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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Petition to stop Doom 3!

    A) wow...just wow B) some people have 0 sense of humour. I personally read the ign review or preview (forget which it was :P) and the author jokingly mentioned "Doom3 has slightly higher expecations than the second coming of jesus christ". Of course, it was a joke to try and convey this game's anticipation. C) why do people blame this game. It is the responibility of the parents to control which games their children play, and it CLEARLY states (ESRB) that this game is for MATURE AUDIENCES. Good god. I play doom3, now I'm going to go worship the devil! see you all later!
  2. ebns72

    SPC 6.8 and stuff

    I never understand why people say it doesn't fit with the surroundings, or its too bright
  3. EDIT: just noticed a similar list in the request summary. feel free to delete this post mods. Post here what engine barriers you would like to see improved/broken in ofp2. A few of mine are: 1. Walking around in moving vehicles. I would be happy if this was the only one that made it in. No more aircraft like the c130 slipping under your feet when you board it. 2. Ability to shoot from moving vehicles. Certain proxies should have the option to do this, though this option can be turned off if you wish. Then again, you can always just stand up from your moving vehicle and shoot, but for tight spaces it would be good to have a shooting proxy. 3. Bolt action and reloads with removeall magazines. Overall more animation on weapons. 4. More than 1 gunner per vehicle.
  4. ebns72

    Real life photography/photo editing

    omg how did you make ofp look so good
  5. ebns72

    SPC 6.8 and stuff

    Excellent weapons gordy! The texturing on these things is really top notch. You did an excellent job on the modelling, not to mention, again, awesome textures. These weapons will be exellent additions to my missions-they are very well done. The ironsights are better than E&S ones too, IMO. However I have 2 suggestions (don't take these the wrong way) -Sounds. To be honest, I really shouldn't be talking because I can honestly say I have no idea what an m4 sounds like IRL.However, I can say that the m4SPC sounds like someone turning on their car engine. I also felt that the m4 could have a little more "oomph" to it. -Muzzle flash. It's too big and has black outlines around it. Other than that, this weapon pack is a great download. EDIT: looking into the missing sight, I get that too
  6. ebns72

    US Marines

    just a suggestion for FK, make the browns a little bit lighter and more tan-otherwise I can't wait for them
  7. Soldiers in OPF don't always turn their heads when using custom anims, I've seen a couple where they don't and even if they did whoever took the shot could have been taken at a point where they were all looking straight ahead. As for them standing so close together, they are cargo proxies within the boat which can be positioned as close together as you want, they can even clip into each other. Going by what has been posted in this thread then this pic must also be a fake as it has custom anims that are different for each cargo position and they're obviously far too close together for OPF. I see nothing in that pic that can't be done in OPF, the 2 boats next to each other might take a bit of time to position but it's not impossible, you have to remember that screenshots are generally staged and as such you can setup it up to recreate things that wouldn't normally happen in general gameplay. As has already been mentioned sky and water textures can be changed, have a look athis pic of Mcnool's pacific island for proof. Just because it looks different doesn't mean it's not OPF, you'd be amazed at what hard work and talent can do with the OPF engine, as another example have a look at Invasion 1944's new head and face model and textures, maybe these guys also had the talent to create top quality models and textures but not the time toi ever finish them. It really bugs me when people jump to conclusions and write off other people's work because it's too good to be true. Exactly. Well said.
  8. ebns72

    Ofp 2 slogan

    Saw this on the back of the goty box, thought it would be good as a ofp slogan :P OFP2 As close to war as you ever want to get
  9. On a side note, why does everyone hate nice colors? We don't live in a black and white world..go outside and see the colors EDIT: on the running animation for different people-this can be done very easily (look at dreamy knights anim pack demo, there are a bunch of different running anims) but they are for cinematic purposes only, but it could still be done. AND name one reason why this can't be a ofp mod.
  10. Hmmm...could they possibly be imported models and not a totally different game? I mean, those hands look like operation flashpoint. Also there was a quote saying "There is a difference between them being fake and it not being released." I also don't get how a bright sky and brith ground make it look fake-it is possible to make/import bright textures, you know
  11. Post more pics of it, maybe it's a mod for another game that I'll recognize.
  12. Well that sucks, but what game is that from?
  13. Yes, please do so. And the models and animations being fake-if they are, why take the time to make a fake model just to scam people? if you made the model, might as well put it ingame.
  14. If it is fake, what game is that-looks awesome!
  15. ebns72

