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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Operation enduring freedom

    would it possible to put all those addons together in 1 download?
  2. ebns72

    Please dont flame me but....

    I think I know what you are talking about. Its in one of the boat addon pages over at ofp.info. EDIT: scroll down: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.p....&page=0
  3. ebns72


    I think the 1st pic IS everon, he is just showing off the nature pack. 2nd pic reminds me of America's army
  4. ebns72

    CiA co-op night

    I guess this isn't going to happen
  5. ebns72

    CiA co-op night

    says it is down to me
  6. ebns72

    CiA co-op night

    yeah, I don't see one as well...I'm on teamspeak with 2 others, but no server. its now 15 past the hour.
  7. ebns72

    CiA co-op night

    well, its time now. I'm going to go see if the server is up. I will be playing under the name "stall."
  8. ebns72


    my god Looking f'in amazing!! Will you have some nice ambient sounds too for the map? I hate quiet maps
  9. ebns72

    CiA co-op night

    I think so...I'm gonna be there so do I just connect to the ip given on the first page in the opflash browser?
  10. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    is there any way to implement kegetys hisky instead of the unsung/llauma one? IMO, kegetys sky is much more realistic and nice looking.
  11. ebns72

    Novajev Island released

    This is an extremely nice island; for the next version, however, could you implement mapfact's lights (see mapfact-nogova) for the default BIS lights make the towns very ugly at night
  12. ebns72

    Interface discussion

    Here are my ideas on the "radio" for ofp2: -the radio sounds should disappear to some degree. If your squad is within X distance of you, they should talk normally, not over the radio...but if they leave range, they could talk over the radio. -less robotic statements. Would be cool to hear a squad leader shout every now and then "Get your damn heads down!" or hear someone else say "watch out!". We also need to make the robotic issues and orders more natural and realistic sounding. -more report-ins. It would probably be more realistic if instead of saying "oh no 2 is down" over the radio, having someone shout "oh no 2 is down" and afterwards radioing "We have a casualty at <coordinates>, request medical evac (or something). I repeat, <name/number> is down.
  13. ebns72

    Game physics

    I think we definately need a penetration model in ofp2. Down with the health bar.
  14. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    hmmm...I am kinda so-so on the possum thing. It doesn't seem fair and would really alter the gameplay drastically and make it too easy. It also doesn't seem very "flashpoint-like." I think strict rules should be applied to playing dead, as said earlier you must be around other bodies, maybe you can only play dead for a certain time, maybe you have a 50% chance of surviving (enemy might shoot the corpse to check anyway) etc. Also, playing dead isn't very realistic in context of flashpoint AI...if you were a blackop in enemy territory and some russian just came across your corpse, they would probably check it, get some ID, alert authorities, etc...they wouldn't just walk by it and go "oh, a dead guy" as the ai would tend to do in this game.
  15. ebns72

    FDFMOD WW2 Expansion

    I've always felt that ofp never had the capability to have a ww2 "feel" to it, and thus was never a good platform for making ww2 games. Maybe this and i44 will prove me wrong, but I am looking forward to it nevertheless.
  16. ebns72

    M4A1 Pack

    google for all those scaling people: looks about right
  17. ebns72

    M4A1 Pack

    google for all those scaling people: looks about right
  18. ebns72


    new screen at ofp.info Very nice work berghoff, it reminds me of America's army
  19. ebns72

    CiA co-op night

    I'm going to start coming to these things, because I just realized in US time your coop sessions happens right as I come home from school and usually just play ofp anyway I'll try to be there next sunday
  20. ebns72

    Iraq Map

    We also need some good non-urban iraq environments...I was actually going to make a gulf war 1991 mission with hyk and IM:UC units but there are no good Iraq maps The first map however that springs to mind resembling Iraq is Sinai island by the lost brothers mod; however this is based off of sinai, not Iraq.
  21. ebns72

    Ah-1W - Super Cobra

    I think they did, but it doesn't hurt to make a 1985 one for all those mods out there
  22. laser, just a suggestion: Is it possible we can give some grenadiers a vest as opposed to 5 or so grenades? It would be great if we can have 30 instead of 5
  23. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    another nitpick of mine: Blackop (laser) still needs to be replaced
  24. ebns72

    Pistol Animation Replacement

    Great job sanctuary! Is it just me, or does the running speed seem faster? This is perfect, I just have two minor nitpicks 1. the lying reload anim, as said earlier, he grabs his magazine but quickly just waves his hand over the gun a foot away... 2. Move the back leg a bit further or the front leg back on the standing anim..it just seems kinda unatural the way he is standing right now
  25. ebns72

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    (this one lost some quality :P) unedited, except for crop and some brightness increase(originals were too dark to see) Addons: Laser's rangers/deltas 2.0, AGS CAT afghanistan revisited, Generic middle east opfor, DXDLL, Sanctuary's anims, and FlashFXUR (animation enhancement, weapons)