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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    i thought it was june 7th...? Oh, now you got me excited
  2. ebns72

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    wait a second....cm doesn't have rights to the poseidon engine, do they?
  3. ebns72

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    Well, I know competition is good...but when its 2 developers both trying to make the same game, it gets confusing.
  4. ebns72

    BIS broken with CODEMASTERS?

    This is BS. According to the article at ofp.info, CM will publish a game called "Operation flashpoint 2" SEPARATE from the current BIS sequal. This angers me quite a bit...so basically it seems they have dumped BIS and are trying to profit off the name. This is going to cause a lot of problems and community division if it is true, and who knows what the game will turn out to be. If OFP2 is developed by a different studio, what changes will this sequel bring? Will it just be a prettier ofp or will it truly complete with BIS's title for the changes we have been looking for? Discuss here.
  5. ebns72

    Water Addon

  6. ebns72

    new americas army is out

    ....ugh...urban assault is sandstorm with more visibility and objectives they are total opposites.. I think you guys are too harsh on AA...keep in mind that ofp and AA are two different games. My favorite map would have to be bridge crossing. just because it is so simple and probably the most enjoyable map of them all. I played SF_courtyard but it seemed a little bit complicated, as with are all the new sf maps. Its good to see more sf exclusives too just besides pipeline. My friend keeps bitching to me because he can't pass the sf training lol But I guess probably the most memorable moments of aa is the training...nothing playing an hour + to complete the special forces training. I think urban assault is a good map, but the other one woodland outpost sucks. Urban assault is fun as long as you are on a halfway decent team that sticks together
  7. ebns72


    decals are a must, imo. Texture replacement is old. We need decals...but I'm sure if they can do all this dynamic damage stuff they can do decals.
  8. ebns72

    Water Addon

    Well, do you mean reflective water or transparent water? transparent water can be found at ofp.info, and reflective water called DXDLL can be found...just about everywhere. As for splashes, there is a thread in Addons and mods complete called "FlashFX 2.0" this is an effect pack which will get you what you want.
  9. ebns72

    Live forever with the PS 5

    so what happens when you get the blue screen of death with the computer your grandfather was installed on?
  10. ebns72


    EH53 is just one area that seems to have this problem. Also, what happened to those other jungles and swamp trees you previewed in the old thread? I assume this along with all the military training stuff is going to be added later. also, I noticed in the nature pack a lot of unused but really nice trees, pines, and bushes. Do you plan on replacing all the old resistance pines/bushes with the new ones? That would be really nice if you did EDIT: Can anyone confirm the same bugs I'm getting?
  11. ebns72

    maya question

    Is it possible to create vertices and link them to create a face, or do I have to make absolutely everything out of prims? If so, how would I got about doing it? If not, any tips for making models that don't look like...well..prims stacked together? And whats a good way to apply textures? btw, I have PLE.
  12. ebns72

    looking for Taiwan island

    island with troops is the ROC mod dude I think the taiwan island only comes with roc...however, some of their other islands (i think one was called tinmen or something?) are available for download at ofp.info. EDIT: kinmen can be found here but it doesn't have any custom objects.
  13. ebns72

    dak seang island

    Ok, somehow i totally missed the north-eastern area of the island...and afterward I must say i will no longer bitch about the jungles These jungles are fantastic, but its shame the ai doesn't work in them, making it pointless..this island has many collision issues to iron out, but once that done it will be awesome.
  14. ebns72

    Revenge of the Sith -no thread yet?

    I liked EPIII. I thought it was much better than I and II. I have a few personal nitpicks, but nothing major... 1. Anakin turned too quickly to the darkside. They coulda prolonged the scene where he is infront of palpatine being talked into joining. It just seemed quick. 2. the "NOOOOOOOO!!!" At the end coulda been done better. Would have been more vader-like if he just sat in silence in terrible sadness or dropped to his knees or something. Other than that, I really was entertained by the film...my favorite starwars IMO, though technically by law I'm not supposed to say anything is better than the originals
  15. ebns72

    Poseidon II , the ultimate engine?

