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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Generic OPFOR

    hey! I was actually thinking about starting work on as similar project. Go to this thread for great ideas an reference pictures. it would be cool if they were americas army style, check out that thread for pics. btw, Im still a 02 noob but I will help you in any way possible, cause ive been wanting to do this myself but im too lazy
  2. ebns72

    Community Performance/Hardware Thread

    Pentium 4 2.4 1GB RAM Geforce4MX440 ( ) Runs great with 900 viewdistance and shadows off, but I do sometimes get lag on maps like ashau or tonal, and my fps can drop in the 10 or 15s (playable, but slow). But I never have any major lag moments where the game is frozen for like 15 seconds.
  3. ebns72

    Crouched movement

    Awesome! Crouched movement finally! And...GENERIC gorillas!!! I have been thinking about making these for quite some time, cause we need em. I don't want to fight russians anymore or any certain country, just generic units... btw, at first I thought that was americas army or something, didn't even recognize it as opflash!
  4. ebns72

    move in cargo area of c-130.....

    No, it is an engine limitation. But, you could make a static one with clouds moving past it to make it look like it is moving.
  5. Are there any good tutorials on creating custom people (drivers, cargo) proxies for O2 or maybe custom animations in general?
  6. When I often see in-delelopment photos, I often see a "template"/proxy (if you want to call it that) being used. For example: Note the way the weapons on the back, the flag, the face, the nightvision goggles, etc. Are set up. Is there an "official" soldier model that is supposed to come with O2 or you can download? If not, how would I get a soldier proxy like this? (So I don't have to build it from ground up. I understand you could do this and make certain selections, but I'm too lazy to do this )
  7. I recently found ODOL explorer version 2.44, and I want to modify inq's weaponpack to make them MILES modifications (see miles post in A&M: D) So this is what it looks like in ODOL 2.44. The texture path is in the Y2K3/ADDONS folder, where the unpbo'd INQ weaponpack folder is located. I convert it to mlod, leaving it the default name INQ_M16_MLOD. When I open it with 02: The textures aren't there. What is odd is the default 02 texture is grey, but these are white, so that may mean that it is detecting the textures there, but it won't load them. Or maybe not...but can anyone help me solve this problem?
  8. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Dunno You should download the mod and study it, because I ain't that good at config decrypting. But wouldn't that be cool if the miles was built in, and you didn't need to add any scripts to a mission?
  9. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Will do miles. Pappy is doing the config stuff, but I will try and contact him. thanks for the pics cobra pulse. m16 in progress
  10. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Ok, I will base them off aa opfor with no body armor etc. I need reference pics tho, those would be most welcome.
