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About ediko

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    Everything flyable, shootable , killable ........
  1. ediko

    Bis_weaponpack missing

    I have Cold War Crisis +resistance by the way kolo.pbo is missing too
  2. ediko

    Bis_weaponpack missing

    Ok found the prob o_wp.pbo is missing but i cant get it. Can some1 send it to me
  3. ediko

    Bis_weaponpack missing

    Sorry probobly there was a post like this , but i cant find in the millions of topics. I have problems almost all missions all addons everything shows me this error is there a solution for this?
  4. ediko

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    i have only 4 days  left then im going away for a moth to Ukraine. Looks like i wont see the FFUR 2006 working properly   (sorry offtopic) BTW Does any1 know how to make player speak russian in the mission editor?
  5. ediko

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hopefully it will be released today ,but maybe im just dreamiong.
  6. ediko

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I didnt turn on Flashpoint for 2 weeks now because i am waiting for the patch.I think the result will be
  7. ediko

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    So whats with the patch? It's just too silent here
  8. ediko

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hitomaro! I liked the original Operation Flashpoint music too so if you like it i will explain how to get it back. Backup everything you will replace because something can go wrong . First go to your Opf directory and go to DTA folder. Find the music.pbo copy it and paste in your ffur dta ffolder(backup the furr music.pbo because it can go wrong).This one will only get the Operation Flashpoint music back no the resistance one. I have made my own soundtrack for the resistance tracks if you want it i could send it to you! Â