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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    FINALLY! Unarmed running animations don't look like the soldiers are crippled retards!
  2. ebns72

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I also like the new FOV. Easier to see, more immersive IMO.
  3. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Forgive my ignorance, I don't know too much about Russian military equipment, but oOoIoOo, are those soviet-era guys? They look really, really, good, and we don't have very many accurate soviet-era infantry. I was thinking about editing my own FFUR 1985 mod, so I was wondering. The units look top notch
  4. ebns72

    Sniping-Jacks Mapfact Nogova2

    THIS ISLAND IS SO NICE! I must say the vegetation is some of the most realistic I've seen in an ofp island, just by the way it is set up. The way there are trees with clusters of laurels in between; it looks like actual vegetation in the patterns it grows in the real world, not just random trees placed by an editor.
  5. ebns72

    Close Quarters Combat

    Not quite. And that's why.
  6. ebns72

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    WOW! Really, really awesome work guys. Everything is so awesome. This is IMO a "perfect" modern conversion. Is there any possibility that you could work on a 1985 pack for your next FFUR? I would really like to see a 1985 pack again above all else, because thats the original reason I liked FFUR so much above Y2K3 and the likes. It would be nice for the units to "fit" with the existing campaigns.
  7. ebns72


    I like the JO way as well. I always thought it worked nicely in games.
  8. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I really, really, really, like the new grass effects. Please don't change them. They look So real. And the sky
  9. ebns72


    I bought an IPOD Nano, and I am very satisfied with it for the most part. I don't really need thousands of songs, I don't listen to that much music so the nano is very suitable. My only gripe is it seems the headphones start to crackle if you play them full blast too much...which is an unfortuantely bad habit of mine Also, some of my sister's ipods have had batteries die after over-use. I hope that doesn't happen to mine... Thank Gawd for the ipod...the radio SUCKS!!!!! here in Connecticut. I mean it SUCKS! All "pop" radio is ALL no-talent hip-hop crap with maybe an american idol thrown in here and there. I have never really liked pop music, but at least they could have some of the good popular bands that stand out like Muse, etc.
  10. ebns72


    I got GOTY a few years back for $19.99, so it would probably be cheaper now.
  11. ebns72

    Prisoners ?

    It would be cool and realistic to see surrenduring, but unfortunately...there is not much you can do with them after they surrender. That is the main gameplay issue, and will probably not be included because of it. However, maybe they could do a system like...I think it was the R6, maybe SWAT series...where surrenders greatly added to your score rather than killing them.
  12. ebns72


    I remember BIS mentioning that they had a totally new inventory system in place and they wanted it to be a "surprise" for the community in an interview.
  13. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    "The big boys"?? ? I though OPF was the only "big boy" out there and other games were just midgets, i dont understand whats not to like about Arma graphicaly speaking, everything looks extremely detailed . Graphics are always compared to the best in the genre (FPS, one could say that ArmA is a milsim, but its still a FPS), and ArmA compared to crysis... Well, its not as nice as crysis for obvious reasons which we all know and not going to be repeated again. But fact is that its not as nice as crysis Good preview anyways True but then again what is Crysis other than Crysis itself? Its a damn shame that most gamers look to graphics these days...oh well...keep the little kids and graphic people with their graphics,I'd rather take the less graphicated games in which people believe in gameplay and teamwork. I am actually pleased with this article, because unlike most the writer didn't focus on graphics and have a ruined outlook on the game because of it, which we have seen before. He simply mentioned twice that the graphics weren't up to par with other FPS's coming out around the same time, such as crysis.
  14. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    "Armed Assault's quiet towns are in danger of communistification. Time for Violence." LMAO! Decent article, no new info or screens tho.
  15. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    This would unbalance gameplay quite a bit. I remember downloading THE original FFUR mod when it was first released. It appealed and stood out to me over Y2K3 and E-ECP because it had a 1985 theme, and was not just another modern-war replacement mod with pretty effects. It would be a good idea not to lose sight of the mod for what it is, a replacement mod to enhance BIS campaigns.
  16. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    It might have something to do with the HDR lightning, which can probably be turned off. I hope so, it makes me blind and hurts my eyes. Yeah, but it should also be possible to simply make the texture non-reflective. It would be nice to be able to have HDR as well as realistic looking soldiers.
  17. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    Really nice screenshots, however one thing annoys me. The way the soldier's ACU has a "shiny" effect makes it seem pure white from a long distance. This has...very little camo value. Anyone else noticed this? It makes it not blend in with woodland at all. EDIT: here's an example: http://www.armed-assault-zone.com/images/photoalbum/125.jpg
  18. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I would much, much rather see a 1985 conversion before all the fancy stuff.
  19. Really nice, but the ACU doesn't seem quite right. It seems too "grey" I think it has to do with the lighting it the photo was shot in.
  20. ebns72

    The war nerd

    It may not be 100% reliable, but I just did a quick read on the Mexican Military history and it was quite interesting.
  21. ebns72

    Fuzzy Hat Commies

    Were those ever released?
  22. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    The smoke looks pretty real to me...have you ever seen a lotta smoke IRL?
  23. ebns72

    Formations - Hopes and Discussion

    I would prefer no formations at all. In reality, I have never ever seen soldiers used or being trained to use formations in infantry combat. It is just impractical and doesn't make sense. The only time it would really make sense is if you are in a defensive position. In reality, fireteams of 4 or so soldiers move up together from cover to cover. It is usually a good idea to spread out and avoid formations because clustering makes soldiers predictable. Its just unrealistic and I have no idea why its in OFP. I have always felt formations felt really out of place. The use of formations in real infantry combat is not that of aircraft-style delta's or vees. It has more to due with simple certain many covering flanks or positions than the exact placement of a soldier to the relative position of his squad as in ofp.
  24. ebns72


    I played it and enjoyed it. I liked the whole setup in the beginning with the whole run down cherokee reservation. It was especially cool getting abducted. Very scary atmosphere in the ship, especially watching those people get "harvested." Overall it was very cinematic and entertaining visually and I guess "story wise" if you want to call it that. As far as innovation in level design goes, it is definately good to see developers doing something new and different but it still felt pretty straightforward. When they said "reversing gravity" I was kinda hoping to hop around while shooting guys on all four sides of a room. Maybe we'll see that in the full version, but the whole "gravity pathways" are kinda lame. I liked the green things you shoot at the end much more.
  25. ebns72

    North Korea about to launch ICBM

    I'm surprised this hasn't been all over the news...this could heat up to a real-life flashpoint