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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    graphic improvements ...

    search "DXDLL"
  2. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    knock yourself out
  3. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Yeah, like tomislav said they are very flashy-they dont feel like killing machines-they feel like movie props.
  4. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    There are many different personal opinions on this-personally I think the INQ weapons (though they are undeniably better looking) lack "feeling" is you will call it that. They seem to lack a personality...I never feel like I am wielding a dangerous firearm with the inq weapons for some reason...they just feel like, well, CS weapons :P The m16a2 is also a bit too shiny for my taste :P. in addition they don't really fit with other addons. If you wanted to put together Y2K3 soldiers and a laser or HYK's soldiers together in a mission, the disrepancy between both BIS/addon weapons and INQ weapons is noticable. Earl and sucheys weapons (which is where the m16a2 comes from) is more widely used in addons than INQ's weapons. However, some inq weapons are used in this pack-the MP5 and and m4...I would like personally to see the m4 changed to earl and suchey.. On a side note, I think the INQ ak47 sucks and the current one is much nicer. On a side note, it is really easy to edit the config to suite your taste. sometime today I am going to personally change the m4 for myself.
  5. ebns72


    WOW! that is awesome-but as i said earlier, if that is supposed to be a jungle it needs to be greener. It looks like a new england forest in its current state :P I remember i hated the seb ilo ilo forest because they made the leaves a dark brown which detracted and pretty much completly removed the jungle feel. green-even BIS nogova is greener than the current jungle :P
  6. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    simply stunning-i had my doubts at first, but this is excellent. EDIT: i just played ambush. For some reason all the old music was there. you may want to look into this. I have some gripes however... I would change the m4 to the E&S m4. not because i dont like the current m4, its just that it fits much better with the current m16a2. Anyone know where in the config you would find music replacement? music is very important to me :P right now some music like "supression" "decisions" and need to be less happy :P I do like the tracks you chose for decisions and supression because they have a very 80s feel to them-they would be good elsewhere, but not where you put them. the track you chose for "heroes" is somewhat odd-though the track is fitting to the name "heroes" it is the exact opposite of the original music. The track you chose for "ocean" would fit perfectly here. most of the music is PERFECT so far-great choice for casualities of war and i like the updated soviet theme . I did notice that you used some music twice though, but this is ok as long as it fits. At first i had some doubts about march hell, but playing the game with the track makes it somehow very fitting to the situations it is in despite the fact it is the total opposite of the original. for those that read my post before i edited, i changed my mind ( i originally had a gripe about the main theme but when i played the mission "flashpoint" it fit very well.
  7. ebns72


    swamp looks great, BUT KEEP THE TEXTURES!! THE DARKER ONES ARE UNREALISTICLY DARK!!!!! I would prefer it if you kept them green, not black. The jungle should be vibrant, not dark and depressing :P
  8. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    looks awesome, but will the seventh music get replaced by the rolling stones or something similar?
  9. ebns72

    Awesome Realistic Online Combat!

    I don't think you have played wwiiol recently action is much easier to come by and faster now thanks to some improvements, not to mention the game has better-looking trees than ofp but ofp cannot and will never simulate wwiiol's vastness. wwiiol is a persistant mmo-war is always going on, factories being bombed, supply convoys destroyed...ofp is more of a scenario simulator rather than a war simulator. P.S. yes im a wwiiol fanboi, I'm sorry I can't help it
  10. ebns72

    Enemy In Sight - the next OFP "clone" ?

    is that speedtree I spy? how big are ofp islands btw? if it is modable....well..possible ofp killer until ofp2.... reading the interview...wow...deformable terrain and objects... 900 sq. km is larger than most ofp islands I believe. i just hope it will aim to be as realistic as possible with vehicle controls...
  11. ebns72


    hmm...the dust looks a little over the top....:P
  12. ebns72

    Boiling Point: Road to Hell

    What makes you guys think its farcry? :P
  13. It won't work, unfortunately, as much as I would love to see something like this
  14. ebns72

