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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. Looks great As long as there are some effects and weapon replacement configs included with this addon I will be completely happy I am especially looking forward to the ai improvements. i can't wait for supressing fire
  2. this is a beautiful addon, unfortunatley the game locks up when I use the vehicle "paradrop" function and forces me to restart my comp I have a intel pentium 4 2.4 ghz processor 1GB or RAM radeon 9800 pro On an other note, the transport script works extremely well except for the fact the vehicles spew dust for the chopper. I wonder if someone could make a modified version of the BAS ch47 and blackhawk to include these crane and cargo scripts?
  3. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    With all the new FLASHFX, new addons, and tracer scripts, is there any chance of an upcoming update, especially with the new ECP? I mean, I know you don't want people to lose their customizations and everything but no one HAS to download it...I am sure most people make only simple and minor customizations, anyway.
  4. ebns72

    Would it be possible?

    I have always though ofp had quite a bit of potential for some sort of open-ended car stealing mission similar to that of gta. There are a few good cities on quite a few islands, and I think it would be pretty cool for a criminal/grand theft auto style mission that is completely open ended (like the in the style of unscripted war). The hard part would be a car creation script..maybe someone could talented enough could make a script that creates massive amounts of cars on roads and tells them to follow the roads to wherever. It would be pretty easy to script the ability for police and the military to turn on you after you kill x people, but that brings another problem of chases through cities :P But overall, would it be possible?
  5. ebns72

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Can anyone help me and write a config to incoporate the latest flashfx into Y2K3? I don't know where to start or anything
  6. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Indeed. Mr. Burns, what sniper addon is in this pic? Or is it vbs: and what island is this? The trees don't look nogova.
  7. ebns72

    upgrading 1985 campaign

    Well, if you play with Y2K3 mods and ecp it isn't really 1985. You are playing with modern day units.
  8. ebns72

    USMC Addon studio

    I don't get it. Isn't woodland a variation of MARPAT...? Or do you mean just general ERDL woodland guys.
  9. ebns72

    Wanzer Pack 15 - Wanzer Mech

    These guys are so cool Anyone have a link to xezon's weapons pack? I did a search with no results
  10. ebns72

    Brother in Arms

    holy crap.
  11. ebns72

    JOHN's Winter island! (ardennes pack)

    This is an excellent map. I have a fairly crappy video card, so I thought "no way this is running on my system." I was actually quiet suprised, for with the exception of the large grass area everything on this map runs well. Foy is especially well-designed, not to mentino there are a ton of awesome details (ice near the river, etc.) My only real issue with this map aside from the stated trees and LODs problems, is the forests. The distant lods look great, but when you go inside it feels like you are in a forest clearing, not the actual forest itself. I would recommend maybe changing the forest tree model to be lower poly and maybe putting in tons of trees in there so it gets a "forest" feel to it.
  12. ebns72

    Guess the name of the game

    Bomberman? no, close. It is a lesser-known game. Its hard Yes, the other one is starwarsgalaxies: jump to lightspeed.
  13. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    This picture sums up operation flashpoint when they ask me why I'm still playing that old crappy-graphics game. It also answers the question when people ask how the game has been changed with new addons I like that picture.
  14. ebns72

    Shrimp Mod

    lol! Sounds like it will be fun. But why did you choose shrimp and animals of the sea? Why not other animals?
  15. ebns72

    Guess the name of the game

    Keen Dreams Heres another... http://theunsung.ofpnam.com/leaders/korax/Pub/KegWontGetThis!.gif Oh man! i remember that game! Bring back memories *wipes tear* errm anyway, apolgies if this has been posted before:
  16. ebns72

    Increasing from 512mbram to 1gb.. makes any diff?

    I recommend upgrading to a gig. Helps a lot of problems with loadnig and stuttering, especiall if you play online in any games including flashpoint.
  17. ebns72

    Flashpoint 2 music?

    I think music for should be approriate to the situation that ofp2 will present. I, for one, thought the style of music from CWC fit the game like a glove. I think music is all about fitting in a movie or a game.
  18. ebns72

    Good addon FREE campaign?

    Yeah, flashpoint has one of the worst flight models ever...lol. Not to mention unless you have a decent comp you can't see anything. Well, the point of ecp is to enhance current/default campaigns with new units etc. for jets mabe.. but i learned how to fly prop planes in OFP. hours and hours and hours spent wiht the cessna and F4U Corsair... one day the chance came to fly an SNJ advanced WWII trainer.. we got up to 3500 he said "shes all yours" i took control and the first thing that crossed my mind was "omg this is EXACTLY like flashpoint!" granted jets and prop planes are completly differnce and having said that i agree jets in OFP = bad. but piston engin planes in OFP are perfect. now you can sit here and argue all night and day "omg ms flight simlator is the roxors of all flight sims!!!" first off compared to real life.. msfs sucks ass.. second off im sure theres some profesional polits here that will disagree with my statments here.. but comparing my experiance in WWII advanced trainer (SNJ) and my experiance flying the WWII planes in OFP that the "OFP flight sim" isnt far off. to answer the orginal question: any campaign that employs the usage of "Default" vehicles will work very well for EECP and Y2K3 Yeah, I guess its decent for prop planes...but I have flying experience too, and yes MSFS is pretty arcady, but compare ofp to il2..ofp is nothing. On topic: Forgot about pmc campaign Try that...there are a few good cold war style campaigns out there.
  19. ebns72

    Lack of missions in Operation Flashpoint

    I voted i lose interest in the mission editor, because it is such a tedious and long process. However, I think being a n00b mission maker it also has to do with the complexity of scripting, where you wish you knew how to do something but it never turns out quite like you'd like.
  20. ebns72

    The youth of today

    *frowns and pulls up pants* interesting read though. Favorite line: I still get pretty much straight A's in school, but this is so true...at least someone understands hehe.
  21. ebns72

    Let's see you

    looks nothing like me lol... It bears some resemblence, but is more of caricature
  22. ebns72

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    Yeah..for me it was a fairly uncommon bug, so I don't know what the problem really is.
  23. ebns72

    Pacific Thunder

    operation flashpoint isn't exactly a flight sim I do know, however, that there was a pacific mod, but there is also a new pacific mod being worked on... There are no wwii style aircraft carriers, but I am sure some one could make em.
  24. ebns72

    Good addon campaign for E-ECP?

    flashpoint 1985 Yeah, flashpoint has one of the worst flight models ever...lol. Not to mention unless you have a decent comp you can't see anything. Well, the point of ecp is to enhance current/default campaigns with new units etc.