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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    FlashFX 2.0

    I am having some issues with this...I am getting tons of error messeges, and I can only play on desert island. I tried playing nogova, but there was an error messege reporting a bus stop is missing or something...not I can't load textures in the editor.
  2. ebns72

    already a bit dissapointed.

    Damnit. looks like flashpoint is ruined forever.
  3. ebns72

    Poseidon II , the ultimate engine?

    on ragdoll: for me it is a must nowadays. Keep in mind that those that don't like the ragdoll of a particular game (such as AA) ragdoll properties can be adjusted. Some games have even integrated ragdoll and animation so, for example, a dying person can clutch his chest in pain while at the same time he drops.
  4. ebns72

    Gamespot review

    would be very cool to actually have a reason to try to preserve your squad, as well as have some downside to have them getting killed.
  5. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    we use our own ones bug report of the first beta was sent to Thunderbird, hoping for a patch soon. so it should not take that long. still hoping for locke ...but i thought the purpose of this was to be flashfx unit replacement?
  6. ebns72

    New 51x51 km iraq Island !

    very nice, but why the desert island groundtexture?
  7. ebns72

    New Engine

    Weapon loading will be in ofp2, i know that much, probably not in AA though. I would actually love to see improved CQB, most of the cqb problems with the game lie in collision detection/geometry and poor ai. If they can improve these that would be awesome.
  8. ebns72

    Good Article on Boomtown

    I hope the game has ragdoll physics...I don't want to see them boast about a physics engine that doesn't have ragdoll.
  9. ebns72

    1970 vs 2010

    i just hope ofp isn't ghost recon. I would have actually prefered like 1979 or something, there are too many futuristic war shooters coming out, I want to see some gold old cold war.
  10. ebns72

    Good Article on Boomtown

    YES! I need more info. Wow. Rolling waves, swaying trees, dynamic campaigns, dynamic building destruction (!) weapon mods, weapon animation, ai (talking to soldiers about enemy location? wow!) I want more info
  11. ebns72

    New pics of OFP2 from Gamespot

    this shot is breathtaking, imo. Now that we have seen the pretty graphics, I want details! I want to see what will be new, besides the obvious (new cargo anims, graphics, etc.) It appeared that the corpse they were here showing though A) wasn't a ragdoll and B) used the old ofp-method of replacing and entire leg texture with blood. another photo i must comment on is this one. I see both good and bad here. The good, a physics tire!!!! coulda been popped off a vehicle (!). the bad, in the background there is a tank exploding with the old ofp-crumble destruction method and a hailstorm of debris coming outt he back...nothing has changed Another bad thing is the tracer still look like crap. EDIT: sorry, more complaints. :P Another thing I noticed is something I was annoyed with the OLD xbox screenshots-the jaggedness of all the polygons. If you look at a lot of the foliage, it looks so jagged that it is very noisy. Like some anitaliasing is needed or something.
  12. ebns72

    New pics of OFP2 from Gamespot

    Well, what can I say. Holy shit!!! anyone else noticed the way they are animated inside the helicopter? Compare the 2 screens In one of the pics, it also kinda looked dymaic wreckage of a hind
  13. ebns72

    Boiling Poinit or New GTA???

    I think this is for 2 reasons: A) you can see the pretty shell casings come out B) the other side is bland? Just some more animation to make the gun nicer.
  14. ebns72

    Armed Assault

    while on this topic, are there going to be any new campaigns? What about islands? Isn't 100km bigger the current opflash capability?
  15. ebns72

    Armed Assault

    I have mixed feelings over armed assault. First off, wow, that is amazing. Improved engine, kickass graphics, join in progress multiplay (!!!) etc. etc. However, it will require me to shell another 50 bucks, and possibly divide the community further. my .02
  16. ebns72

    new americas army is out

    I love America's army, one of my favorite online action games. I haven't downloaded the new version yet, but i looks pretty cool
  17. ebns72

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    most impressive-the foliage looks very dense and rich I am happy However, i must agree that it looks a bit toy-ish...i hope BIS doesn't go the halo2 route by overbumpmapping everything and making it feel like candy and toys...:( Another thing, is the animations look very rough and unnatural and the guys seem unrealistically disproportional...they seem to skinny. however, I am sure this will be changed with release.
  18. EDIT: typo on the title, I know :P should be (Actual) After getting a radeon 9800 around christmas time, I reinstalled ofp and got some addons. I recently downloaded the flashfx mod and some of the addons simply make it so the game won't load. This also happneed with the CW mod. When I install the flashfx llauma installer, the game won't load on startup. When I use addons such as Vit's AH-1W, wilco's retextured marines, the ghillie snipers, and others it won't load the game from the mission editor (if I place a unit and hit "preview" it is stuck gets stuck on the following loading screen. I am forced to restart my computer.) What puzzles me is the root of the problem. I have no idea what could be causing this. I have -nomap and -nosplash enabled.
  19. ebns72

    Am bck with new soldiers!

    Wow, these textures should be applied to hyk's inf That would be awesome.
  20. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Mr. Burns, where can that amazing LAV pack be found?
  21. ebns72

    Call of Duty 2

    Making a german campaign would be running around on a minefield. One can only imagine the boycotts and not to mention possible effects of some overzealous anti-nazi laws in certain countries. exactly my point...a shame, really.
  22. ebns72

    Call of Duty 2

    ah cmon people, yeah ww2 shooters are getting old but don't be so negative IMO, screens look good, and it looks far more open ended-one of the major problems that was in the first one. also, I think COD in some parts gives you a far more chaotic sense to war than ofp does I too, would like to see a german campaign in a game. Or a good movie about it at that. But one can wish Its really too bad that generally a normal wehrmacht soldier in a game would be immediately be mistaken for an SS nazi Jew-murderer, which is the reason why they wouldn't do that. I am not trying to promote the atrocities that occured during the time period, but I think it would be cool to be put in the part of a normal german soldier.
  23. ebns72

    dak seang island

    for the next version, I would like to see more variety in the jungle trees, more coloful foliage (this is something i loved about the last version but is missing somewhat in the new one, especially in t the jungles). Generally the jungle trees seem monotonus and darkish...they didn't have the convincing "jungle feel" the last one had imo. Also, the grass at some parts is too grey...it could be lightened up. Sorry to b*tch so much, just trying to improve this island as much as I can
  24. ebns72

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    Don't get your hopes up. You could be waiting for just more xbox screens.
  25. ebns72

    dak seang island

    new version is nice, but i have some mixed feelings: positive: lot of new stuff, much bigger now, new objects, etc. negative, lost some old stuff, old jungle trees were better (more variety) some laggy areas, no forest blocks ( )