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Posts posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. We just found one quite nasty bug. Using Leopard will crash dedicated servers, due to invalid aspect ratio in one of the interior textures. This might also be reason why some people are experiencing sudden crashes to desktop with FDFMod.

    We right now are investigating how to fix this in best possible way. Just releasing fixed PBO would result in patch size of at least 18MB, so we are researching other options too.

    This bug seems to not affect singleplayer or hosted servers.

  2. @ June 22 2003,00:26)]
    Not a big deal but theres a few untextured LODs here and there. I'll post em if no one has seen this before.

    Could you please specify what units have untextured LODs?

    I guess this is known bug.

    After running binarize, some LODs were missing small patches of textures on backside of soldiers. It affects almost all models sad_o.gif

  3. Yes but were the normal BIS files and setting changed in any way that would effect other mods? If so I'm reinstalling everything and taking out the FDF mod.

    No. If you start OFP with fdfmod.exe or -mod=fdfmod, it just uses our config.cpp which points to new BMP model in finmod/ directory.

    No original OFP files are modified! (If installed correctly tounge_o.gif )

    Start OFP with normal exe and BMPs are happily out of scale again.

  4. - great audio surround (voices, MUSIC!!! well maybe I'm fan of the nordic metal, but the band I heard was not what I personally like - matter of gust - but the other music, symphonic.. absolutely amazed me :])

    Most of the classical compositions used in FDFMod are composed by Jean Sibelius. Exceptions are:

    Finnish National Anthem - Fredrik Pacius

    Farewell Slavianka - Vasiliy Ivanovich Agapkin

    Muistoja Pohjolasta - Sam Sihvo

    Porilaisten Marssi - Christian Fredrik Kress

    I'm not 100% sure I got them right though tounge_o.gif

  5. Why a new main executable? I guess partly you need it to load the sound and voice subfolders of the modfolder (afaik only addons, dta, bin and campaigns can be loaded via -mod= parameter), but are there any other changes to the executable? And if so, what has been changed?

    New executable is only for users who might not be familiar with how to edit their shortcuts and use -mod parameter. Practically all new executable does is to add -mod=finmod parameter to command line before executing flashpointresistance.exe.

    Quote[/b] ]Is it possible to use the addons with the normal executable or are some needed dependies in the sound and voices folders or something else that will make it not work with the normal executable?

    Well, I'm running FDFMod with normal shortcut, just using parameters -mod=hisky;finmod -nosplash. So nothing fancy there. However addons do not work without -mod parameter since they depend on changes in game's main config.cpp. So you can't just place them into regular addons folder.

    Quote[/b] ]Is it possible to put the modfolder elsewhere (i have all my mods in a folder called mods, so something like fdfmod.exe -mod=mods\finmod would be cool)

    Se Kegetys' answer above.

  6. FDF Mod 1.0 Released!

    - The first total conversion modification for OFP: Resistance

    - Reworked OFP config with more realistic recoils and weapon specs.

    - New sounds for all OFP weapon systems, weather and environment.

    - Finnish Defence Forces modelled in meticulous detail.

    - Dozens of new weapons and improvements for OFP weapons.

    - Man-portable modular weapon systems such as HMGs and mortars.

    - 9 single-player missions and 12 multiplayer missions (a/d & coop).

    - New user interface for menus and mission editing

    - Debug console for mission editing purposes

    - 16 new radio voice profiles in Finnish, totalling 3000+ radio voices.

    - Soundtrack feat. Finnish rock band 'Airut' and few classical tracks.

    - Several single and multiplayer missions

    - Custom Island "FDF: Karjala", Everon island with OFP: Resistance trees, houses, textures, etc.

    - Integrated spectating script (No need for insertion of spect. scripts)

    - Numerous old OFP bugs fixed, eg. correct-sized BMPs added, forced machinegun lights fixed, gl-grenades taking too much space fixed, medics able to carry LAW etc.

    - None of the original OFP files are replaced or altered

    For latest list of download links, take look FDF Mod site downloads page.

