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Everything posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. feersum.endjinn

    Reflective water?

    Not really, as reflection texture would not take into account position and direction of face, but would assume it is turned towards sky at height of sea level. Generalized mirror algorithm would be hideously slow, as every face would have to be rendered once for every reflecting face, and as rendering flow cannot be altered, GPU state changes and reading back and locking vertex data would kill even most powerful GPU Actually performance hit from constantly switching render target is lot harder on newer hardware, since optimization data and caching is lost with every state change.
  2. feersum.endjinn

    Reflective water?

    It is a .dll file you put in OFP directory. Replacing ones in Windows' system directory would make you to have to reinstall Windows all over again
  3. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    As you all might have not noticed postings in other threads: Reflecting water thing is not FDFMod 1.3 feature but separate project and it won't be released with 1.3 So just don't get your hopes up in vain.
  4. feersum.endjinn

    Reflective water?

    This thing has nothing to do with FDFMod 1.3.
  5. feersum.endjinn

    Reflective water?

    I said it uses same mechanism as your typical CS cheats do, not that it enables cheating - not that it matters, there are unfortunately already plenty of MP cheats for OFP available. If it makes you feel any better I can say virus protection software also do similar things As far as cheats go, they are legal but using them in network gaming shows a very poor character.
  6. feersum.endjinn

    Ofp limitations

    It is done by intercepting Direct3D COM object calls, basically same method how people create wallhack cheats etc. in games. It is multiplayer compatible as OFP exe is modified in no way. Actual code involved is surprisingly small, this screenshot below is done with less than 100 lines of C++ code and most of that is pixel shader.
  7. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    No. But as readers of FDFMod forum might have noticed, there are few updates coming for eastborder islands too...
  8. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Pictures of upcoming FDF: Maldevic That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. In me thou seest the twilight of such day As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, As the death-bed whereon it must expire Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by. This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, To love that well which thou must leave ere long. - Shakespeare Download more screenshots (7.7 MB, Rar archive)
  9. feersum.endjinn

    Decrypting pbos

    Remove first 46 bytes.
  10. feersum.endjinn

    Paatool 1.1 released

    Probably something wrong with your textures alpha channel.
  11. feersum.endjinn

    Paatool 1.1 released

    I just haven't got extra time right now, I near future I may update older command line vesrion with some of the features... However source code is included, it really doesn't take much programmer skills for someone to modify it to do batch conversions. And nowadays Microsoft is even giving their optimizing compiler away freely...
  12. feersum.endjinn

    1024 ground textures?

    While I am a programmer too, having a precise answer has more to do with listening to math teacher at school  2x * 2y = 4xy
  13. feersum.endjinn

    Desperately need config help!

    Parameter for a modelOptics must be a model, not texture. Basically you have to make P3D which usually only consists of just single face having your optics texture.
  14. feersum.endjinn

    1024 ground textures?

    Memory consumption increases 4x compared to 512x512... Roughly speaking, complete island with 1024x1024 textures takes takes about 100MB, 80% of that is ground textures and variants and that's somewhat optimized version.
  15. feersum.endjinn

    Pilot/driver init

    You can always create second pilot on ground, then on vehicle's init immediately remove pilot from plane and move your secondary pilot as driver and setPos old pilot somewhere in outer space... Never tested that in MP though, I'm not sure what will happen if plane's init line is run before secondary pilot's init line
  16. feersum.endjinn

    High res islands via square size 50m -> 25m ?

    If I remember correctly, it depends on roughness parameter in island's config.cpp
  17. feersum.endjinn

    Pantool 0.4 (texture browser)

    More information (and example model, script + textures) about merge texture function can be found this thread.
  18. feersum.endjinn

    Flashpoint 2004

    Codemasters has been quite tightlipped so far with E3 coverage, but with only one day E3 left and no Flashpoint news I'd make sure you've got your Tabasco ready and hat well marinaded But you'll never know - maybe they've got ace in their sleeve and are just waiting for a last day of E3 and maximum press coverage now that HL2 news and stuff are already winding down...
  19. feersum.endjinn

    Png2pac texture conversion tool

    Use latest version 1.1 of PAATool - MFC is statically linked there so no extra DLLs are needed. See my post above.
  20. feersum.endjinn

    Png2pac texture conversion tool

    This is first version of PNG2PAC, only thing actually missing is GUI with preview and actual PNG support Current version reads 32 bpp TGA files (RLE compressed files are supported). This small command-line tool uses NVidia's DXT texture compression library, which gives superior quality compared to Texview while files are still same size. Visual C++ source code is provided, no GUI features are used so probably this can be ported to other compilers as C++ Builder quite easily. Download it here Download GUI version here NVidia DXT library can be downloaded from NVIdia developer pages
  21. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Well, maybe 2nd best... We've researched but current method of doing downwash dust causes too big performance drop for our tastes. Compatibility with other mod projects would be nice thing to have for online play and possible in theory, but I just don't think it will ever happen. It would mean rewriting whole FDFMod config and large parts of ECP, and some things still just wouldn't be compatible and would have to be dropped.
  22. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Anyone asking for AMOS again will be kicked, banned, drawn and quartered
  23. feersum.endjinn

    Paatool 1.1 released

    Without seeing original texture it's hard to tell, but make sure your alpha channel contains only total black or white values (for example in Photoshop run threshold filter for alpha channel) before converting them with PAATool... Otherwise you will lose some detail in conversion.
  24. feersum.endjinn

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Sometimes it just happens. We never found out the reason, sometimes things just don't work way they should be, probably due to lag. Weapon carrying scripts have some sanity checks to make sure non-existent vehicles are not being deleted (which would cause CTD in MP), maybe that's reason for disappearing weapons as well, though I'm not sure what kind of race condition would cause situation like that.
  25. feersum.endjinn

    Png2pac texture conversion tool

    Updated version is posted here