unit removemagazine "Browning" _unit addmagazine "Browning" goto "Respawn" ;;;;EAST #T80 _unit removemagazine "HEAT125" _unit removemagazine "SHELL125" _unit removemagazine "MachineGun12_7" _unit addmagazine "HEAT125" _unit addmagazine "SHELL125" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun12_7" goto "Respawn" #T72 _unit removemagazine "HEAT120" _unit removemagazine "SHELL120" _unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6" _unit addmagazine "HEAT120" _unit addmagazine "SHELL120" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6" goto "Respawn" #BMP _unit removemagazine "HEAT73" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit removemagazine "SHELL73" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6" Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit addmagazine "HEAT73" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit addmagazine "SHELL73" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6" Â Â Â Â Â Â goto "Respawn" #BOAT _unit removemagazine "browning" _unit addmagazine "browning" goto "Respawn" #SHILKA _unit removemagazine "ZsuCannon" _unit addmagazine "ZsuCannon" goto "Respawn" ;;;;RESISTANCE #T55 _unit removemagazine "HEAT105" _unit removemagazine "SHELL105" _unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6" _unit addmagazine "HEAT105" _unit addmagazine "SHELL105" _unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6" goto "Respawn" #Respawn _unit setpos [(_padx),(_pady),(_padz-.2)] _unit setdir _padpoint _unit setdir _padpoint _unit setdammage 0.4 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0.3 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0.2 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0.1 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0 ~.5 _unit setfuel 1 _unit allowfleeing 0 goto "exit" #RespawnFLY ~5 _p1 = _this select 3 _unit setpos [(_padx),(_pady),(_padz+500)] _unit setdir _padpoint _unit setdammage 0.4 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0.3 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0.2 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0.1 ~.5 _unit setdammage 0 _p1 assignasdriver _unit _p1 moveindriver _unit _unit setfuel 1 _p1 setbehaviour "AWARE" _p1 setcombatmode "RED" _p1 setspeedmode "NORMAL" _p1 flyinheight 100 _p1 allowfleeing 0 _unit allowfleeing 0 _unit setbehaviour "AWARE" _unit setcombatmode "RED" _unit setspeedmode "NORMAL" _unit flyinheight 100 #Exit ~.1 exit
  8. flasher44

    Sensor trigger stopping

    It does not work ...
  9. flasher44

    Respawn script

    Your script helped me a lot, to respawn vehicules, but I would like to respawn an objetc such as a chair or something else as the Target E. Thanks.
  10. Who can give me a simple respawning script to apply it to an object, in order to delete it and have again in the same place than before brand new. Thanks.
  11. When for exemple a soldier activate a sensor, and you put a condition of time for exemple of 30s before triggering. How to stop the countdown or reset the sensor before the end of the 30s and prevent it to trigger if the soldier do a special action ? Because so far when a sensor is activated under the required condition I can't stop it even if the conditions of activation are not met anymore. Help please !!!!