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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    60?? Well I hope the AI has improved a helluva lot (which it sounds like...supress and flank... ) Because with 12 in ofp1 I had a hard time commanding them and keeping them all alive. Something I wonder though, if you create color-coded groups I wonder if it would be possible for AI to take over them and have them do their own thing. Of course, you could recall them back at any moment.
  2. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    EDIT: Disreguard previous post. I hope BIS doesn't go with the de-saturated look. It makes the game look incredibly dull and exactly the same as OFP1. High polycounts and textures don't matter if the game looks boring. Go outside if you think they are oversaturated-the world looks like that! With vibrant greens and sunshine and beautiful, blue skies! Especially considering Sahrani seems to be a tropical location! Nighttime still looks like crappy, pitch-black Black-And-White OFP But I'm sure BIS is going to improve that and they haven't gotten to it yet. Also, the forest in one shot looks like it lacks undergrowth..dense undergrowth is a must! One way BIS can fix this cheaply though is for certain forest areas and textures have the grass texture be replaced by a Fern Texture So instead of having dense grass in a forest (Which you don't really see IRL except in forest clearings) you have dense ferns and small shrubs in the forest. However, I also see kneepads and camelbaks in a few shots
  3. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    3D Ironsights. Oh Em Gee. A Harrier!!!! I can't wait for dynamic campaigns and CTI in multiplayer. It will be as close as possible to game 2 with destructible buildings. BIS I love you.
  4. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    http://www.gamemag.ru/pics/13328-crysis_tech_demo3.jpg Hardly. Crysis looks better than arma does, but IMO arma still looks damn good. I think it is really pointless to argue graphics or compare the two-crysis is super next gen.
  5. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    I love the smoke! It looks real! I don't see why that is a bad thing....people say it looks like a texture, but what hell else should it look like? A Unicolor grey sprite?
  6. ebns72

    Mini Lunchman

    LMFAO! That's HUGE! How could you EVER carry that thing around?! people that carried around all the other lcd games and later the first gameboys? Mini-Munchman? Or Mini-Lunchman? I'm confused now! Maybe the guy who wrote the story didnt remeber the name of the old toy correctly... or they wanted to use a similar name. Yes, there could have been copyright issues or something...
  7. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    Foliage looks so real! I love it! Not just in the actual artwork of the foliage, but its placement. The patterns the bushes are placed in looks just like it would IRL.
  8. ebns72

    Tonal update?

    All I have to say is I am kinda bummed it will overwrite the old one though. I thought Tonal Jungles were and still are some of the best in ofp.
  9. ebns72


    That is old-gen ACU, with that bluish tint to it. I have seen the newest gen-ACU, arma has it correct-it is actually very light in RL, and has a light-brownish-yellowish overtone to it. I would say Arma has it spot-on. It doesn't work very well while in the grass either in RL if the sun is coming right down on the ACU-it only really changes color if you are under the shade of trees or something. It still works decent though IRL-maybe Arma should darken the ACU texture for the purpose of gameplay.
  10. ebns72

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Flags by regulation are reverse style on the right sleeve, about 1/2 an inch down from the seam and centered if you want to get specific EDIT: might be 1/4 of an inch..I forget... It looks like they changed that with the new ACU though.
  11. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    Will we see the cool camelbaks and rolled up sleeves from the VBS2 pictures in Arma? Really curious about that one.
  12. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    I think he's limping.
  13. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    Also notice the running animation doesn't look like the person is crippled!
  14. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    Does a soccer ball=physics? What? Tell me about this. (I don't have elite...)
  15. ebns72

    Request opinon on CQB/Animations

    I vote yes. Why not give it a shot? If it doesn't work out, than just uninstall the anim pack. Well, while zero gun movement isn't realistic, the current amount of gun movement in ofp I would say feels unrealistic. If you keep a tight grip on your gun and have proper position with a comfortable stock, you can keep those ironsights pretty damn centered while walking slowly IRL.
  16. ebns72

    Formations - Hopes and Discussion

    I think it would make sense to put default american tactics into the game - but make it moddable. Considering in the SP campaign you will be playing as the americans, it makes sense. Or, BIS could "generalize" some tactics such as simple supress and flanks. The player could be flexible and choose how he wants to execute these tactics.
  17. ebns72

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    The new WL guys look good They should match the russian soldiers in quality and proportion now. My only gripe is the interceptor texture looks out of place with the woodland camo.
  18. ebns72

    Mini Lunchman

    Maybe someone should PM a BIS member
  19. ebns72

    FS X

    Played it already, probably going to buy it. There is no time limit. Choose free flight instead of missions-the missions have time limits because they are that, missions. On the flight model-you can adjust it in your settings. I have the settings maxed out, and having taken flight lessons on small aircraft, I can say it feels pretty damn accurate to what it is in RL...as long as you don't try any crazy aerobatic stunts... Also, the game will lag on highest settings. This game is much higher detailed than previous flightsims. It is supposed to run on DX10 actually. Here on some screens I took from the thread of another forum: Give some a few seconds to load. http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/4432/ptoondq4.jpg http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/8467/ptoon2ym0.jpg http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/5159/junglevv4.jpg http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/6402/oceanef6.jpg http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/3533/ocean2ou0.jpg I must say, I am quite disappointed with the weather and clouds in this game. It seems like they took the "OMG THAT THOSE CLOUDS LOOK REALLL1!!!!" over the practically/realism route. For example, here is a "major thunderstorm" on maximum cloud settings: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7894/tstorm1xy2.jpg http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/1186/tstorm2br6.jpg last I checked a thunderstorm looked much worse IRL.
  20. ebns72

    Mini Lunchman

    LOL! Always wondered what the hell a mini lunchman was too.
  21. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    WOW!! The VBS2 pics look awesome-probably what arma is going to look like. HOLY HELL! ROLLED UP SLEEVES TOO!
  22. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    Looks Awesome I am slightly concerned that all civilians will look like that though-jacked soldiers
  23. ebns72

    MultiCam Anyone?

    Looks nice, but the pattern is a little too "Green." Try changing the values in photoshop. Multicam seems to have more of a brownish overtone to it. Yours has a more greenish overtone. Still looks superb though
  24. ebns72

    e3 dead?

    Really, really lame...at least they'll let press in. (I think.)
  25. ebns72

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    On the one-shot 500m issue-I notice this usually happens on a big battle with lots of guys. You can't keep track of all the guys, and so one usually gets on your flank. Usually, he is actually shooting at you for quite a bit, you just don't notice...then a round hits you and you go "WTF??? ONE SHOT1?!?!" When it really wasn't one shot. Also, I have hit AI in one shot from 500m away. As unrealistic as it is, if the human player can do it, the AI should be able to do it. I have noticed OFP's weapon handling has a tendency to make weapons a bit too-laser accurate even if they are on realisticly-configed values. I have killed guys with a pistol from insane distances. I always liked the AI in FFUR because it was much more like I played; taking careful, well-aimed shots rather than a spray of lead in a general direction.