  11. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Okay, just looked at the america's army ones and now I am confused. In alot of the reference pics I have, there are 6 sensors on the front, 6 on the helmet, and 4 on the back. However, those are all pictures from the '85 equipment set. In america's army: In america's army, with the '03 equpment there are 4 on the helmet, front, and back. Which is correct? Btw, here is a pic of the other set: Did the MILES layout change with the new 2003 equipment? Should I change the current layout I am modeling? Also, I have questions on the opfor. I currently have no real life photos of opfor. In america's army, the opfor has less equipment. They have the kevlar helmet, same pockets, etc., but it seems like they are missing body armor and a few other things. Does anyone have any photo references to the opfor? How should it be, the america's army style or just a fully equipped soldier wearing solid colors? EDIT: I think the MILES layout changed with the equipment. Look at this marine: Note 4 sensors on his helmet. Therefore, I will be adjusting the MILES to as it is shown in america's army.
  12. EDIT: found the problem The INQ weaponpack was in a MOD folder, and i saved the MLOD to a mod folder. redid it, moved the inq weaponpack to my ofpedit folder, and it worked. For some reason, even though I directed it to the mod folder, it didn't want to look there. No luck. Tried ODOL explorer v 2.0. Still white...then I checked the texture paths, I even changed them even though they were correct, and it is still white.
  13. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    I know. Shortly after posting that pic I realized that i forgot those sensors after studying the miles pics I had, an added them. However I said earlier that for the electroncis, the 2 "boxes", and the battery require adjusting polygons, which for some reason I cannot do right now. On fielgear: All the pics I have the people removed their goggles. As for the pockets, they overlap with the sensors so I don't really know. Anyone that has detailed pictures of all the MILES equipment post them here, cause the ones I have are mostly candid photos. -at script giving you trouble: Here is the ROC mission script, and I realized they did StandSitDownStill which makes it so you can't cheat and move. Another cool thing is that when someone sits down it says "x is down!" ?( exOver==1): exit _man = _this select 0 _juds = [J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6] _i = 0 _j = count _juds _rat = 2.7 _drat = 0 - 2.7 ?(group _man == group player): Leader group _man sidechat format ["%1 is down !", _man] _manside = side _man ?(_man == player): EnableRadio FALSE #Loop _jud = _juds select _i _jc = count units group _jud ?(_jc >= 12): _i = _i +1; goto "Loop" [_man] join _jud _man setbehaviour "careless" _man setcombatmode"BLUE" _man setcaptive true _man commandmove getPos _man _man action ["Drop Weapon",_man,0,0,((weapons _man) select 0)] ~1 _man playmove "EffectStandSitDown" ~6 ;; _man switchmove "SitDownDying" _man switchmove "EffectStandSitDownStill" ?(_manside == side player): player addrating _drat ?(_manside != side player): player addrating _rat ?(_man == player): player addrating (_drat * 27) ?(_i > 1): goto "CountWin" exit #CountWin ?(_jc <= 1): exit #EndWin _chkBlue = (count units GroupA) + (count units GroupB) + (count units GroupC) _chkRed = (count units GroupD) + (count units GroupE) + (count units GroupF) ?(_chkBlue > _chkRed): [] exec "bwin.sqs" ?(_chkBlue <= _chkRed): [] exec "rwin.sqs" exit This is a mission only script, would it be possible to implement into a unit? Also note that the winning conditions are included in this script i think I may just play on a private america's army server with my friend and we I can just observe and take pictures of the equipment they are wearing and the opfor is wearing.
  14. ebns72

