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follow through

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Everything posted by follow through

  1. follow through


    ooooooooohhhhhh what a great idea crappy space men and flying saucers. you people make me sick.. when someone brings out a new plane or tank they've been working on you assholes are the first to slag it off moaning about realism and shit like that ..... but this joker has the idea of spacemen and spacecraft and you love him... ohhh and before you harp on about what ive done for the community and what gives me the right.....i bought the fucking game what more right do i need..... ban my ass see if i give a shit
  2. follow through

    Too many addons

    with the release of the oxygen tools we will see more and more new models.. in my opinion this is spoiling the game.... why?..because already we have starwars men for download and men from counterstrike(get them at operationflashpoint.cz). these models have nothing to do with flashpoint and i cant see the point of them. but how long will it be before someone who has the tools makes a spaceship or something stupid like that. it just seems like model makers are making more and more aircraft for the game when when the original game was an infantry game... how can you keep the game realistic when you have starwars men running around a map?
  3. follow through

    Too many addons

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ May 08 2002,20:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would be nice to know if those who complain about new mods etc, actually contribute to the game like a mod/mission maker does, or do those who complain just play the game and bitch about things. Â ( and i dont mean anyone here, im talking generally)<span id='postcolor'> I never knew you had to be a mod or map maker to exspress an opinon..... im not complaining about modelmakers i just dont think theres a place for spacemen,spaceships and crap like it in op flash
  4. follow through


    when i add custom music to a mission it sounds a lot lower in volume than the orginal why is this? i useDBpower coverter to convert my files.... could anyone suggest any settings ?
  5. follow through

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    how about a whore house for a little RNR
  6. follow through

    Your favourite tactics.

    The best tactic of all RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!
  7. follow through


    http://www.3dap.com/flashpoint/soundtrack.html mp3 music from the game
  8. follow through

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    call me mr fussy but maybe in the next patch we can have water that when you shoot at it with small arms fire it dont give off a puff of dirt.....
  9. follow through


    yeah good point. im not saying dont have pistols im just saying if your close enough to use a pistol then surely a knife would be better? (ie: not giving your position away)
  10. follow through


    pistols? what for? if your any good you dont need to get close enough to the enemy to use a pistol......and if i was close enough it would be more silent to use a knife for close combat..
  11. follow through

    Sound packs

    i noticed another sound pack posted on operationflashpoint.cz i count at least 3 sound packs available now any idea whats the best???
  12. follow through

    Are the uniforms

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USSoldier11B @ April 30 2002,10:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Attitude problem?<span id='postcolor'> no i think schools out
  13. follow through

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    i would like to see an enemy AI soldier that cant see through buildings and shoot u... or cant see through thick bushes from 250foot away and shoot u while ur running.ie almost an impossible shot ...unless ur an AI soldier.... or maybe im just crap and lol......
  14. follow through


    This link prob wont help you with your prob but it has some great stuff on it http://antitrojan.silverhelix.com/page90.html
  15. follow through

    Are the uniforms

    lmao DOH ok
  16. follow through

    56k dialup

    No its not impossable its just hard work for the host server because you lag (slow everyone down) with your connection speed.... most hosts on gamespy kick 56kers because of this but keep at it ..try getting on a server in your own country this should reduce a bit of the lag.....
  17. follow through

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    i would maybe like to see a C130 or some other large cargo transport plane that you could load a tank onto or a few hummv or jeeps....
  18. follow through

    Are the uniforms

    in the game the west units are nato right? then why are they not wearing nato blue helmets and armbands as units under nato command do?
  19. follow through

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    i would like to see aniti personel mines [claymores] please please please
  20. follow through

    Men not doing what they are told

    Ai are compleate nutters im playing infinate justice mission and when i order the AI into the chopper thats 3 feet from them they just stand there like lemons saying negative... I was in a bmp on another map and told my AI driver to get out . He did and ran 100 yards striaght into the sea and drowned...
  21. follow through

    Really great idea for insertion of troops

    i spotted these at the editing center A simple script to force a chopper to wait until the players entire squad has mounted prior to flying off. Only designed for the players squad. javascript:open_snippet('helorappel' javascript:open_snippet('helorappel2' Simulates soldiers rappelling from a chopper.
  22. follow through

    Sound packs

    i noticed another sound pack posted on operationflashpoint.cz i count at least 3 sound packs available now any idea whats the best???
  23. follow through

    Uh-1 huey

    Eviscerator great try mate. Dont listen to the twats that slag off your huey at least you got up off your arse and had a go......
  24. follow through

    New webby

  25. follow through

    Screen captures

    I use capture express its easy to use and dont crash the crap outta me pc . www.captureexpress.com