    Swat 4

    Never played any SWAT game before, just tried this demo, and I am impressed!. The AI is very human. I like the way they don't try to kill 5 swat members with a handgun upon sight, and I like the comments they make ("Where's my goddamn lawyer!"). I, not having played many CQB games, was impressed by the ravenshield demo, but this blows it away. This has so much atmosphere to it, I feel like there is actually someone and need. (they do a good job with the 911 calls in the briefing, etc.) However, I am unable to complete the demo-how do you secure hostages. I have tried everything. I walk up to them, press f and nothing happens.
  15. ebns72

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

    When I first tried this pack, I was like...eh...looks funky...the way they run and all...but as I used it more and more I realized how good this pack is. Nice work!
  16. ebns72


    bump any updates? Oh yes, please see mapfact for their lights. I love their lights, makes ofp pretty.
  17. ebns72

    FTA MOD real life simulation

    I have been playing through this recently. Tons of fun Very good work, and still has so much potential...however there are many bugs (but it is beta). Just thought I would let you guys know some of the problems I encountered along the way- -Chainsaw has no fuel to work. I bought one, and became a lumberjack Both were bugged. I was disappointed because I wanted to become a serial killer -Various problems with taxis and the taxi profession. There are many bugs and problems with citizens not getting out of the taxi, and I find abandoned taxis in the middle of nowhere cause some cink didn't like his job anymore. You should increase the amount of total taxis and improve thte code. -Bus drivers...err...try to give them less beer before they drive. Every now and then they crash into the bus stop so many times it explodes, killing 5 or so people. -There was a strange bug I encountered with a cink dying-it kept repeating the messege "some cink has died" though in fact only 1 had died. If it were true, the entire cink population would have been killed off considering the time I had been playing :P -various grammar issues, but it seems that english is not your native language so that is ok. I'm sure there are various people (including myself) that would be willing to cure some of this up. So thats some of the bugs I encountered, now here are my recommendations to improve the game: -more personality to cinks: it would be cool to talk to a cink near, the airport, for example, and have him say "Hey there, I'm just waiting for the next flight right now." instead of "I am cink number 54. I live in house 23..." -getting a job-would be cool to have a boss or someone to talk to one getting a job, instead of the "job menu." for example, to become a taxi driver, for example, you could go to the boss at the taxi parking and talk to him. -shorten the time it takes to connect on kalinet. I'll post more feedback when I come up with more. This is very cool, and I would love to see its potential fully explored.
  18. ebns72

    Operation sender green

    Cool concept, though I highly doubt there are still alive soldiers in vietnam...my only concern is it going to be like Delta force versus 1968 nva? That would be weird...you should use some of the great opfor packs to make some cool, modern guerillas.
  19. ebns72

    How about a forum night?

    I've never been into ofp multiplayer because I don't have the time to wait 15 minutes for a game to start. However, since I have been looking into these "scheduled" games, I'll be happy to join you all the next game.
  20. ebns72


    I like forests that kick ass. Looking forward to it
  21. ebns72

    Dynamic USMC mission

    Anyone got a mirror for a recent version of counter-insurgency? I somehow missed this and I want to play it-looks interesting.
  22. ebns72

    dak seang island

    A note to the author if he ever decides to make an improved version... To make more dense and realistic jungles, I would like to see this forest block combined with this one That would be kickass.
  23. ebns72

    FTA MOD real life simulation

    my island has no roads (what the hell do i do with the data3d? Do I PBO it or what? the problem lies with loading the p3d in the data3d...how do I get it to work?) note to people with startup problems: I tried to run just the plain Resistance with the FTA (without my gazillion addon folders) and it woulnd't start. When I do it with my super flashfx-every addon folder-possible the mission works fine. May have to do with addon dependancy.
  24. ebns72

    Mission: Down by Sarge Studio

    See above :P Just beat the mission. It was very cinematic and well done-ofp needs more missions like this. However, IMO there could have been less cutscenes and more playing--but still one of the best missions out there.
  25. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Anyone got a link to the old soundpack? Been looking around but I can't seem to find one