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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    You can change it. In some other trailers it shows it free floating. I had begun to lose faith in BIS. Good to see they listen to the community...and one of the few game developers that do
  2. ebns72


    Really? What unit? What rank are you? I'm actually currently a pimple-faced 14 year old in the U.S. Air Force auxilary cadet. However, I still don't think you should be the one saying .You give younger kids on the internet (like me) a bad name, man
  3. ebns72


    ...how old are you?
  4. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    What the hell? I thought we were getting an improved command system? looks like the same exact thing to me Looksl like they scrapped that. Bummer, because improved command was one of the main selling points of Arma to me, for I constantly dread be commander in ofp due to the extremely inflexible and limited command system that somehow manages to be very complext o control at the same time. I am very disappointed . I didn't like the mp demo movie...I liked the first one much better. To me, someone could tell me that the mp demo was just plain old ofp with some addons and I would believe them. It looked exactly the same visually and gameplay wise. I was not impressed at all.
  5. ebns72


    Have you even played battlefield before?
  6. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Despite the horrific AI (esp. at the tank part) in the new video, I really like the way arma is shaping up. The "feel" and atmosphere is very nice...much more immersive than opflash. the whole feel actually reminds of wwiiol a bit, which is a good thing. The sounds are impressive as well...not so much in the sounds themselves but in the simulated acoustics. The way the pitch of the chopper changed as it flew away was really cool.
  7. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Awesome...that woodland camo and ACU looks really great! My only gripe is the backpacks...realistically, only medics should carry them. Gear is usually left in a 72 or 24 hour pack back at camp, but when combat comes you want to be as light as possible.
  8. ebns72

    Cessna Citation

    This is awesome, especially for VIP assasination type missions.
  9. ebns72

    ArmA sounds effects.

    Good lord. I agree with you 100%. I hate this in ofp...lol. It takes away so much richness from otherwise very good sounds.
  10. ebns72

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    Cons: -AI was downright poor while watching the video..see my comments in the AI thread -Laser sniper...reminded me of the AWP in counter strike. Yes, sniping in ofp, while it should be realisitc, is probably on the level of counterstrike right now. Where was this realistic drag and trajectory that was talked about? -animations looked a little rough...some of them looked fast, funny, and unnatural. No transitions but I presume this will be fixed...sprint speed also seemed a little fast. Pros: -Great graphics -Animations still much improved -Awesomevidedistance -Rivers! -Switching feature was cool, seemed like a fully functioning battle
  11. ebns72

    AIs behaviour/improvement

    I was kinda disappointed by the new interview on wwiiec The comments about AI were really disappointing...it looks like its just going to be the same as in the video..that could RUIN the single player game. http://ww2ec.3dactionplanet.gamespy.com/e107_files/images/mission1.jpg AI still seem to have formations here I really hope BIS realizes the importance of sufficient AI. Currently it makes ofp quite unrealistic in many regards, and other games have been completely ruined by poor AI. I don't want armed assault to be one of them...the AI was alright for 2001, but we're expecting an update of the game...not a rehashed one in new graphics.
  12. ebns72

    German GameStar slaps Armed Assault

    Journalists that judge a game based on graphics...and compare them to unrealistic counterparts...well, this is the reason flight sim games have slowed down so much these days. It is really sad how unprofessional it is.
  13. ebns72

    E3 2006

    BIS stuff (obviously) Spore Crysis Nintendo Wii...I am curious to see what people think of the controller and how it compares to PS3 and xbox360.
  14. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    12 Missions
  15. ebns72

    AIs behaviour/improvement

    I hope BIS reads this... IMO, right now the one thing holding ofp back from total realism is the AI. It sucks...badly. I would like the AI to take cover. Not run his little ass in zig-zags when under fire, but the second that first round flies over his head his reaction should be to get to where the enemy can't hit you. In real combat, this is usually the smartest action and the one a real person would most likely take. I would love to also see him to be able to be supressed into cover, pop his head out, fire some rounds, and get back into cover. When rounds start coming near the AI, even if they are generally not that close, they should head for cover. Right now at most they will just go prone in the middle of the field...this doesn't really help much. They should get behind a tree or something. I would also like to see more alert, smarter AI. As in no more AI sprinting past you from 5 feet away. I would like to see a more trigger-happy AI. Right now the AI seems to just run around and do...absolutely nothing before going prone, hunkering down, locking on, and firing at you. This "process" can take like 15 seconds. That is a long time in the speed of combat, and by that time, they've already seen the flash The AI's instinct should be to fire back when fired upon, not run around like an idiot. Even if the bullets not aimed and just in the general direction of the enemy to keep them supressed...see one of the previous points. Right now the AI also has only one focus point. They only focus on one thing at a time. Thus, if they are focusing and firing at one target, they are completely oblivious to the cloud of lead coming from you, the player, or another AI, or the fact that the guy next to him's brains just got turned into pudding. The AI should have greater situation awareness. I would also like to see AI have better tactics and formations. I mean just some simple supress and flank by the AI would put a lot of pressure on the player. Also, the AI goes prone too much IMO. Nothing more annoying than when there is an enemy no where near the squad and you, the player not in command, want to move up but they just keep low crawling at a snail pace. I would like the AI to be able to get out of the "formation mentality" and have more freedom of movement. As far as movement goes, the AI's number one priority seems to be formation. As far as I've seen, in real combat and just simple videos from irarq, formation has more do with covering general flanks and corners rather than keeping an aircraft-like perfect delta flight fromation. I would like to see them be more individual, IE go to the nearest cover and move up to cover (still in relation to their squad, however) check corners where the player might be hiding, etc. this screen looks quite promising for the previous two paragraphs. I hope it is not mere coincidence that some guys are covering their teamates moving up while behind the cover of trees. Better ai skill in general, both team and enemy...I always feel like I am the star of the show. I always feel like I am the one taking all the kills. This because I am. You should be the unskilled one compared to the AI. I focus a lot on keeping my absolutely retarded teamates alive to complete a mission (not as in keeping your buddies to fight another day, as in killing that AI five feet from my retarded teammate sprinting past him) rather than keeping my own butt alive as it should be. It would also be nice to just tell my half my AI squad to "flank" and trust they know what they are doing and get it done. OFP feels so incredibly constrained as far as tactical options go. Thats because the AI is too stupid to perform anything tactical without them screwing it up. I have tried so many supress and flanks with the friendly AI before, but between the annoying command interface, the stupid AI, and other things it always ends in complete disaster. I might note I LOVED the command system in brothers in arms...this is a perfect example of what I mean done right. Something like this in ofp would be fantastic. You tell your team to move and flank, and they do it intelligently, moving up from cover to cover, supressing the enemy, etc. And the command is extremely quick and flexible, unlike ofp's clumsy system. /rant And another thing: AT AI. Nothing is more frusterating when a TRAINED AT SOLDIER fires 3 rockets at a tank AND MISSES EVERY SINGLE ONE. /rant It is too easy, IMO, in flashpoint to go rambo and kill dozens of soldiers. Flashpoint is actually quite unrealistic compared to other games in this area. I can kill 20+ men in one mission. Compare this to something like America's army where I am lucky to get one or two.
  16. ebns72