    Is it possible to play singleplayer with bot ?

    Yes. Create a multiplayer server (don't worry, won't show up on the in game browser) and for all the spaces that you don't fill in with players, there should be ai.
  15. ebns72

    Paint shop Pro 7

    Google is a wonderful tool, my friend alpha channel
  16. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    hey guys, here are pics of the modified HYK U.S infantry to MILES. The texturing is for the most part complete, but i need to clean up the helmet (looks squashed, ends don't meet), however I am having trouble modifying the model (will explain later in this post).You might not notice a difference; that is because like real life the only difference is the laser h-strap on the body, and the one on the helmet. anyway, here are two pics: Okay, now as you can see i need to remove the goggles, top pockets, and the radio. However, in O2 the textures don't appear in MLOD format when converted by ODOL explorer. Anyone got any suggestions? I can't do anymore until I can modify the models WITH the textures on. If I can figure out to do this, I can also begin work on the modified weapons.
  17. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    ah yes, here are the weapon configs for the MILES t65 and M249. class ROC_T65k2_bfa:Riffle { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=0; weaponType=1; displayName="T65k2 + BFA"; picture="\roc_mod\c\T65k2.paa"; model="\roc_mod\train\roc_t65k2_bfa.p3d"; muzzles[]={"ROC_T65K2bfamuzzle"}; class ROC_T65K2bfamuzzle:ROC_SS109BlankMag { reloadMagazineSound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\reload.wav","db-40",1}; drySound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\65dry.wav","db-40",1}; soundContinuous=1; modelOptics="\roc_mod\train\roc_optika_t65k2_bfa"; optics=1; opticsZoomMin=0.35; opticsZoomMax=0.35; distanceZoomMin=400; distanceZoomMax=400; magazines[]={"ROC_SS109BlankMag"}; }; }; class ROC_M249MG_bfa:ROC_5_56MGBlankMag { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=0; weaponType=1; displayName="M249 + BFA"; picture="\roc_mod\f\w_249saw.jpg"; model="\roc_mod\train\roc_M249saw_bfa.p3d"; muzzles[]={"ROC_M249MGbfamuzzle"}; class ROC_M249MGbfamuzzle:ROC_5_56MGBlankMag { reloadMagazineSound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\mgreload.wav","db-40",1}; drySound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\65dry.wav","db-40",1}; modelOptics="\roc_mod\train\roc_optika_249_bfa.p3d"; optics=1; opticsZoomMin=0.35; opticsZoomMax=0.35; distanceZoomMin=400; distanceZoomMax=400; magazines[]={"ROC_5_56MGBlankMag","ROC_SS109BlankMag"}; }; };
  18. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Nevermind the idea posted here earlier... I have never made an addon before, but I think i might at least attempt to do a MILES thing...I just need some questions answered: -i am using ODOL explorer 2.44. THe INQ weapons look fine in the explorer, but when I save them to MLOD and open them with O2 the m16 is textureless. Any way to solve this? -Is there any way to change the blood texture (the "puff") that comes out of someone when you shoot them? I am hoping to make it transparent or at least change the color.
  19. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Started searching the config. Found the ammo config: class ROC_blankAmmo:ROC_5_56Ammo { hit=0.44; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0.2; minRange=10; minRangeProbab=0.25; midRange=50; midRangeProbab=0.5; maxRange=600; maxRangeProbab=0.08; cost=2.5; visibleFire=16; audibleFire=16; visibleFireTime=3; tracerColor[]={0,0,0,0}; tracerColorR[]={0,0,0,0}; soundFly[]={"",1,1}; soundHitMan1[]={"\roc_mod\sound\blankhitman.wav",0.512589,1}; hitMan[]={"soundHitMan1",1}; }; I don't speak configurian, so I have only a remot idea what some of this means. However, Looking at the MILES weapon, it just basically defines burst modes etc, so this ammo is what matters I think. Also what is is interesting-when the bullet hits it makes the beeping noise. I think this is achieved through the "hit" sounds found in this config.
  20. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Well, I just dug through the ROC files. I found the folder with all the artwork and textures for the lasertag stuff, but there is no config, which is what i am really looking for. I will have to search through the main config.bin, so it is probably going to take awhile. If I can find that config, I would gladly modify INQ's m16, nades and E&S m249 with MILES gear, along with MILES equipped HYK modern infantry.
  21. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    EDIT: nevermind. I altered the mission so you were someone else and you can infact die and sit down. I just tested the ROC combat excersise mission (haven't looked at the pbo yet) and it seems that the mission has one large flaw: you cannot die. I believe this is because if you just sit down, you can get right back up, and cheat. Because of this, I believe we might have to devise a custom animation for the MILES where you can move.
  22. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Heh, I am acutally not exactly sure how miles in ROC works, thats just how im assuming it CAN/does work. I'll look go pbo diving into the roc mod later today, im too lazy right now also, when the person sits down maybe it would be a good idea to "setdamage 0", just when your scripting. Isn't it also possible to change the "color" of the blood when your hit? I've seen it possible with a paintball gun addon. Maybe make Blue, yellow, or white blood just to make it look like an electronic flash or something
  23. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Just downloaded the roc, they did what I was thinking. No, it is quite simple really. Just requires some animation scripting. It works in the ROC mod, the way I was thinking of doing it is making a very low damage weapon, and after the unit reaches a certain damage (very low) you can do playmove effectstandsitdown.
  24. ebns72

    MILES laser training system

    Haven't tried the ROK one yet, but I know it is definately possible with a little modification to death animation by scripts. Would be fun for training, like america's army
  25. ebns72

    How to make a soldier in O2?

    How would I check to see what format they are in, or how to change it?