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by Peliportti, Finland

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by Finnish Platoon, Finland

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by Peliplaneetta, Finland

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by eDome, Finland

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by OFPEC, Sweden

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by OFP.info, Czech Republic

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by OFP Vault, United Kingdom

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by @WAR / Fileplanet

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by The OFP FAQ / FileFront

    DOWNLOAD from mirror hosted by Telstra, Australia

    DOWNLOAD with BitTorrent file sharing program

    DOWNLOAD Multiplayer mission pack. Contains some new and fixed versions of old maps.

    Fixed version of single player mission Hard Times

    Huge thanks to all folks mirroring this file!


    Weapon and magazine names for Tak2000 (Sako TRG-42), Remington 870 and folding chair in README.TXT are incorrect.

    They should be

    Tak 2000 FDF_kiv2000 FDF_kiv2000Mag

    Remington 870 FDF_rem870 FDF_rem870Buck,FDF_rem870Slug

    Folding chair FDFtuoliFolded

    Using Leopard will crash dedicated servers, due to invalid aspect ratio in one of the interior textures.

    This might also be reason why some people are experiencing sudden crashes to desktop with FDFMod. This bug seems not to affect single player or hosted servers.

    DOWNLOAD fixed PBO here. This PBO may also fix texture problems with some Voodoo cards.

    Any mission with BMP2 won't work on dedicated servers due to conflig in config.cpp.

    To fix this, delete s_o_fdf.pbo from finmod/addons directory on your dedicated server (or rather move that file so you've got backup). Clients do not have to delete that .pbo, it will still complain about "finnish_defence_forces" addon but otherwise missions will work just fine.

    edit: added bmp2 fix

  7. This is the announcement you all have been waiting for smile_o.gif:D:p

    I'm pleased to announce that FDF Mod 1.0 went through some very intensive testing last night and it should be OK for release. It will be available for download as soon as we get our distribution channels active. Short take from the Readme:



    - The first total conversion modification for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance

    - Reworked OFP config with more realistic recoils and weapon specs that affect the entire gameplay

    - New sounds for all OFP weapon systems, weather and environment

    - Finnish Defence Forces modelled in meticulous detail with dozens of infantry units, vehicles and planes.

    - Dozens of new infantry weapons and improvements for default OFP weapons

    - Man-portable modular weapon systems such as missile launchers, heavy machine-guns and mortars

    - 9 single-player missions and 12 multiplayer missions (a/d and coop).

    - New user interface for menus and mission editing

    - Debug console for mission editing purposes

    - 16 new radio voice profiles in Finnish, totalling 3000+ radio voices for the resistance side.

    - Soundtrack featuring Finnish rock band 'Airut' and several classical tracks.

    - Several single and multiplayer missions

    - Custom Island "FDF: Karjala", Everon island with OFP: Resistance trees, houses, textures, etc.

    - Integrated spectating script (No need for manual insertion of spectating scripts)

    - Numerous old OFP bugs fixed, eg. correct-sized BMPs added, forced machinegun lights fixed, gl-grenades taking too much space fixed, medics

    able to carry LAW etc.

    - None of the original OFP files are replaced or altered

    Total download size will be 199MB

  8. NSV in action 21.5.2003 - FDFMOD Team

    FDFMod Team proudly presents the Russian made 12.7mm NSV AA Machinegun, also known as "Utes". The NSV forms the basis of the close air defence of the Finnish jaegers and APCs. Our NSV works without any scripting or tweaking, it only needs to be placed on the map and it will work as shown in this multiplayer video.

    Video is available at FDFMOD site, look at the news section.

    Finnish Defence Forces Modification site

  9. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ADOY @ Oct. 14 2002,10:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have seen requests in threads for a submarine patch, but, what I am interested in is a frogman patch.

    I also want to, not only hunt animals on land (like I have seen posted so many times), but also Flipper and Freewilly.<span id='postcolor'>

    Why don't you just go and shoot real animals then ?-)
