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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Medal of Honour -Pacific-

    That sounds like a MOH game I think you have to look at moh games not from a realism standpoint but from a fun standpoint, because it is basically quake with wwii weapons.
  2. ebns72

    How to make a soldier in O2?

    Thanks, thats pretty cool. I've also found some sample models at OFPEC, however I was wondeirng if you could help me-whenever I open it up I get "Unable to load file. Load Error." I have also tried opening up some addon .p3d files, before, and I get the same error. How do I open the sample models up? Also, on all models, including the BIS man, the weapon proxies are having trouble loading. I get an error messege, and they just don't appear.
  3. ebns72

    Medal of Honour -Pacific-

    me too
  4. ebns72

    Fun to do

    Yeppers. IRL if your blades stop the air moving through it will keep them spinning, making it possible to crash land. Same thing with aircraft.
  5. ebns72

    Medal of Honour -Pacific-

    your linky is broken, cant download
  6. ebns72

    Medal of Honour -Pacific-

    534 mb? grr...i guess ill try it, im running low on HD space tho.
  7. ebns72

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    omg Hopefully this is a turning point in anti-terrorism, maybe UN could develop a real-life rainbow 6...that would actually be quite useful...to prevent things like this from happening those SOBs are going to pay for this, preferably in blood...but then again, that would probaly cause more things ilke this to happen
  8. ebns72


    Hehe...I am going to have fun with this one....
  9. ebns72


    The BDUs and the vest look nice, but the helmet looks weird...
  10. ebns72

    preserved german t34

    From the wwiionline forums, found this very interesting. I don't know how long ago this was, but a german (yes, german!) t34 was pulled out of the water, and it was so well preserved they could actually get the thing's engine running! Its kinda creepy, here's a link to the forum page: t34
  11. ebns72

    Project Hainan

    OMG!!!!11111 WHAT GRAPHICS CARD YOU HAVE FOR OFP!!!! Hehe, that would be awesome to see a good chinese/asian island in ofp. Good luck to you guys, I would love to see an island like this in ofp
  12. ebns72

    preserved german t34

    Wow! Despit having its engine missing/removed, the super brewster is good, intanct condition. Though water can also be destructive, I guess it also has some presertive values, as far as traffic goes...nothing to run over it, nothing to pile ontop of it....
  13. ebns72

    ideas for addons

    Being an american, I got a chuckle out of the fat people thing Anyway, on a US themed island, though there aren't really alot of islands specifically designed to portray the US, but somehow I got a US feeling when playing gaia There are also some good islands with a US feeling, some parts of snakeisland remind me of maine for some reason But still, I believe there should definately be a few US themed islands...
  14. ebns72

    quick question

    Quick question-what counts more against performance (lags the cpu more) Vertices or faces? I am trying to make a lag-free forest, and I am wondering if I should optimize it to reduce the number of vertices i use or use the number of faces I use.
  15. ebns72

    Huckins 78' WWII Patrol Boat

    First of all great job It is fun to wreak havoc on a passing enemy aircraft. I too, would love to see a batttleship-multi gun positions like this will make ofp so much better in the naval department. just a question, is there a way to make yourself as a gunner in any of the other guns? Also, I tried testing the torpedos on philcommando's cargo ship...when the torpedos hit the ship flew 50 feet in the air and the torpedos kept going
  16. ebns72


    Yes, but what about other objects that can be placed through the "empty" menu that are not included in the island_o pbo? Alot of these require the entire/mod config.
  17. ebns72

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Just in case you didn't see this in the latest reports: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tm....1132655 Yes, I've seen that on another forum, but only after after i wrote my post God lets hope this turns out ok
  18. ebns72

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Animals. Taking kids hostage. They deserve to be shot. If they kill any of them, then in stead they deserve a long, slow, painful death.
  19. ebns72

    TOW's new sub project

    Sounds great! I would love to see some cargo scripts with parachuting cargo, plus some cool paradrop scripts.
  20. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Recently I was cleaning my hardrive and deleted the full ecp mod (i had it to make Y2K3 work right, it is now not needed due to the extra file installer). When I played y2k3 again, it started whining about no entry in scripts/ecp settings (or something like that) no problem was probably the way i configured my target (i.e. -mod=Y2K3; mod=@ECP2) "@ECP2" is the files given by the extra file installer, it was renamed so it didn't conflict with the original "@ECP". So I renamed it, removing the "2" at the end. I changed the order the mods were in, placing ECP first and Y2K3 second. When I started it up, i got the error No entry 'config.bin.CfgAddons I remember I had this problem once before, but I forget how to fix it... I double checked the spelling of everything, and even reversed the order they were in to try in make it work correclty with no luck. I don't want to reinstall, because I have heavily modifeid your Y2K3 mod with custom data, and edited configs, plus ALOT of addons in the Y2K4 addons folder. Btw, I also tried -nomap and -nosplah, no luck. EDIT: hehe its kinda funny. I played the game and everything is screwed up. I made a soldier, it was a default bis soldier with the binocs anim, no weapon, whne I fired my invisible m16 it fired straight into the ground, like a bullethole suddenly appeared near my feet. If you make a jeep theres a BIS solider riding it like a surfboard (its really just the binoc anim, but it looks like hes riding a surboard)
  21. ebns72

    Hidden things etc.

    its JUST his last name.
  22. ebns72

    Agricultural Addons?

    Doesn't farmland objects pack already have cornfields and wheat fields (If you didn't know, "maize" means corn)
  23. ebns72

    M14 Pack

    Danak47, I am also curious as to who the partially shown man in the picture is
  24. ebns72

    Hidden things etc.

    Just incase any of you haven't noticed, all the developers are faces ingame
  25. ebns72

    Hidden things etc.

    Hehe! never noticed that. Btw, things like that are called easter eggs. I love easter eggs, post some more if youve seen em!