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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Making OFP Look perfect

    Check the "flashfxUR" thread in addon and mods: complete. This mod changes everything
  2. ebns72


    no! their color is perfect! One of my gripes has always been the darkness of BIS trees...If I look outside, the trees are nice and green, but in ofp they are almost brown. Maybe change the terrain texture if anything, but that is not necessary...they are fine as is.
  3. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    LLW OPFOR? Where can I find this addon?
  4. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Vit has released a new ah1 Good work, just a question though, since you are replacing the current INQ CAR with the Earl and suchey one, will the same be done on the m16a2? If not, can you release a separate config using the E&S m16s instead of the INQ ones?
  5. Laser, I feel very very guilty saying that these addons even top the best other addons out there, no offense to their creators. WOW. This is amazing!!! It is so extensive, and the units are a lot more cleaned-up and pretty. Take a rest, you have outdone yourself
  6. ebns72

    What to possibly expect in FP2

    OMFG!!! if ofp2 is anything remotely like that but cheaper (dynamic buildings!!!) I will be so goddamn happy. Okay, I need some new underwear after those videos.
  7. ebns72

    Land Texture

    gazmen, I think the above link to fatwombat's textures is what you are looking for. IIRC they do replace the data.pbo, that or they replace the worlds folder. As far as I know thats about it for high res CWC islands.
  8. ebns72

    Land Texture

    gazmen, I think the above link to fatwombat's textures is what you are looking for. IIRC they do replace the data.pbo, that or they replace the worlds folder. As far as I know thats about it for high res CWC islands.
  9. ebns72

    I got bored and made a CH-53

    @sander: that is so damn cool. I do remember tank tracks in one lego set. I think it was the arctic lego sets they had awhile back had tank tracts for the arctic truck-thingy
  10. ebns72


    BEAUTIFUL!!!! Very nice trees...they look lush...DAMNIT, WHEN IS THIS ISLAND GETTING RELEASED!!
  11. ebns72

    The king of pings

    Damn, do you have to shovel coal into that modem a lot to get the steam power to work? Or is it a foot pump?
  12. ebns72

    Madden 2006

    Cool to see what next generation gaming has in store I might have to start playing a console until PCs catch up (consoles always have a bit of a lead over PCs until 2 months after they come out)
  13. ebns72

    AEF: Phoenix Island

    good work I couldn't help to notice some connecticut town names (new haven, norwich)...heh, reminds me of my home
  14. ebns72

    What to possibly expect in FP2

    Wow, didn't know VBS had all that stuff! I hope all these features (especially weapon ballistics and AI) make it to OFP2 and are not "dumbed down" for the civilian version. I want to see it be as realistic as possible.
  15. ebns72

    I got bored and made a CH-53

    i think he might mean lego creator
  16. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Tanks through glass window is an ofp engine limitation I believe.
  17. ebns72

    gulf war missions

    With addons like HYK, IM:UC, and OPGWC, I was wondering if there are any gulf war missions out there. I would love to play this theater in ofp, but there seems to be a lack of missions taking place during this conflict despite having all the addons needed for it.
  18. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    @hardrock OMG! too bad it appears to multi-layered and not 100% transparent.
  19. ebns72

    New Mi-24 Pack v1.1 Fix

    I think this is an ofp engine limitation regarding transparent textures.
  20. ebns72

    I got bored and made a CH-53

    yeah, I looked into my little brothers lego catalogue and I noticed how unexeciting the sets were...they have bionacle and all this stuff, what happened to the whole town set (police station, etc.) the train, the cowboy and indian stuff, the space shuttle? I remember when I had that space shuttle as well.. that was cool. also, I used to have a cool game called lego creator (the plain old one, not all the ghey harry potter/knights kingdom ones) and you could make anything out of legos on your pc, it was so cool. I wonder if you can download it for free now since its so old?
  21. ebns72

    resistance any need for gold?

    red hammer ain't that great...you'll be fine with just resistance.
  22. ebns72

    I got bored and made a CH-53

    wow...if you can do that, you can make a ch53 for ofp.
  23. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    I prefer original bis model than this (vietnam era) second that...the one a few patches ago by VIT was really cool as well.
  24. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Acecombat, got any details on this najaf map? I have been looking for a good Iraq map
  25. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    personally I liked VIT's old AH1 better...the new one is vietnam era and is ugly low-resolution. I would rather have the default BIS ah1 than the current one :P but hey, he released and editable config