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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    RZN Fighter Pilot Addon

    Awesome!!! I have been looking for this addon for awhile. Just 2 recommendations: -add the up visor to all pilots, or maybe even remove face mask, but i would at least like to see the up visor option. -they look at a bit "noisy", like there is alot going on-they can be just made a bit "neater" (less wrinkles and folds, etc.).
  2. ebns72

    FischKopp HMMWV

    Doh! I have the uscg pack installed which it is right underneath so my mind registered it as saying "USCG car" instead of USMC. Excellent work FK, this is by far the best Humvee pack out there.
  3. ebns72

    FischKopp HMMWV

    Where are these located? I've checked unde west-r "car" but it is just the old ones.
  4. heheh yeah MS flight sim is still alittle exaggerated. fixed flight in ofp2, even if the physics are good, will still be bad unless they manage to give the game decent visibilty. I have personally never flown a helicopter before. But the knowledge I have collected from other flight simulations is that helicopters in OFP "feels" realistic but they put enough limiters on it so it is easy to fly.
  5. Hey guys. Yeah, the delay of ofp2 sucks, but just be glad it wasn't a last minute delay, because thats sucks even more. Be glad the news was given a year before release, and not during summer 2005.
  6. Being a pilot IRL, I'm all for more realistic flying. Flying is ofp is relatively easy and you don't really need instruments to fly unlike real life. Better flight model, more instruments...I say yes. EDIT: how bout adjustable difficulty options, like easy flight, realistic flight-works in games like MS flight simulator and IL2.
  7. ebns72

    Game physics

    If there is one area this game needs physics improvement IMO its vehicles. Flying in this game is very unrealsitic-there is too much inertia. Also, something I find extremely annoying is the way vehicles come to a complete halt if they hit something-I'd like to see them bounce or maybe flip over.
  8. ebns72

    OFP2 - Rainbow Six

    The thing that caught me about rainbow six that I love is the ability to handpick your team, each with different skill attributes. I would love to see this in ofp.
  9. ebns72

    OFP2 - Rainbow Six

    The thing that caught me about rainbow six that I love is the ability to handpick your team, each with different skill attributes. I would love to see this in ofp.
  10. ebns72

    War Of Desert

    I'm having trouble downloading your addons pack. When I click the link to download it just takes me to a blank page-and I do have emule installed.
  11. Wow. Awesome work laser! These guys are awesome...they really feel like special forces. They just look cool and are very well done. My only complaint is in regards to desert schemes-the coloring on weapons seems a bit off, and the for some reason to me the desert units seem to have an almost "shiny" look to them. I personally prefer INQ or BAS weapons, but other than those few things they are perfect.
  12. ebns72


    Nice plane-however there are a few problems with it that I would like see fixed. I think if there is one thing that can be definately improved, its the cargo loading. Currently getting a jeep into the cargo bay area is difficult-the collisoion detection on the back ramp isn't very fluid and often makes the jeep crash into the ramp. I would also like to see the possiblity of a lock down script like in the BAS mh47 and chutes that actually come out of the vehicle. When that is done, IMO it would be perfect. Still an excellent plane, thats just the one area I can see improvement.
  13. ebns72

    County Sheriff Police car

    Looks awesome-I'd also like to see some SWAT units too
  14. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    What are those cool FBI units from ineo's post? I have been looking for good SWAT units or something similar...
  15. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Thanks pappy. Oh, also I found 2 bugs (I think). One, you can no longer lower the goggles of soldiers, and two, I still need to check on this but it seems you cannot drop any weapons and put them on the ground. EDIT: You actually can drop weapons, its just a UI problem that prevents the options from appearing on the action menu. Still having trouble with goggles, though.
  16. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    no...I don't mean the original original BIS water...lol its hard to describe water When you got close to it the water texture was real nice which I what I liked about it. the water bump looked like this: I'll see if I can find some better pics of it.
  17. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    got a download link?
  18. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Pappy, I ran the llaumax installer found in the beta addons pack. While it added the nvgs textures, it installed new water-but a different water than previously before-a much bluer water. Where can I find the previously, more grayish-water?
  19. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    What m4 is that in gordy's pic on page 82?
  20. ebns72

    US Marines

    Nice!!!!! Imo, they look better than Earl and suchey's MAP....
  21. ebns72


    Question-in the broken car there is a CD player, but none of the tunes work-what is its purpose?
  22. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Got any pics of what you mean?
  23. ebns72

    The Color Of War Movie: Part 1 of 5

    Good work. Very well done.
  24. Hello-I am not exactly sure where to put this thread, so if it is in the wrong place mods please move it. Anyway, I was wondering if there are any good tutorials out there for making custom animations for ofp-not just default animations, but proxys for oxygen as well. If there are tutorials, what programs should I use to make animations?
  25. ebns72


    I must say...this has got to be one of the worst, most polictically incorrect mission I have ever played. militasniper, you should be ashamed of... MAKING SUCH A HILARIOUS MISSION!!! Classic mission-the voice acting is great-I was laughing most of the time. I especially liked the "afghani calls" and the comments whenever you bagged a kill.