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Everything posted by evo6tme

  1. I got as far as the mission reinforcements then got stuck as i could not call suport ( stayed greyed out ) . After finding out there is a bug i decided to start the whole campain again as i had not found all the clues in the razor two mission . Now i am back to the begining of the the razor two mission . Again i cant use support (call starforce 2 ) . Again it stays greyed out on the command menu, and im guesing it will be the same wen i get to the manhatten mission . Allough it is not a mission killer for the razor 2 mission . Reinforcements cannot be completed without support. Now before i put the game down and do something else . Is there a fix ? Am i missing something ? Or can the campain be completed without the ability to use any support ?? Just sussed it out !!! Support is accessed via the communicate command not the support command .. Silly me :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes:
  2. evo6tme

    game broken. cant finish

    I have read there is a support bug in the manhatten mission . But considering i was looking in the wrong place i dont know if i will be affected by it this time round, so i shall crack on ;)
  3. I'm on the Manhatten mision and have been given support , uav , mortas and something , but i cant find out how to use them . I can find support in the command menu but it is greyed out . Any ideas ??
  4. evo6tme

    arma 2 manual

    Thanks for the help . I managed to download and print the arrowhead keycards . so hopfully the same :)
  5. evo6tme

    arma 2 manual

    I have just puchased arma 2 from steam . The manual is available in pdf from them but it will not load . I just get a white pdf screen. The arrowhead pdf from steam loads alright so my reader is working . Without a manual i am stuck . No key commands to start with . Allough i imagine the arrowhead ones are close . but to be honnest without a manual i am lost before i start . Any other place to get the manual. the usual google search has come up blank :confused:
  6. not the steam version unless something is broken . nothing in the game folder apart the readme. If i rightclick arma2 in my steam game librarry there is a link to the manual in pdf but nothing hapens . I have the latest adobe reader (x) . must be a steam problem :mad: Still does'nt help me though . Oh well i am sure i can find it somewere :confused:
  7. Dont expect anything as simple as a player manual with the steam version . They do give you a blank pdf thought :mad::confused:
  8. evo6tme

    benchmark weirdness

    I have just purchased arma2 on steam . pached to 1.09. I have been playing with the 2 benchmarks to try and get a playable setup. but i get strange benchmark results. benchmark 1 All medium settings 54 fps . All hight settings 53 fps . all max settings 52 fps benchmark2 medium 25 fps . high 24 fps . max 24 fps veiw distance was 3500 at all testing benchmark stutters about the same at any settings . Any ideas surlly i dont have to play on low ?? I know my gpu is a bit datted but it still played crysis maxed . :confused:
  9. evo6tme

    benchmark weirdness

    Just downloaded cat 11.4 ant the stuttering has got a lot less, which i am suprissed about as i thought amd stopped activly suporting the 4xxx serise cards ... All verry high apart from aa normal ,af normal , shadows normal and post prossesing low . At 1920 x 1200 getting 56 fps on bench 1 :)
  10. evo6tme

    benchmark weirdness

    thanks for the advice. to answer your sugestions . The cpu is overclocked to 4.4 ghz and running at that in game. Also i have run gpuz and both gpu cores are being used equally . Its strange as from reading round the forum the max settings fps seem about right . Its just strange that it gets little or no better as i decrease graphic quallity :confused: veiw distance seems the only way to affect framerate .
  11. evo6tme


