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About fsaexample

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  1. Can anyone give me a link to a map page with coop missions where when you die you respawn as solider not seagul its fustrating on the lan when your m8ts have to watch you complete a mission when they have been killed :¬)
  2. fsaexample

    Is there resporn in multiplayer

    Hey im dislexic lol is that spelt right cool ill ask in editing forum. Im making my own maps just there taking a bit of time to complete and they aint all that. Cheers dizlegsic lol
  3. fsaexample

    Is there resporn in multiplayer

    On my lan me and my m8t's are trying out the coop missions yet i find it bloody anoying when im the only person left after the first 2 mins cos they keep getting shot then moning cos there a seagul
  4. fsaexample

    wwII units

    Yep ill have some ww2 units plz send to fsaclan@hotmail.com