    Texture trouble

    Recently I have started experimenting with o2 after taking some of Brsseb's tutorials- all worked out fine. I have tried to make 2 models-however I am having texture trouble on each. The first one is very simple-I am making a "cardboard" birch tree-it is only 2 double-sided faces that form an "x"-like so: And here is the texture I am going to use: *note-that picture is in jpg format. The texture I used in 02 is in .pac format. So, I select one of the faces, hit the "a" button, and then select load texture. I choose "birch01.pac". however, for some reason the texture isn't loading. After loading it just says "texture (null)". I tried loading and applying it by pressing B, but it still says "No texture loaded..." I believe my texture paths are correct. The second model is a model of a tent I made. It is not really intended to be released, just to gain some modelling experience. I select "wood frame 1" in the interior. I am trying to apply this texture: Once again, that is just a jpg, the real one is in .paa format. So, I do the usual "load texture"-this time it loads correctly. I make a box and hit "b" and according to 02 it applys correctly. The texture paths are correct. When I go to view my freshly applied texture in buldozer, I get this: Can anyone help me? I want to learn how to apply these textures correctly.
  16. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Hmmm.... i cant recall the name of this guy.. It was quite simillar to this popular sailor from cartoon, Poppey, or something like that Or the infamous leader of the WW2 blacksheep squadron ;) Anyway, this mod is nearly perfect, however there is one thing that bugs me. No gear select screen. This is very annoying, especially in the resistance campaign. Any chance of this getting fixed?
  17. ebns72

    M4A1 Pack

    Awesome weapons!!!! Can't wait to put these on Laser's deltas
  18. ebns72

    M4A1 Pack

    Awesome weapons!!!! Can't wait to put these on Laser's deltas
  19. ebns72

    OFP2 - Rainbow Six

    I think overall what elements rainbow 6 has that I would like to see ofp is: -improved close quarters combat -team selection, each with unique attributes. -WEapon selection, adding mods like silencers, etc. -Mission planner
  20. ebns72

    Texture trouble

    First of all, for some reason my texview doesn't work on my system-it can't convert JPG or TGA files, the 2 main texture files. I tried generating a mipmap for GIF, but then it simply wouldn't load when trying to apply it to a model in 02. I tried the tool lizardx suggested, but whenever I try to convert it whines something about it not being 32bpp but is 24bpp (what does that mean? Does it mean 32-bit? If so, how do I get the texture to go beyond 24bit?) Sometimes it can get very frusterating.... Oh and the mipmap, I'm not 100% sure but I think it has something to do with texture lods, maybe?
  21. ebns72


    Great island! I have been waiting for this one for a long time-the buildings are what impress me the most. Will make for some great urban war situations As for the taleb units, I just hope the beards are removed and they now have arab faces (like the ones in liquid_snake's pack)
  22. ebns72

    Texture trouble

    Grrr-seems like I am plagued with more texture problems. I tried applying a the following texture to my tent: The actual texture is 1024x1024, i had to reduce the pic size a bit because of forum limits. (just realized that may be the problem-texture too large?) Anyway, when I try to apply the texture to the my tent, it appears all blurry and low-res like so: EDIT: comparing pictures, it can be somewhat hard to tell the difference in the texture picture and the o2 picture-the larger version is much crisper. In fact, you can see some of the individual scratches and stitching in the larger texture in the one I am using. You can tell the difference in the resolution by looking at the patch in the lower-left hand side of the texture, then comparing that with the 02 picture. Is, possibly the resolution too high on my texture? For future reference, what is the max texture size? If not, what is wrong? Also, another funny thing is the texture appears fine in the actual 02 (in the wireframe windows) but when you view it in buldozer it appears low-res
  23. ebns72

    custom proxies?

    Got a link ? I want to learn how to make people proxies (drivers, cargo, etc.) with animation, not weapon ones.
  24. ebns72

    Vietnam Era Search and Destroy Mission

    Great mission! I haven't completed it yet (got to the t55 part) but it is very fun. I lost a few guys in the minefield-at first I thought it was mortar rounds landing down on us, but it became more intense when I realized it was a minefield . What I assume is the last part (the part with the t55) got very intense. I knocked out the lone sniper on the hill and when "no problem" and advanced. Before I knew it 2 or 3 squads of VC plus a t55 came over the hill . That was an entertaining part. I called in tank support, unfortunately a t55 round landed next to me before it reached me. The air support had been shot down. Overall a great mission!
  25. ebns72

    War Of Desert

    me too