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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Awesome Realistic Online Combat!

    I play wwiiol. Game is awesome, but unforutantely ofp is more of a scenario simulator as to wwiiol which is well...an all out war simulator with resource production and everything else. Though it would be cool...but probably not going to happen.
  2. ebns72

    What will happen this year?

    I am wondering about flashpoint 2 also. I hope we will be given something at e3 this year, I am dying for a screenshot :P
  3. ebns72


    Wow! Will you be making a full army camp using barracken, etc.? That would be awesome. And it would be really cool to see a tree-lined rifle range with multiple ranges...like on GAIA island or America's Army...that would be extremely cool.
  4. ebns72

    Instant Battle MOD

    I'm kinda confused as to how to set this up...I read the readme and it says you have to name all these units something...or...err..(I'ma noob). Or is that optional and I am missing something? Anyone got an all-set ready to go version, or can someone walk me through how to set this up? :P
  5. ebns72


    looks f'ing amazing. My only concern is it could get weird in a campaign with 3 diff environments :P But nice work-island looks great for missions. I am anticipating it.
  6. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    anyone got a mirror to the new replacement, 2 hour download on cable :P
  7. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Hello, I am unfortunately reverting back to 1.0 today, for the new version is even laggier than before. I do not know what is causing this lag-even with the "low cpu" config I am still getting around 5 fps on the nogovan "warcry" mission. I actually have a fairly high end cpu (see my post earlier) but unfortunately for some reason these new versions have made the game unplayable . My best guess is some of the scripts, or the ai scripts maybe are bringing my system down. Maybe you can release a version without all these newly-added ai scripts and such? A note-just played 1.0 on the same mission, 25-30 fps. I think it is a script problem, because a radeon 9800 shouldn't have problems with the effects.
  8. ebns72

    Units remplacement with no lag

    someone made a no-effect replacement pack awhile pack. Do a search for it-it just contained basic replacement.
  9. ebns72

    Units remplacement with no lag

    someone made a no-effect replacement pack awhile pack. Do a search for it-it just contained basic replacement.
  10. nice, but it looks really laggy But still looks excellent anway. And the COD soldiers look great as well
  11. ebns72

    ww2 pacific

    Nice work...always good to see ww2-era fighters P.S.Are those the instruments from aces high II, or is that just me :P
  12. ebns72


    I'm all for custom, colorful foliage. Sometimes nogova foliage gets stale Great work.
  13. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    We have almost identical systems, and I am getting the same problem. It probably, I suspect, has to do with the radeon 9800 like me
  14. ebns72


    Nice, kinda reminds me of vermont.
  15. ebns72

    New flies addon

    You could probably achieve the same effect by just making a textured particle. But I am still curious as to how this turns out.
  16. ebns72

    The latest US weapon: The sword!

    Oh man that thing looks badass.
  17. As far as smoke goes, there was a lot of smoke at a civil war reanctment I went to so it seems fine. As for volleys and formations, I am going to try to give that vehicle idea a go see if it works.
  18. How would I do this? I have the animation I need, how would I implement it into o2 for proxy use?
  19. ebns72

    FDF Winter Maldevic

    Wow! Excellent!! ..but is there any way to get these (al-maldajah, winter maldevic) to work without the fdfmod? (I know I am so whiny, sorry, excellent work anyway!)
  20. ebns72

    realtime 3D in a real place !

    I'm not sure I really get it. So 3d objects can move with a movie? I am not sure I really understand what it is doing oh yes and there is another link here
  21. ebns72

    US Army gets new combat uniform

    Those uniforms look ugly, but I'm sure the velcro is going to be very effective in a combat environment :P (Hell, I can't even get my jacket to velcro when I go skiing. How the hell is someone supposed to get down in the desert and expect it to stay on?) Personally I think multicam is more effective and simply looks cooler.
  22. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    I am getting very crappy framerates (below 10 on average) with this new version . Before I averaged around 25-60 but now I only get good performance on desert island. I have a pentium 4 2.4ghz radeon 9800 pro 1GB of RAM This new version is a framerate killer You should try simplifying or removing some scripts.
  23. This mod is excellent. The addons are truly superb...it is so much fun to create a bunch of guys from the era and have them fire at each other...it is a demostration of the flexibility of the flashpoint engine I think the biggest problem with this mod currently is the lack of missions and the problems with creating tight formations with men standing shoulder-to-shoulder. Which leads me to think of a possible solution to this problem, but I think it may be beyond the limits of the ofp engine. This is complex, but it may create the ability to have perfectly firing and marching formation. This may seem complex, but I'll try my best...the thing is you could create a scripted "APC" class vehicle that is entirely invisible except for its character proxies. Let's say we have a squad of 12 soldiers. 1 officer could be the "Driver/gunner" of this vehicle, while the rest are simply animated "ride in back" proxies. An invisible weapon on this vehicle would be synchronized with the "ride in back" proxie's muskets so it appears, when fired, that the soldiers are firing from their muskets when in fact it is 1 invisible weapon on the vehicle. The weapon would have 11 "firing points"* (1 for each soldier)Not only would this make it appear that the soldiers are firing in perfect formation but it would give the appearance that they are firing in complete synchronization upon the order of an officer. Possibly by script the "firing point" * selection that corresponds to the proxy can be deleted when that proxy is killed or exits the formation. We don't want magic muzzle flashes that appear even if a guy is dead in the formation. *a double-barreled shotgun has 2 firing points. the PBR in flashpoint has 2 firing points, because it has 2 .50 cals, in case you were unclear what I meant. Also by script, maybe the soldiers could be ejected from the vehicle and animated upon death so corpses dont follow the rest of the formation "vehicle" around. However, one problem with this is that even though it will appear soldiers have fired shots their individual ammo will not be depleted if they decide to leave the formation. Okay it sounds confusing, so I'll try to give an example. We got a formation of guys. 1 officer, 11 soldiers. The officer gets in the driver of the formation and the rest of the soldiers ride in back. The officer "drives" the formation around, maybe a nice marching sound to replace an engine sound, and they are all animated like the BIS bicycle as they walk. They see an enemy, and the driver simply commands them like a tank by targeting the enemy. When they do this, they animate to raise their weapons, and like a tank the officer simply clicks and they all fire in synchronization because it is techincally, according the game engine, 1 weapon firing. When someone dies that "firing point" selection is removed and they are ejected from the formation. It would most definately be an AI-only vehicle, because if the player were to enter the vehicle all his action would be involuntary. However, empty cargo position in the vehicle for the player to fill in if you want to do a mission. Not sure if this idea would work...but eh...its my 2 cents.
  24. ebns72


    Very cool. Will make for some great campaigns.