    Hi I bought AA before it was available from uk retailers via download. But after rebuilding my PC a while ago i never downloaded it again . But now i want to see how it plays on my even newer machine, i cant remember who i dowloaded it from. I know it was a german speaking sight. I still have the serial No and the cd key writen in the queens gambit manual that i bougt. :confused: Just need a slap in the head to remind me of the site ( doh):eek: "edited to say this is why downloading games is crap, Steam take a hint!!!!!!!"
  12. Hi, i have german version 1.02 with english patch, to install 1.05 do i need to revert back using patchwise before installing 1.05 ??
  13. Excuse me for asking this but i`me new to this and dont want to make any mistakes. I have the Morthicon download v1.1 and patched to english all with no problems. Â Now to upgade to 1.2 i have to remove the language patch wich involves the patchwise.bak. If i understand it correctly i open this in one window and in another window i find the coresponding file in armed assault , i take the patchwise.bak file place it over the armed assault file and replase it,this is done for all files individually until no files are left in patchwise.bak. Then i patch to 1.2 then i install language patch 0.9. all sorted hopfully ? also do i remove the empty patchwise.bak folder before patching ? hopfully this is right,and if not someone might point me in the right direction. thanx for any help
  14. this mission wont complete. I clear town with squad,meet up with other squad,as asked. Next i am ordered to take town(funny as ive already cleared it fighting to meet other squad) then go to a rally piont that says wait? i wait and wait and,u get the picture,nothing hapens. I`ve tried to run down to the waiting jeep but nothing? also i`ve ran round the map to make sure no enamy are hiding
  15. evo6tme

    helicopter weapons

    I`m having trouble with the gunner in the helecopters,he will only use the chain gun. When i select the guided misiles i can only sometimes get a lock (even if i hover in front of the target) and even when i have a lock sometimes the missile heads for spase. the unguided  missiles i have never been able to use my gunner never fires them and if i take fire control the fire button doesnt fire them it just gives control back to the gunner . I`ve managed to get round most bugs i can even fly now(just) but u cant take out a t72 with a chain gun so i`m stuck with an inpodent chopper.  As an after thought bacouse i`m playing the german game patched to english is there a list of all key commands in english,becouse i have found commands on the keyboard that are not listed in the game options. maybe i`m missing a key ?
  16. evo6tme

    helicopter weapons

    the whole chopper thing seems a bit messed up but at least BIS have agnoliged this and are doing a complete rework of it, just have to wait i supose. meamtime i`m in the prosses of doing my own key card in english from the one in german in the pdf file and the ingame control configer list, + what i`ve found myself throught experement. I`ll post it when finished and anybody can add anythig i might have missed
  17. evo6tme

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    i would like my money back for my downloaded beta version from morphicon when i buy the full version. please . No seriously i knew it was going to be bugy so all i ask for is a bug free game and an english manual.
  18. I`ve tried everything to get the helicopters to stay in the air and go where i ask them. ive used a saitek x36 using both its own sst programing software, the ingame key configeration, and i`ve even tried using the keyboard and mouse. But each time the helecopter just stops responding to input after a short time. has anybody had this problem and even more important, how did u cure it ?
  19. evo6tme

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Hi Running fine at 1910 x 1200 res and everything on high apart from AA (medium) ,view distance 2500, i get the odd stutter now and again, but nothing to write home about. But at this res cant complain                                          Intel core 2duo 6600 Asus p5w dh 2 gb geil 6400 ddr2 memory x1900 master edition x1900 xtx x-fi extreme music sound card dell 2407 24" wide monitor
  20. evo6tme

    ArmA uses only one core!

    slightly off topic,but how do u tell seperate procesor load for core2 duo procesors ?
  21. evo6tme

    cant wait

    Hi all  i`m new to this forum but have been a OFP fan from the begining,and being my firs post i hope that u will all go easy with me  . Since 2000 i have either played the game or folowed the developement from BIS,  As all you hard core fans know we have waited a long time,from the mumbelings of OFP2 (codemasters) to AA, o year and that consel version. And now its out  I have always brought a game when its legaly out in my country but i am so temted to download the German version and patch it to english i`m wondering on the morals of this. I`ve always paid for my games at the lcoal shop(never brouht from a download site) . Where do u all stand on the bying from a outside source ? i supose whichever publisher i pay Bis still get there money.(excusse spelling a bit drunk ) O`h yeh just brought a new rig  that needs testing intel  core 2 duo 6600  @32000 2 gb geill  6400 ddr2 memmory asus PW5 DH mother board creative x-fi xtreme music sound Ati x 1900 512 mb crosfire/master ed Ati x1900 512 mb xtx  And a dell 2407 monitor(is the nuts ) Anyway should i buy ? and can i play on high settings?
  22. evo6tme

    cant wait

    Sorry,i meant totaly legal download from the site that has a link on here,its just that i normally wait till i can buy from my local shop,and dont mess around with foreign language issues off games.