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Everything posted by feersum.endjinn

  1. feersum.endjinn


    Military jumps are not pleasant... Those chutes come down *fast* to minimize time up in air, and all that stuff in your ruck won't help at all. Injuries are very common when jumping round chutes with full load.
  2. feersum.endjinn

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Sounds more like a driver problem or overheating video card.
  3. feersum.endjinn


    Or suicide... They found scissors used to cut up the parachute from his car and only found his DNA from them. DNA test shows skydiver may have killed himself
  4. feersum.endjinn


    Prices for course are usually around 400-500€ in Finland, which usually includes club membership for a year, and couple of jumps. After that student jumps are usually 20€ per jump. First jumps are either static line (cord attached to airplane pulls chute open as you jump) or jumpmaster assisted (jumpmaster throws drogue chute after you which pulls parachute open), and you jump alone. There are other training methods like Accelerated FreeFall (AFF), but it's not that common around here as there aren't enough trained instructors... Some people do their first jump as tandem jump where you have just hour of training or so and then you are attached to jumpmaster and just basically enjoy the ride, but as it costs 200-300€ for one jump, you might as well go for a full course. Howstuffworks.com has pretty good article: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/skydiving.htm/printable
  5. feersum.endjinn

    World cup 2004

    What's up with that? Well, it's sports we're talking about. It's not about the victory, but seeing your enemies driven before you and hearing lamentation of their women
  6. feersum.endjinn

    World cup 2004

    Finland 2 - USA 1
  7. feersum.endjinn

    Australia selects NH-90!

    Well, Blackhawk is getting quite old. There are upgrades of course, but with added price of these you might as well just buy completely new helo design.
  8. feersum.endjinn

    World cup 2004

    Well, that didn't go as expected... Sweden 1 - 6 Czech. edit: well it ended up even worse for Sweden
  9. feersum.endjinn

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Try it. I can't be bothered to downgrade to older OFP
  10. feersum.endjinn

    FDF mod 1.3 Police car

    This thread @ FDFMod forums might help you.
  11. feersum.endjinn

    FBI Probe Targets Pentagon Official

    States do not have friends, only interests. Everyone spies on each other, nothing new there. Someone goes to prison, few diplomats are thrown out of the country and everything goes on as usual.
  12. feersum.endjinn

    Linux, is it worth trying?

    Linux is for work. Windows is for fun. That's why I'm running Windows 2000 Pro at home. And Win2k and Linux at work.
  13. feersum.endjinn

    Adding magazines to non-local unit

    As far as I know it can't be done. You just need to get your addMagazine script to run locally, maybe via some special publicvariables.
  14. feersum.endjinn

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    It is already there, have you even tried adjusting desaturation and hard light parameters?
  15. feersum.endjinn

    Why can´t I see any US Army Web???

    Chinese internet censorship is a joke. It took me about 5 seconds to access any site I wanted while traveling in China Not to mention that if all else fails, you can use ssh or any other encrypted tunneling method to go wherever you want. Also it seems to be that many companies only censor their Chinese-language sections, for example I could use Finnish version of Google to search whatever I wanted and with just two buttons it isn't too hard for anyone with more than a few braincells to figure what they do even if they don't know the language. They do have conventional media in pretty tight leash though, any foreign newspapers are impossible to find anywhere else than few specific 5-star hotels where foreign dignitaries, journalists and businessmen usually stay (no, I couldn't afford living there, so I was in complete news blackout during my stay there ). Local media is just a state-fed bullshit editorialism and English-language state TV channel consists of blonde chick with California accent hopping around a country and interviewing people from minorities who give out yes/no answers like they're reading a paper at a gunpoint (probably that was the case ) Interestingly, only English-language TV news channel you could watch in ordinary Chinese home was Fox News Channel, must have involved some really nice deals between Beijing Government and Mr. Murdoch... Yeah, "fair and balanced" my ass
  16. feersum.endjinn

    The Iraq thread 4

    I still hope they can capture Al-Sadr alive, if he dies martyr it can only worsen the situation.
  17. feersum.endjinn

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    Spinsanity site has good review of Fahrenheit 9/11 weak points and questionable editing of source material. Spinsanity - Fahrenheit 9/11: The temperature at which Michael Moore's pants burn I'll suggest taking a look at it before you dismiss it as one of more common right-wing attacks on the movie, Spinsanity is pretty brutal against anyone using political spin and they're refreshingly non-partisan.
  18. feersum.endjinn

    Why can´t I see any US Army Web???

    When I switched ISP, most of US .mil sites stopped working for me. I can access all .mil sites just fine if I use host which has .fi DNS name, but as my current ADSL has .net domain I'm blocked out. I guess it's all this Homeland Insecurity stuff...
  19. feersum.endjinn

    BIS Forums Top 100 Games - Finished!

    Well, I guess I have to place OFP on #1 spot on this forum .. It's hard to choose even ten, I've probably forgotten so many great games during last 20 years since I first saw Boulderdash on Vic-20 But here we go: 1. OFP 2. Ultima V 3. System Shock 4. Planescape Torment 5. Laser Squad (C64 version) 6. Elite (C64 game) 7. Baldur's Gate series 8. Deus Ex 9. Knights of the Old Republic 10. Half-life
  20. feersum.endjinn

    Top 100 games PCGamer Sept 04

    Planescape universe is still gibberish even if you've played D&D before But seriously, for me it's the #1 computer RPG game of all time, only System Shock 1 or Ultima V gets even close. Though likes of Baldur's Gate series or Deus Ex aren't bad at all, I own them all too...
  21. feersum.endjinn


    All mods which are modifying main game config are always incompatible with each other.
  22. feersum.endjinn

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    No. Creating custom shadow models to render instead of default shadows is theoretically possible but in practice so hard it hurts to even think about it and writing some special vertex shader doesn't help because vertex shaders can't add or delete vertices.
  23. feersum.endjinn

    News-Russian Politician Reports of Attack from...

    I wouldn't trust anything Zhirinovski says. That guy is a clown and will do just about anything to get into the news... And Ossetians are not Russians, they've got their own language. Most of them have gotten Russian passports rather than Georgian ones but ethnically they're their own people.
  24. feersum.endjinn

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    1) Disable postprocessing or 2) Switch OFP mode to 32-bit and set all texture settings in your display driver to "quality" instead of "performance".