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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    CSJ Hueys

  2. ebns72

    Team fight with airplanes!

    The airfields could have the usual shilkas/vulcans/aircraft but why not throw in some SAM addons in there as well? Actually, I think you could put the nimitz SAM batteries as separate pieces in the editor...just place some around the airbase and you don't need to download another addon The thing I am wondering is what Island? You want to have something that will enable maximum viewdistance. Maybe just make a crappy, flat custom map for this mission?
  3. ebns72

    Your Opinion?

    I like generic opfor... I hate fighting russians or any other specific "country" for some reason. You might want to check out the generic opfor pack . They use JAM weapons instead of inq, but if you know the addweapon commands and such you can make them use inq weapons.
  4. ebns72

    CSJ Hueys

    Wrong place to post this (you should have posted this in the CSJ huey topic) but anyway check the demo mission here. There is a demo "medevac" mission and contained in it is the stretcher script to carry the dead away.
  5. ebns72

    Ai thread

    I would love to see ai work in large, cqb buildings in ofp2. Like have them take cover behind corners, clear hallways and buildings, etc... Another thing that annoys me about the ai in ofp2 is they will only shoot when they have definate sight on an enemy. Then once they see that enemy they will only target them and only shoot at them. I would think it would be more realistic, especially maybe in a field of tall grass that the AI would just fire in the general direction of the enemy and try to supress them. I also like heatseeker's suggestion about animation...I tried making a vietnam patrol mission today and I realized the ai just walk forward in a nondescript fashion. It would be cool to see them kinda walk, twist their bodies to look around, check their weapons, swat a fly that gets on their neck, etc...
  6. bravo 6, there is an edit button near every post. There is no need to create an entirely new poll.
  7. cool However, isn't there a cargo first person lod where you could just delete the head altogether to fix this problem? I think this is what all other units do...thus why you don't see everyones helmet
  8. ebns72

    Carry the wounded!

    There was a script I saw that came with CSJ's huey addon that allowed medics to carry the incapacitated on a stretcher. However, built-in wounded carrying would be much cooler along with medevacs.
  9. BIS! Make a poll btw...
  10. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    the missle particles need to be smaller . Otherwise, it looks awesome
  11. According to the article at ofp.info, CM will publish a game called "Operation flashpoint 2" SEPARATE from the current BIS sequal. Though this is entirely unofficial, this angers me quite a bit...so basically it seems they have dumped BIS and are trying to profit off the name. I hope this isn't true This is going to cause a lot of problems and community division if it is true, and who knows what the game will turn out to be. If OFP2 is developed by a different studio, what changes will this sequel bring? Will it just be a prettier ofp or will it truly complete with BIS's title for the changes we have been looking for? Zzzz over at This thread says "Operation Flashpoint fans are hardcore military fans....they are the people that love realism, decent core gameplay and an involving storyline....we know that. Now to make a BF42 clone for the Flashpoint community which has built up over the lat 5 years would be the most inappropriate thing a company could do, plus insulting to top it off. Flashpoint 2 will be a Flashpoint game for Flashpoint fans, period. We want to bring the game on to the next generation of realism and immersiveness. We have alot of feedback from the community about what they want to see in the game and this has been incorporated in our Design and Development process and we will deliver on the promise." IMO, I think what hardcore flashpoint fans want is a sequel from BIS. But who knows, the "other" flashpoint2 could be a damn nice game as well. We will have to see how it goes.
  12. ebns72

    dak seang island

    Here is a list of issues about the island that I put together -Collision issues on various objects: Some of the bunkers can't be fired through due to the bullet collision being too high over the sandbags, not to mention you get stuck on numerous buildings...these include the temple, some huts, and the guard tower. -More ambient jungle sounds...some areas have great ambient sound, but some are devoid of it entirely. The island needs steady ambient sounds throughout. -AI can't walk through the jungle and various plants: They refuse to move. This completely makes a lot of the good parts of the island (the jungles) useless. -Make some areas of the jungle have an increased density of the "large green" type undergrowth...currently jungles have some of it, would be great to see undergrowth of the tall-tree jungles match that of some of the lowland areas. In case you are wondering as to type of undergrowth I am talking about, here is the type of undergrowth I would like to see more of. As you can see in the lowlands there is lots of this, but it would be cool to see the dense jungle with this thick undergrowth. I understand lag is an issue, see my notes about performance. -performance issues on some lower systems, even with fog. My recommendation would be to release a low-spec version of this island without grass and some other heavy-hitting objects. If the undergrowth is increased as suggested above, remove it in the lower version.
  13. sorry to bump a semi-old thread up, but are there any updates on these units? P.S...something I would like to see if a fix for cargo first person view...if you look on the old JJR troops their helmets appear in first person :P
  14. ebns72

    Running Animation

    Does anyone know the codec needed for that movie? On topic: I remember that if you download all the addons for the mission editing competetion, there is an addon that has custom animation for running with the weapon up. This addon is used in the hawk in the nets mission I believe. Check it out
  15. not sure about the buildings, but you could do a tail rotor failure script and upon crash impact replace the blackhawk model with the BAS destroyed blackhawk model. I don't think in the current state of things you will be able to see the rotor snap in midair however.
  16. ebns72

    Team fight with airplanes!

    hey UNN, it sounds great However, I recommend using the pictured admiral for the russians the white one for the americans. I think thats similar to the way it is. And yes, I do have a joystick and I have been playing wwii flight sims for years...in ofp dogfighting with piston engines is terrible for various different reasons, the biggest being the flightmodel. Flying slow fixed-wing aircraft in ofp is not fun and unrealistic (the cessna is a good example of this) However, flying fast jets with missles is fun and much better
  17. ebns72

    Running Animation

    or you could just make it yourself in ofpanim/maya
  18. ebns72

    Vietnam: The Experience OFP

    The_Captain, a nice, brand spanking new was released in JJR's vietnam troops pack and you can find some really nice aks all over the place.
  19. ebns72

    Vietnam: The Experience OFP

    Dak Seang is huge and has very dense foliage, but the trick is just make more fog in missions. If you are in a dense jungle with dense foliage, you won't be able to see more than 50 feet in front of you anyways For some reason to me, vietnam just isn't vietnam if there isn't miserably dense tropical jungles
  20. ebns72

    Team fight with airplanes!

    GOD NO!!! DO NOT RUIN A GOOD IDEA BY USING OFP CRAPPY ACM FLIGHT MODEL!! Ofp is the worst for close dogfights, due to its gunnery and poor flight model. Please, stick to jets
  21. ebns72

    Vietnam: The Experience OFP

    Bases and the river look great, but the colors and the jungles are lacking...some vegetation is not green enough and the jungle is way too sparse. I want to see some of this in flashpoint: Like Dak seang trees with a lot of undergrowth The only truly dense jungle I have seen in flashpoint so far is the one from tonal, but this vegetation style differs from that of vietnam. Keep in mind you can make fairly low-poly undergrowth and grass, and with fog + proper lods lag shouldn't be a problem.
  22. ebns72

    US or USSR or Resistance weapons

    i like the AK and some other soviet helicopters and tanks, but I had to go with west fot the abrams and fixed-wing aircraft...i have a soft spot for the a10
  23. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    BAH! damn teases
  24. ebns72

    Dynamic Campaigns

    this sounds like a very cool idea for a mission, but a custom island would need to be created for it. How about a large, flat land with a round lake in the middle...this could take up a good 3/4 of the map. On the east and west sides of the lake are airfields, with an assortment of carriers in the middle of the lake.