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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Unscripted war

    Wow-just discovered this, and its awesome. Definately alot of fun-but it can be improved. The most clear problems IMO are with vehciles and choppers-AI is pretty dumb when comes to transport choppers. There needs to be some sort of simplified point-and-click chopper pickup and dropoff system.
  2. ebns72

    Texture trouble

    Tried it with texview before, also Crashes when I try and convert it to a .paa or .pac. Is there a better program to use?
  3. ebns72

    Texture trouble

    That was the problem all along, the size. Thank you very much. For the record, i use texview for conversion-but for some reason it crashes when I try to convert a JPG to a paa/pac. So, I convert the JPG to a GIF first then convert it. Is there an easier way to do this?
  4. ebns72

    Boeing 777

    To make it so you could walk around in an aircraft, you do the trick america's army did-they made a C17 globemaster actually a static object. Not an aircraft, nothing more than an object that sits at 2000 feet. However, it has particle clouds moving by it to make it look like it is moving. This could be done with aircraft and would make for some great hijack situations. Maybe someone could make a script to make it "morph" into a moving aircraft with a script if you sit down in the pilots sea?
  5. ebns72

    I am seeking some faces

    Faces of pictures are on page 21 of the link pandal provided; download links are on the next page.
  6. ebns72

    I am seeking some faces

    Check liquid snake's faces post, he has a pack of arab faces on there.
  7. What about a campaign that starts out as a police officer, but he gets "promoted" to SWAT status? That would be cool. Currenlty Gaia island is a good location for this campaign.
  8. ebns72

    Ashau Valley - Final release !!!

    Doh! how did i miss that!
  9. ebns72

    Ashau Valley - Final release !!!

    Ermm..I am having trouble finding the SAF mod objects...anyone have D/L link to env-obj.pbo? ashau valley is my favorite vietnam map-it is definately a must have for vietnam fans. It combines elements from all the vietnam maps-ilo ilo, ia drang, etc. It also has a nice "jungle" and mountain feel to it.
  10. ebns72

    What about a parachute re-skin/design?

    Dunno about importing, but this whole parachutes thing can be done pretty simply. Just retexture/remake a parachute, add some steerable options (I know its possible) and for the "getout" anim (in the bis chute the anim is like a jump almost) make it a roll.
  11. ebns72

    Looking for some Airboune troops

    I play America's Army
  12. ebns72

    Multi Gun Positions

    Wow! This is awesome. Great choice for a boat, too-it's one of my favorites. I can't wait to do fast raids on ships with the multigunned pt boat . Btw, how are the fishing boats coming with the lifejackets and all?
  13. ebns72

    Looking for some Airboune troops

    He doesn't mean steerable as in square HALO chutes, he means steerable as yanking on the strings of a round chute and shifting your weight in one direction to get it to slowly turn. Download america's army and play some of the airborne maps, you'll see what he means.
  14. ebns72


    check the demo mission that comes with the previous version. The prev version also has a readme with all the script listings.
  15. ebns72

    Looking for some Airboune troops

    There should also be some new animations for chutes when you hit the ground-that was one of my fav parts of america's army. make sure you get INQ weapon pack-just do a search on google for it. I also belive ORCs made some U.S. airborne rangers that are pretty good. Inq's weaponpack uses america's army sights and sounds...it seems to be what you are looking for.
  16. ebns72

    Looking for some Airboune troops

    the marine assault pack doesn't use sounds from AA...inquistors does tho. and the marine assault pack has the m16a4 which isn't the current standard issue weapon. as for weapons, i recommend INQ's weaponpack. also, for airborne troops-best you could do is some airborne rangers or just use hyk's modern inf.
  17. ebns72

    Looking for some Airboune troops

    Yeah, I have been wondering about that too, along with chutes. Someone needs to really improve the current chutes because they suck (IMO the ones in america's army are very realistic). I don't think there are any, or any truly improved chutes-the most improved I have seen are from FDF, but that just adds a few new features.
  18. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Once again excellent work pappy. The new russian inf are great. My only question is about the ural trucks-they seem to be the default bis ones . Is there a place I am supposed to download the CSLA ural?
  19. ebns72

    Wild animals pack!

  20. ebns72

    Unscripted War dynamic grass

    Wow-I have thought about making a "grass engine" like this for quite some time. Now thats its finally here, you can take advantage of it and make several different types of foliage for different maps. Maybe like 2d ferns for jungle maps similar to joint ops, or other things similar.
  21. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    where can i get that zodiac from J-man's post?
  22. ebns72

    Looking for a M4 suppressed addon

    EDIT: should have read the last line more carefully-"close to stock ofp detail :P" In that case, go with marine assault pack. I personally prefer Inquisitor's weapons over those in the MAP-they are just higher quality, the ones in the MAP are grainy and faded while inquistor's are crisp and colorful. Inquistor actually has a m4 weapon mod kit where you can make your own m4, but his default pack has quite a few m4's. He has some available in PAA textures on his site.
  23. Is this possible? I mean like shooting from a helicopter or a boat while sitting down. This would be great for mp games if it could be done. Has it been done before, and could it be done if not?
  24. ebns72

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    My favorite is the dauphin chopper-and the winch is very cool. I wonder with ofrp's permission I could reskin the dauphin chopper wtih a USCG skin...
  25. ebns72

    Far Cry military modding

    You could say its realistic, but then you'd be totally wrong. Its not realistic at all. Its like quake on a beach. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; its just not realistic/ suited for making a realistic mod. The physics are too simple, the weapon code is too simple, etc. The same could be said about unreal tournament; but look at America's Army or mods like red orchestra. While they are not as close to ofp as realism goes, they are still capable of being somewhat realistic.