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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Unsung - updates

    Nice work! Any possibilites for randomized rolled up sleeves, or maybe open vests?
  2. ebns72

    ofp game trailer

    On the anims-IMO, the run anims look good but all others look like they have crap in their pants or something
  3. ebns72

    Game physics

    Oo..where did you get that engine demo? But something I have been thinking about recently... I have no idea whether this is even possible. It is a possibility it has been done before, though. What would be cool is dynamic polygon deformability. Instead of having set ways wings fall off or certain debris and parts falling off during an explosion, why not have it dynamic? Would it be possible to make it so the physics engine counts the amount of pressure on a certain polygon/vertice, and if damage is great enough it breaks off or bends? this would make for some really cool crashes. Actually, now that I think of it several games do this with the way debris comes off with explosions, but I have yet to hear about this happening with maybe a car crash or wings coming off aircraft. Yeah, it sounds confusing, but picture it as "crash and debris ragdoll." For example: If I headon into a tree with my jeep at a fast speed, the polygons will get bent on the front of the jeep depending on how hard I hit it. Or if I maybe hit the tail of a blackhawk with an rpg, if the force is great enough the physics could calculate the polygons breaking off completely, thus the tail of the blackhawk comes off. Ahh one can dream Even if this was possible it would probably be way too processor heavy for the game to calculate.
  4. ebns72

    What's your average FPS?

    I have a 1GB of ram, 2.4ghz pentium 4, but unforutnately only a geforce4MX440. I get anywhere from 10-30 FPS depending on where I am located environment-wise or what special effects are going off (things like napalm kill my computer.) However, somtimes in dense maps like ashau valley or in the fields of anjou I get even lower than 10fps. I play with shadows off, low terrain detail, 850 viewdistance, and I think 3.5 (or maybe 4.5?) visual quality. Also, i have a 22-inch monitor so I play at 1280 by 1024 resolution, which seems to be what this monitor was designed for-that resoultion fits like a glove.
  5. ebns72

    Behind the scenes...

    Heh, found this awhile ago...was some funny stuff . I actually never found the briefcase man, but I did find it in the archives.
  6. ebns72

    Searching: Dynamic Range

    Hmm cool I am going to try it.
  7. ebns72

    Searching: Dynamic Range

    What is dynamic range?
  8. ebns72

    ofp game trailer

    Hmmm, one more thing-anyone else see that cool shake effect in the helicopter? Even when he got out the propwash made the camera shake. That was really cool
  9. ebns72

    ofp game trailer

    Wow. The voice acting sounds a lot cooler-no offense, the one we got in the final campaign was kinda cheesy...was it just me, or during the end was there a soldier cursing the "s word" 3 times in a row... the running anim looks pretty good, but did you see the walking anim? Guys looked like the had weights in their boots. other than that tho, besides some sound effects it really doesn't look much different from the current game. Just one thing I noticed is that comp got really high framerates compared to waht I get
  10. ebns72

    M14 Pack

    Great job on the pack I love the ironsights and sounds...first time I've seen an animated ironsight. Great pack. Yes, first mission not loading to me either.
  11. ebns72

    Army Stryker vehicle

    Is it possible to put the actual proxy in front of the computer screen but but the camera angle in the viewport for turret control? If so, that could be done..I am pretty sure that can be done with a custom proxy.
  12. ebns72

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    Winter stuff isn't that hard to apply, just open photoshop and spray on a white airbrush.
  13. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Mr. Burns, what is the pickup truck with the machinegun in your adf pictures?
  14. ebns72

    Army Stryker vehicle

    heh, was about to say that looks exactly like the stryker from AA. But someone definately needs to make this thing.
  15. ebns72

    Generic OPFOR

    by the way, can you equip them with INQ's AK47cz (the one used by resistance, not the russian one..it looks cartoony :P) or maybe even the new rhs AKs would be cool too.
  16. ebns72

    Generic OPFOR

    I am really looking forward to these guys-excellent job. Finally something other to kill than russians...
  17. ebns72

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    err... oops. But if you look around the site I believe woodland is somewhere in there...I think the green needs to be a bit brighter than it currently is.
  18. ebns72

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Nice-only a few recommendations: I believe the kneepads are worn underneath the clothing in cold weather gear, like so: Also, colors need to be altered a little bit in hue and lightness, especially the green: http://www.henrikc.dk/camouflage/details.asp?autono=37 By the way, thats a great site for camo reference. Overall, I am looking forward to your next release. We have needed some new winter soldiers for quite some time.
  19. ebns72

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    somehow I missed HYK's return. The picture is broken, but I am dying to see the new units-anyone got a pic to post?
  20. ebns72

    Unified Anatomy Pack

    what mmo is that?
  21. ebns72

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Looks great! Looking forward to killing zombies in cornfields on your new island
  22. Hmm, not BIS's, suchey and earl's or if not the INQ weaponpack sounds (which are esentially america's army sounds) As for rpg, as long as it sounds remotely like a rocket it is good in my book
  23. ebns72

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    Great Job! Excellent work. These are quite useful in the desert. However, I still use FK's humvees in woodland for 2 reasons: 1. Custom cargo animations. I simply cannot stand the way you shoot someone and a corpse magically appears outside the Humvee. How about them slumping over and dying? 2. The interior is still the same as the BIS Humvees.
  24. ebns72

    Laser's latest over on Flashpoint.ru

    Laser, I must congraluate you on this pack. Do the same for the delta pack and I will worship you. I am glad that you improved the camo patterns quite well (Laser's weren't quite right..) combined with clean, crisp textures these are very nice. IMO they are much better than the BAS ones, these ones have much crisper and nicer textures. Yeah, of course this one has nitpicks such as face lighting, but I mean overall they are the kind of thing that just makes you go "wow" in appearance. I am looking forward to your ranger update. I might have a go at that desert m4 texture, I'll report if I can get it to be good.
  25. ebns72

    Post your OFP nigglies

    My biggest annoyance is not being able to walk around in moving vehicles. Sucks when you walk into a c130 taking off and it slips out from underneath you. Also, ai and CQB is really annoying too. I hate it when I am laying down a blanket of supressing fire and one of my dumb squadmates runs right into my field of fire.