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Posts posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. Well, I'm not quite sure about what I'm saying now, but is this legal.

    Someone said he had used a wallhack ins't that illegal if you realese it? Maybe he have to get permission from BIS first to use it..?  wink_o.gif

    I don't really know....

    I said it uses same mechanism as your typical CS cheats do, not that it enables cheating - not that it matters, there are unfortunately already plenty of MP cheats for OFP available. If it makes you feel any better I can say virus protection software also do similar things smile_o.gif

    As far as cheats go, they are legal but using them in network gaming shows a very poor character.

  2. They arn't water textures.

    He must of modified the engine like, to allow pixel shaders.. Absolutley amazing!


    It is done by intercepting Direct3D COM object calls, basically same method how people create wallhack cheats etc. in games. It is multiplayer compatible as OFP exe is modified in no way.

    Actual code involved is surprisingly small, this screenshot below is done with less than 100 lines of C++ code and most of that is pixel shader.


  3. Pictures of upcoming FDF: Maldevic


    That time of year thou mayst in me behold

    When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang

    Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,

    Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.

    In me thou seest the twilight of such day

    As after sunset fadeth in the west,

    Which by and by black night doth take away,

    Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.

    In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire

    That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,

    As the death-bed whereon it must expire

    Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by.

    This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,

    To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

    - Shakespeare

    Download more screenshots (7.7 MB, Rar archive)

  4. Quote[/b] ]I save an image in PS as x.TGA in 32bpp.But if i preview it with textview i only see a grey square instead of my texture.

    The same way when i convert the tga 32bpp with paatool 1.1 i have a .PAA or PAC but it's also all grey.

    Probably something wrong with your textures alpha channel.

  5. I shall look at that..

    Small request...

    I have about 600 unique texture to convert to paa, any chance of a bulk converter??

    The alternative would be I suspect almost a days work manually one by one.

    I cant get away from the number of files, its for a very special project.

    I just haven't got extra time right now, I near future I may update older command line vesrion with some of the features...

    However source code is included, it really doesn't take much programmer skills for someone to modify it to do batch conversions. And nowadays Microsoft is even giving their optimizing compiler away freely...

  6. You can always create second pilot on ground, then on vehicle's init immediately remove pilot from plane and move your secondary pilot as driver and setPos old pilot somewhere in outer space... Never tested that in MP though, I'm not sure what will happen if plane's init line is run before secondary pilot's init line tounge_o.gif

  7. This isn't much of a tutorial, but might be still help for some modellers...

    "Merge textures" function is used in O2 to combine several small textures into larger one. Having one big 512x512 texture instead of four separate 256x256 textures gives better performance in modern graphics cards, since texture state change is relatively expensive operation for GPU.

    How to do it? First, select all faces in LOD which you want to perform merge function on, basically you usually just select all faces. Then select "Merge Textures" under Surfaces menu. Now, all references to textures listed in merge script should be changed to your merged texture.

    O2 does not combine textures for you - this is something you currently must do yourself, including writing down coordinates which texture can be found in which position in larger merged texture. O2 only remaps your models UV coordinates so that all single texture references are changed into proper UV coordinates in merged texture. It is bit time consuming work, but writing merge script is a lot easier than doing all this work manually. You might also find it easier to merge few textures at time.

    Note also that all texture mapping types aren't always suitable for merging - especially gizmo mapping can be problematic unless UV coordinate wrapover is aligned exactly at face edge.

    Dschulle (author of PaNTool) is researching possibility of including feature into PaNTool which would allow you to merge textures using drag&drop GUI and automatically generate script for O2 to use.

    Get example project from here

    Example merge script (mergedemo.ptm):

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class inftexmerge {

    class object01 {

    class items {

    class item00000 {









    class item00001 {









    class item00002 {









    class item00003 {





















    Special thanks for Suma for quick response when asked for example script!

  8. Codemasters has been quite tightlipped so far with E3 coverage, but with only one day E3 left and no Flashpoint news I'd make sure you've got your Tabasco ready and hat well marinaded tounge_o.gif

    But you'll never know - maybe they've got ace in their sleeve and are just waiting for a last day of E3 and maximum press coverage now that HL2 news and stuff are already winding down...

  9. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">A Required .DLL file, mfc70.DLL, was not found

    Use latest version 1.1 of PAATool - MFC is statically linked there so no extra DLLs are needed.

    See my post above.

  10. I finally downloaded this mod, my verdict? It's very well done. I think the East Border map is probably one of the best maps every made.

    Well, maybe 2nd best... tounge_o.gif

    The only thing Is when I play I find my self lonesome for dynamic range sound, and some Helecopter downwash. Any chance of either of those making it into the next release? Perhap a ECP version?

    We've researched but current method of doing downwash dust causes too big performance drop for our tastes.

    Compatibility with other mod projects would be nice thing to have for online play and possible in theory, but I just don't think it will ever happen. It would mean rewriting whole FDFMod config and large parts of ECP, and some things still just wouldn't be compatible and would have to be dropped.

  11. Without seeing original texture it's hard to tell, but make sure your alpha channel contains only total black or white values (for example in Photoshop run threshold filter for alpha channel) before converting them with PAATool...

    Otherwise you will lose some detail in conversion.

  12. I've noticed a few other issues concerning static guns. Such as the mortar. Which sometimes seem to cause the game to crash if an AI guy is carrying either the base plate or the tube. I can't narrow down the circumstances any better. It just seems erratic.

    In multiplayer for some reason if I'm carrying a mortar tube it will just disappear from my inventory. I attempted to assemble a mortar during multiplay once and it disappeared when I chose to combine the two.

    Sometimes it just happens. We never found out the reason, sometimes things just don't work way they should be, probably due to lag. Weapon carrying scripts have some sanity checks to make sure non-existent vehicles are not being deleted (which would cause CTD in MP), maybe that's reason for disappearing weapons as well, though I'm not sure what kind of race condition would cause situation like that.

  13. About new option: what's the difference between whether alpha channel is filtered or not? I'll just post two pictures for comparison:

    Textures converted with default options


    Textures converted with "No alpha filtering on"


    Note that you just can't reconvert your old textures to make them behave properly after you've binarized them - binarize reads texture headers and marks faces so that they're rendered differently. You need to binarize your model again with fixed textures to make them work properly ingame.

  14. PAATool 1.1 is now available, quick list of changes:

    - Fixed buffer overrun in compression code which sometimes caused crashes or produced invalid texture files

    - Added option to mark texture file so that OFP does not try to interpolate alpha channel for DXT textures

    - Sharpening filters are only applied to mipmap textures

    - Compression for non-DXT textures is still too slow, optimized version has too many bugs.. maybe in 1.2

    Download it here
