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Posts posted by ebns72

  1. Holy shi....this is...NOT operation flashpoint!!!

    The gameplay in this...it's like being a part of the iraqi firefight videos I see on tv. The sounds, everything, it is  incredible.

    Personally, I believe you guys did an amazing job with the sounds. While they do sound like staplers up close, IMO the fact they sound like they were shot from a distance adds so much atmosphere to combat that well outweighs it sounding weak up close. The experience is just...incredible.

    Before in opflash, one of my biggest gripes was lack of combat ambience despite tactical and realism excellence; this has totally changed that. You can now definately tell the difference between a small engagement between a few forces and a heavy, intense firefight. It is so incredibly realistic, and this is the most immersive rendition of flashpoint I have ever seen.

    Excellent work notworthy.gif

    The only nitpick is I liked the old "hit the dirt" anim way better. But I can easily replace this myself smile_o.gif

  2. I used to play second life. A lot.

    There are a lot of problems with the game, IMO.

    It's not really a VR system.

    It's more like an online 3D modeler/scripter/addon-maker.

    But not a "second life." No, hardly at all. I was kinda disappointed. Based on the impressions, I see here, i think it is very different from what you guys think. Your "avatar" is basically just a means of decorating and moving the camera around, there isn't really any physics or reality applied to it. As far as physics goes, you can apply some havok-physics to objects if you want, which is fun sometimes but is actually kinda limited.

    The world also was very boring and lacked ANY, i mean ANY sort of immersion into some of the very impressive things people had created. The world just feels so sterile.

    The world in this game is just as immersive as the paintings are in a museum. They're there, you can touch them, but all you can really do is look at them, and that's it. boring.

    But it is still fun to build things for fun.

    ...if there is one thing I absolutely hated about the game, it was the community. It seemed like a lot of them (I am stereotyping, but oh well) were the "no-life" types. Or, that's just the way a lot of them came across, thinking they were really elite and way superior to you because their anime avatar looked just like it did in the cartoons. And bullying/making fun of you for having a little fun in-game....they seemed to take it all way too seriously.

    I did have a lot of fun with the WWIIOLers (a squad/guild/group composed of players from the MMO with the same name), who shared generally the same opinions as me. Not caring or not whether or not we got banned from the game, I will say it was a blast, for example, dressing up as various soldiers from WWII and going to the (what we agreed to be) highly ridiculous and immoral online strip clubs. Yes, online strip clubs. We would go and act like we were policing and enforcing the situation, acting like idiots, but usually didn't really harm anyone, but because everyone took the world so seriously and had zero sense of humor we got banned quite often. goodnight.gif In fact, we started giving out badges for being banned. The game was a total riot playing with those guys. rofl.gif

    Also, performance was also often completely ridiculous in relation to what was actually being displayed on the screen.

    Bottom line, I use SL for an easy-to-use, free, 3d modeler to make random things when I'm bored, but hardly as any sort of alternate reality as advertised.

  3. Both my ipod and my cellphone currently sit in the same pocket just fine, no need to spend $500 just so I can get them in one unit...

    The only thing that seems really impressive is the sophisticated internet. But, is that really worth the money?

    I think the problem with this is it just seems like a bunch of gimmicks rolled into your hand with a hefty price tag, not really the core innovative concept that the Ipod's success can be credited for.

  4. Just got around to playing these guys, and wow...they WAY surpassed my expectations. They look...really, really good. The new model is so much improved over the old one (they look like human beings now rather than stocky, fat little midgets). a lot of the camo patterns such as woodland and desert '03 have been made much more accurate.The arctic opfor has been much needed for awhile and looks really good.

    These guys have given me an itch to create a 1985 replacement pack...I think I might work on it.

  5. I actually don't mind the new AI at all, because as a player I can pick off enemy AI with one shot, and thus they should be able to do the same. I am really glad there is no more OFP "hide in the bush and kill 3 enemy squads without them even noticing you) anymore.

  6. I was actually flying around the helicopters, I actually like the new flight model, it still needs tweaking (quite ironically opposite of ofp, the new FM has too little inertia as opposed to too much)

    Another note on HDR: not only does it detract from performance, but it is REALLY annoying. On a sunny day my eyes change from light to dark from the muzzle flash of my gun. So my screen is flickering colors practically from just firing my gun due to the eye-adjustment thing.

    Right now the game seems to lack personality. It just seems like a tactical military simulator. Hopefully this can be fixed with some good single player missions.

  7. Some quick demo impressions:

    1. Holy performance. The game looks worse than the original flashpoint + mods in many aspects on low detail (looks muddy, sloppy, not as clear and crisp) yet the game runs at a 1/3 the framerate. My comp isn't a super old comp either, I would say its above-average yet the game feels laggy on low settings (not to mention looks like crap)

    IMO, one FPS killer that can't be disabled is HDR. I have no idea what bis was thinking in not allowing us to disable this pointless, cosmetic framerate-eating feature.

    2. AI. WOW! REally impressed by this. They are smart and extremely deadly. I was playing it like I was playing the flashpoint AI, not expecting the AI to be able to fire from behind sandbags (!wink_o.gif and they also went and hunted me down when I was hiding!

    3. EDIT: found out teams ARE in the game, just a little more tricky to get to smile_o.gif Commanding is quite nice now!

    WHAT ON EARTH WAS BIS THINKING WHEN THEY REMOVED THE "TEAMS" MENU? This feature was useless in flashpoint due to the overcomplexity of the command, but with the "quick command" menu, this feature would be brilliant! Too bad commanding as a whole is RUINED, yes I say RUINED, by having to press 5 F-buttons to move one of your team, then to forget which ones you put on fireteam A and which ones you put on fireteam B. I really hope this is added in a patch soon.

    4. Didn't get a real good sense of gameplay due to trouble finding a good server (keep getting kicked and what not...) and some crappy servers where there is little teamwork/people who know what the hell they're supposed to be doing.

    IMO, it was okay, but could be improved, namely teams and performance.

  8. I am surprised how good the HYK textures look in Arma, but IMO they aren't the most accurate woodland BDU textures.

    If I were to make a suggestion it would be to re-texture the body armor and pouches with the HYK texture, for it looks inconsistent. I always thought the woodland interceptor in arma was way off in terms of colors anyway.

  9. I am surprised how good the HYK textures look in Arma, but IMO they aren't the most accurate woodland BDU textures.

    If I were to make a suggestion it would be to re-texture the body armor and pouches with the HYK texture, for it looks inconsistent. I always thought the woodland interceptor in arma was way off in terms of colors anyway.

  10. I was commenting on how difficult squad control was in normal ofp with as few as 4 or as many as 12 men.

    The ofp command system looks unchanged in arma.

    What do you expect if someone doesn't bother to use the quick command system we implemented? There is the old command system and there is the quick command system (as mentioned in a number of interviews).

    I take back everything I have said. notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif


    I just hope the AI also deals with it well!