    @ragdoll as i said earlier, ragdoll can be adjusted. Some games like half life 2 have totally way over the top ragdoll for a purpose of being crazy and fun. Some games like to focus on a more realistic ragdoll...on the ragdoll body limb weight and joint range motion can be adjusted among other things . Expanding the discussion on CQB, I think the 2 key elements ofp needs to be a decent cqb is ai and indoor structure. with limits in geometry and collision detection ofp does not have any massive interior buildings; i think the most rooms ive seen in a building in ofp is like 10. If AI can also be coded to lean over corners, retreat back behind walls for cover, and move tactically through buildings then we would be all set.
  16. ebns72


    i think that kinda defeats the purpose of this island...
  17. ebns72


    Berg, I thought I should inform you that quite a few of the nature pack objects don't work. The jungle areas, especially, seem especially barren at times due to a lot of broken trees that just don't show up. I know this because the icon is there for them in the mission editor but when I play the mission all that appears is empty ground. I think you should get this fixed up before the next release
  18. ebns72


    can anyone try making the military obstacle course objects under the "empty" menu in the mission editor and see if they get the same errors?
  19. ebns72


    ok, its late so I haven't had much time to play this island. Farted around for 5 mins, initial impression are GREAT but I am getting tons of error messeges. The military obstacles and hqs dont work in the editor. I am wondering if i am missing a pbo or something. I'll give more feedback tommorrow...the foliage looks great too, just wish it was a bit more dense in some of the lush areas.
  20. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    ah. nevermind in that case. Just thought the camo looked similar
  21. ebns72


    W00T!!!!! DOWNLOADING!!!!! Unforunately I wiped my addon mod folder just this week, so i have lots of downloading to do.
  22. ebns72

    Poseidon II , the ultimate engine?

    Poseidon would be perfect if the main issues can be cleared up with cqb. Think about it, the ai in cqb and the geometry can't and probably won't be able to do what AI in, say, half life can do in a cqb situation. Movement in tight spaces is also very rought in flashpoint due to a bit of a slow response between switching directions. However, if close-quarters environments, AI, geometry (collision detection, etc.) and movement can be improved in ofp2 then without a doubt it will be the perfect engine.
  23. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    some of the RHS soldiers are really nice, have you considered replacing the current east spetznatz with rhs spetznatz?
  24. ebns72

    Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

    I will only post things that I HAVEN'T seen yet, so I will do away with all the grass/improved graphics stuff as well as things that are unrealistic. -3d ironsights -ANY alternative to the current ugly vertice displacement when a building is destroyed...buildings and vehicles look like paper crumbling when they are blown up :P -better ai, ESPECIALLY in close quarters combat situations. I want to be able to have decent fight with ai in a city street, maybe even indoors -collision detection fixed/improved -better weapon feel and handling. Recoil should be changed, like said earlier, so the crosshair could be displace every time you fire so you have to move it back physically to get back on target. -better flights models for aircraft and vehicles. Now that I come to think of it, I think it has been said physics are being improved...but I'll still point out that currently planes have WAAAY to much inertia. -On the subject of physics, I would like less "bouncy" physics. If physics could be improved, it could make for good object physics and spectacular helicopter crashes -better physics in general just to sum that up - better crashes in genera. I know this falls under physics too but I hate the way you drive a car into a wall and it just stops short. How bout some flipping, rolling, etc? And say, if a helicopter hits a building, instead halting in place and falling to the ground, why not have it actually bounce of the surface (while sustaining fatal damage of course) and maybe when it hits the ground roll over/bounce/whatever? Would be extremely cool to see a shot down plane start skipping and rolling across the ground violently until it stops.
  25. ebns72

    New 51x51 km iraq Island !

    "change the groundtextures" doesn't neccesarily mean high-res ground textures, just the color is annoying and hard on the eyes. did desert everon 2 have the same resolution groundtextures, just a more desert-ish color?