    What Kind Of Soldier Are You ?

    For the second one: Err..don't really know about the "big ego, stand in your way means pain" part....I'm more of a "Leader is part of the unit that directs, not the man who directs the unit" kind of guy.
  17. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    I play a large variety of games, including counter-strike, battlefield, and all those games. I agree with your first point 100%. I will admit I have used 1337 speak before. However, I think a lot of the flashpoint community doesn't realize that the entire thing is in good fun...NOBODY is serious when using it. It is just a silly, fun thing to do that lightens up the mood and gives the opposing enemy a little chuckle. And most people that play mainsteam games that play mainstream games play with maturity and intelligence. Obviously there are a few exceptions, but this is because it is mainstream-there is bound to be one idiot in a crowd of 500. On that "leet speak" article. "Parents in the dark over mysterious internet language"
  18. ebns72

    Comparisons between ArmA and BF2

    I have, play, and thoroughly enjoy both games. Both games have very similar setups. Large terrain, variety of vehicles, etc. Basically this is what it is: Armed Assault focuses on realism and strategy for the most part. Battlefield focuses on crazy fun and excitement. It does not make one game better than the other...I enjoy them both. And because you play battlefield does not make you dirty kid who shouts OMFG 1M 1337 LOL!!!! as much of this community (immaturely) often accuses.
  19. ebns72

    101 airborne

    Hmm...multicam is way off, too green and took dark.
  20. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    Those screens look FANTASTIC!!! This batch of screens has completely renewed my excitement in this game. The colors look so perfect and vibrant, none of that bluishness and dullness. It looks so real...BIS, please don't change the graphics! They are so nice the way they are right now!! Did anyone notice the animation on the soldiers running with the gun in one hand? That looks so realistic...just like on TV or something. If they can make that animation less uniform (and not have all the soldiers doing it at once) it will look great.
  21. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    Hi. I just wet myself. those pics....omg...THEY ARE SOOO NICE!!!!! I love that visual style in Arma, has a very "simulator" feel to it and looks much more realistic IMO. GREAT JOB BIS! The soldier's proportions by the way are perfect, and the grass looks stunning. The pics also somehow remind me of WWIIOnline...not a bad thing at all. The environment looks so realistic...I am so excited for this game. In previous operation flashpoint games, for some reason things often don't look very realistic, it may because of viewdistance, lighting, graphics engine, I don't know. But this...it just looks....real. Everything about it.
  22. ebns72

    Nature Pack 3 - Nordic

    Hey Berghoff, I have found a fairly serious isssue in your nature packs. In the everon style forest (BEAUTIFUL FOREST btw, one of the nicest and most realistic I have ever seen in flashpoint) there is a serious issue. The AI...er...does not function in the forest. They walk through it, but try having a firefight and it is almost funny. The AI is completely blind inside the forests. I put two enemy squads right on top of each other and they did absolutely nothing. I just walked up to russians at point blank and killed them all.
  23. ebns72

    PCFormat feature full shots

    That is the most accurate BDU camo I have ever seen in a game. Looks just like it does in reality. The foliage is absolutely breathtaking. It is so good to see such dense forests in a game. I always hate it when forests are unrealistically sparse. God. The environments remind me of Deer Hunter 2005. That game had the kind of environments where you could just forget about the game and wander around to admire the...err..nature. And even better, Can't wait to see it get dynamically destroyed....level that forest block with a little napalm...>) P.S...we need an "evil" smiley EDIT: WOW! couldn't help to notice this
  24. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    I am really unhappy with the AI in the latest video. They still act absolutely retarded in close quarters environments. The player was dominating and was going rambo for all of the movie...incase anyone else missed that. There's no way in reality you should just be able to pick off five guys like that without them even firing back at you once. The fact he managed to lay waste to AI while alone just echoes of old flashpoint CQB. Oh why BIS, why?
  25. ebns72

    New ACU soldiers

    I would actually rather see a really good woodland soldier. Someone still has yet to make woodland U.S. textures on par with russian and ACU units except for FFUR, but they are still using the ol' HYK guys as a mesh.