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Posts posted by ebns72

  1. Ugh...god...noo....that 134 ai vid was really disapppointing sad_o.gif The stupid, cumbersome, crappy old ofp command system is still there! I thought they said there was going to a new, brothers-in-arms style command system. I thought directing flanks and supresses could be really cool with the new ai. Too bad its going to be hell and simply not fun sad_o.gif

    I never quite understood why they called ofp and arma "tactical shooters" when the command system is far to limited and crappy to actually perform basic tactical movements without your AI being too stupid to listen to you and survive.

    What are you talking about?

    Of course ordering around 134 AI soldiers is going to be cumbersome. Have you ever tried organizing 134 people and getting them to do what you want them to do in real life? Hell, it's hard even with 30 people!

    As for the BIA command system, I'm not sure how that would work in ArmA. It's very fluid and efficient for a small 6-man squad shooter a game like Brothers in Arms, with relatively restrictive environments. But it would probably break down once you increase the number of soldiers under command and apply it to wide open, free-roaming maps.

    What makes you think that you can't flank or suppress with your squad in ArmA? For god's sake, you haven't even tried it yet. In Elite you could assign squad members to different teams and send them into flanking positions.

    My comment was unrelated to the video itself and how many men were on the team; I was commenting on how difficult squad control was in normal ofp with as few as 4 or as many as 12 men.

    The ofp command system looks unchanged in arma.

    When under fire in ofp while commanding, I always attempted tactics and tried to make my squad mates move up or flank the enemy position. Not only was commanding them slow and cumbersome, but when the order was actually given, the AI took way too long to get there and was way too careless. They usually ended up mowed down. If one actually did happen to make it to the position I asked, he usually failed to get in the cover I told him to get into or didn't fire upon the enemy like I wanted to.

    Commanding in ofp for me generally just consisted of me playing alone, except with 11 other guys following me around if that makes any sense. There was very little utlilization of teammates and tactics because it was a crappy command system.

  2. Ugh...god...noo....that 134 ai vid was really disapppointing sad_o.gif The stupid, cumbersome, crappy old ofp command system is still there! I thought they said there was going to a new, brothers-in-arms style command system. I thought directing flanks and supresses could be really cool with the new ai. Too bad its going to be hell and simply not fun sad_o.gif

    I never quite understood why they called ofp and arma "tactical shooters" when the command system is far to limited and crappy to actually perform basic tactical movements without your AI being too stupid to listen to you and survive.

  3. I hated Lukin. Thought he had a huge ego and he thought he was so great when he was just really an asshole to his fellow comrades in arms tounge2.gif

    I voted James Gastowski. I thought he was pretty cool. It was either him or his teammates that said "2 here. Everything red is dead." In a cool, calm, collective, and badass voice.

  4. What I'm curious about is commanding! I thought a whole new command system was supposed to be in place - how does it work and how does the new AI react to it? Can you tell the individual AI to surpress and tell them where to flank?

  5. I really loved that "sounds" video Astonishing. I actually like the voices better, sure the "stitching" (linking between phrases) was weak, but imo the voice acting sounded much better.

    The ambient sounds and footsteps were awesome!

  6. Stop acting like they're doing you a disservice by not making something. You should be grateful they've done so much for you already.

    Anyway, these guys have made me pee my pants. I could see these guys converted into arma with little alteration the quality is so high!

  7. I cant believe someone actually sugested that BIS should swap building models and cover it up with smoke to simulate building destruction, please... crazy_o.gif .

    Why is this a bad thing...?

    Would you rather have them sink into the ground to form 1 ft tall rubble like an nuke just landed on top of it?

  8. <span style='color:red'>LOOK AT THE TANK ROUNDS HITTING THE BUILDLING!!! DECALS ON OBJECTS ANYONE?? This means bullet holes on vehicles, etc. are possible!!</span>

    Are you talking about recent video ? I didnt saw any decals on the wall which was a little dissapointing to me.

    Nevermind...upon closer inspection, it would appear that the scorch that I thought was a decal seems to be just part of the building texture. sad_o.gif

  9. It seems that the argument of this thread is do games have an obligation to be as accurate as possible, and the flat out answer is no.

    The real issue with medieval games, IMO, is how fantasy games are so oversaturated and we have yet to see one true and good depiction of medieval reality.

  10. I remember in the "old" delta force days that me and my friend were daydreaming of a war sim with vehicles, soldiers and everything else... Then OFP came and now ArmA.

    Thank you BIS for making my daydreams come true, and improving them in a way I never dared to think about!!

    yeah same here and good things come to those who wait apparently! its just a shame they didnt put more of a mix of NATO/Western characters in the game to choose from especialy the Brits, as they always help the Americans. smile_o.gif

    I bet you'll see this within the first few months with addons and mods. smile_o.gif

  11. edit: nm to original edit sad_o.gif

    Very good videos, my only concern is the buildings...the method of destruction looks great, they just need more rubble and a "skeleton" of the buildling like so:


    Note how half the walls are still remaining. It is very unlikely that a building would become flat rubble like it seems to do.

    Or you can have a less-damaged model replacement for each buildling, so it looks like so when destroyed:


  12. For how overused the medieval time period is in games, I am so surprised we have yet to see one accurate depiction of the period.

    It kind of saddens me in a way how medieval times are always depicted as whimsical, beautiful, and magical.

    I would personally prefer a game that brings out the grittiness and rawness of the period any day. The war, disease, absolutely atrocious living conditions, people dumping waste into the streets, thelack of education, corruption, etc. of the period have yet to be seen in a game.

    One new game that looks promising as a step in the right direction however is assasin's creed, which takes place during the crusades. It looks quite interesting smile_o.gif
